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[搜索引擎] SearchEngine

网络中的资源非常丰富,但是如何有效的搜索信息却是一件困难的事情。建立搜索引擎就是解决这个问题的最好方法。本文首先详细介绍了基于英特网的搜索引擎的系统结构,然后从网络机器人、索引引擎、Web服务器三个方面进行详细的说明。为了更加深刻的理解这种技术,本人还亲自实现了一个自己的搜索引擎——新闻搜索引擎。 新闻搜索引擎是从指定的Web页面中按照超连接进行解析、搜索,并把搜索到的每条新闻进行索引后加入数据库。然后通过Web服务器接受客户端请求后从索引数据库中搜索出所匹配的新闻。 本人在介绍搜索引擎的章节中除了详细的阐述技术核心外还结合了新闻搜索引擎的实现代码来说明,图文并茂、易于理解。
The resources in the internet are abundant, but it is a difficult job to search some useful information. So a search engine is the best method to solve this problem. This article fist introduces the system structure of search engine based on the internet in detail, then gives a minute explanation form Spider search, engine and web server. In order to understand the technology more deeply, I have programmed a news search engine by myself. The news search engine is explained and searched according to hyperlink from a appointed web page, then indexs every searched information and adds it to the index database. Then after receiving the customers requests from the web server, it soon searchs the right news form the index engine, In the chapter of introducing search engine, it is not only elaborate the core technology, but also combine with the modern code,pictures included, easy to understand. (2009-08-11, Java, 882KB, 下载19次)


[搜索引擎] 教育资源搜索1.10

新易教育资源搜索器是一款运行于“客户端”搜索工具。 使用新易教育资源搜索器你可以在网络上进行有关教育资讯的多重站台的搜索,不到几秒钟的功夫,所有的搜寻结果就源源不断地出现在你的面前。 新易教育资源搜索器可以搜索的类别包括教育新闻、行政管理、教学资源、留学资讯四大类别共240多个小类别。 新易教育资源搜索器的通用搜索能够找到几乎所有互联网上的信息,他把国内外著名的搜索引擎数据库结合起来,只要互联网上某一搜索引擎中有的数据,该多功能搜索系统都能将他搜出来。
new educational resources is a search engine running on the "client" search tool. Easy to use new educational resources-you can search on the Internet for information and education on the platform of multiple search, less than a few seconds of effort, all the search results on endlessly in your face. New easy to search for educational resources can search the news categories including education, administration, teaching resources, four categories of information to study a total of more than 240 small category. New educational resources easily search for a general search to find almost all the information on the Internet. his well-known search engine databases, the Internet as a search engine, some data the multifunctional system will search he found out. (2006-02-17, Visual C++, 971KB, 下载42次)


[搜索引擎] v6499_zgurlsearch_1_12

zgurl.com搜索是集国内多家搜索引擎于一体,收录了百度(baidu.com)、中搜、一搜、google、yahoo、阿里巴巴、阿土伯、慧聪等国内搜索引擎公司和专业数据库。 可搜索网址、网页、新闻、MP3、图片、Falsh、购物、黄页(公司库)等内容。 解决了百度不允许框架其网页(用一般的框架加入百度的页面,百度会自动刷新父框架为百度当前页面)。 演示地址:http://www.zgurl.com/search.asp zgurlsearch 1.12版 修正了1.0版阿土伯交易网企业库的链接地址; 修正了1.0版鼠标移动相应搜索类离开后不关闭选择菜单的错误; 增加了自定义边框颜色。 升级方式 1、下载1.12补丁(http://www.zgurl.com/down/zgurlsearch_1_12_sp.rar) 将补丁解压到原搜索目录下的js即可。 2、下载1.12完整版(http://www.zgurl.com/down/zgurlsearch_1_12.rar) 复盖原有文件或直接使用。
zgurl.com domestic search is set to more than one search engine, a collection of Baidu (ADSs), with the seizure, a seizure, Google, Yahoo, Alibaba Tuu, Conghui other domestic search engine companies and professional databases. Search website, homepage, news, MP3, photos, Flash, shopping, yellow pages (for the company) content. Baidu not solve the framework of its website (with the general framework of the accession Baidu pages, Baidu will automatically set the framework for Baidu father of the current page). Presentation Address : http://www.zgurl.com/search.asp zgurlsearch 1.12 amended version of the 1.0 version Tuu transactions for the enterprise network link address; The amended version 1.0 of the mouse mobile search category corresponding to leave after the closure of the wrong choice (2004-12-16, ASP, 119KB, 下载55次)
