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[图形图象] Breaking-Ball-Game

A classic Breakout-style game developed in Java. Players control a paddle to bounce a ball and break bricks arranged in a grid. The game features simple controls, a scoring system, and increasing difficulty as players advance. Ideal for learning game development basics and Java graphics programming. (2024-07-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] janken-game

This is a rock-paper-scissors game project. Users can select a hand represented by an image and play against the computer or other users. (2024-07-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Hangman-game

Hangman is the classic word-guessing game you’ve likely enjoyed playing. In this game, players try to guess all the letters of a randomly generated word within a given number of tries. There is also a hangman illustration that will progressively appear on the gallows for each incorrect guess. Created with HTML,CSS and JavaScript (2024-06-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] 3D-TicTacToe

一款4x4x4 3D Tic Tac Toe游戏使用Alpha beta修剪和MiniMax算法让玩家对抗AI,以挑战游戏性。玩家选择“X”或“O”并设置难度级别。3D布局减少了联系,增强了竞争力。用户友好的GUI使这一经典游戏现代化,提供了战略性的动态体验。
A 4x4x4 3D Tic Tac Toe game pits a player against AI using Alpha-beta pruning and MiniMax algorithm for challenging gameplay. Players choose "X" or "O" and set difficulty levels. The 3D layout reduces ties, enhancing competitiveness. The user-friendly GUI modernizes this classic game, offering a strategic, dynamic experience. (2024-02-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Tetris

Play classic Tetris! Python-powered with Pygame. Rotate, move, and clear lines! Clone, run main.py to enjoy. Customize shapes, settings. Happy gaming! (2023-12-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] primitive-wars

An C++ SFML game where you must destroy moving shapes that spawn over time for a particular time window without dying more than 3 times. This game is built using an ECS architecture (2023-09-28, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] iosAppJigsawPuzzle

ios application, divide a photo into 16 pieces and randomize their location, and then player can put them into a complete photo, (2013-11-10, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] warcraft3-windows-key-to-control-key

war3remap - Remap the left Windows key to the Command key. I wrote this for playing Warcraft 3 on Windows., (2023-03-19, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] RockPaperScissors

Rock paper scissors (also known as scissors rock paper and scissors paper stone) is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock" (a closed fist), "paper" (a flat hand), and "scissors" (a fist with the index finger and middle finger ... (2023-02-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] CaptureTheFlag

a 3d game made with unity in which a player plays against an ai to capture a flag and bring it back to his base (2023-05-09, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] MiniWorld

使用Unity Engine 5.6的技能演示以及玩家和AI之间的技术技能。3D资产将被添加...
A demonstration of skill using Unity Engine 5.6 and technical skills between players and AI. 3D assets will be added at a later stage. (2020-11-30, C#, 48102KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Unity_LeapMotion_AI_PONG

经典游戏PONG在2D和3D开发中以Unity为核心的Leap Motion,所以你可以玩(如果你有...
The classic game PONG in 2D and 3D development in Unity with the core of Leap Motion, so you can play (if you have a Leap Motion Controller) with your hand. Also keyboard playability. (2021-06-29, C#, 4181KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] nknown-s-Battlegrounds-Pubg-Steam-Hack-Esp-Aimbot

方框-在敌人周围画一个框架。长方体类型-更改框架类型[2D 3D]。ESP名称-显示玩家名称。ESP团队-...
Box - Draw a frame around enemies. Box Type - Change the frame type [2D/3D]. ESP Name - Show player names. ESP Team - Similar color for distance numbers to enemies in one team. ESP HP - Show HP bar. HP Type - [vertical bar, horizontal bar, number]. Skeleton - Show player skeleton. Distance - Show the distance to enemies and objects. Line - Show ... (2022-05-19, C++, 2848KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] repossession-unity-proj

3D game built in Unity where the player controls a knight and has to defeat an enemy robot that is programmed with AI to evade the player, while avoiding enemy bats that spawn across the map as well as boulders that fall from the ceiling. (2021-02-10, C#, 585370KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] nknown-s-Battlegrounds-Pubg-Steam-Hack-Esp-Aimbot

方框-在敌人周围画一个框架。长方体类型-更改框架类型[2D 3D]。ESP名称-显示玩家名称。ESP团队-...
Box - Draw a frame around enemies. Box Type - Change the frame type [2D/3D]. ESP Name - Show player names. ESP Team - Similar color for distance numbers to enemies in one team. ESP HP - Show HP bar. HP Type - [vertical bar, horizontal bar, number]. Skeleton - Show player skeleton. Distance - Show the distance to enemies and objects. Line - Show ... (2022-06-16, C++, 3775KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Unity-AI-Capture-the-Flag-Game

A 3D first-person capture the flag game made with Unity in which the player must capture a treasure chest guarded by a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) based AI. (2021-05-26, C#, 697KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] gym-exrcices-pro

this is an app that can used by the gym player to build thier own target muscles with full video and gif illustrations, it s built on reactjs, Material UI, and ExerciseDB API also Youtube Search and Download API (2022-06-15, JavaScript, 1545KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] JAVAlianliankan

玩家可以将 2 个相同图案的对子连接起来,连接线不多于 3 根直线,就可以成功将对子消除
Players can be two identical pairs pattern linking cable no more than three lines, you can eliminate the success of the child (2014-01-23, C++ Builder, 43KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] capturescreen

名称:游戏专用截图器 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 说明:本截图软件支持热键,支持定时截图&自动保存,是游戏玩家不可或缺 的必备截图佳品。
Name: Gaming Screenshots device------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This screenshot hotkey software support, support from time to time & automatically save the screenshot, is an indispensable prerequisite gamers screenshot Jiapin . (2010-03-04, Delphi, 530KB, 下载7次)


[图形图象] DCT_C_Fixed

DCT_C_Fixed discrete cosine transform dsp code optimization. Play DSP may be used to play heat it (2008-07-09, C++ Builder, 1077KB, 下载15次)
