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[图形图象] News-Website

React-powered website bringing you top news headlines across various categories like Business, Entertainment, and Sports. Navigate through a paginated view of articles, each displayed with a clear title, description, image, and publication date. The website currently defaults to India for news, but you can customize this setting. (2024-03-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Polygon-Arbitrage-Bot

This code is a fully automated arbitrage bot that constantly scans the polygon mainnet via a node such as Alchemy. Whenever a price discrepancy between two tokens is detected on Quickswap and Sushiswap (2022-12-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] netease-cloud-music-dl

Netease cloud music song downloader, with full ID3 metadata, eg: front cover image, artist name, album name, song title and so on., (2022-07-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Car-game-with-C

this is the recreation of a retro car game that was available on the console. Me and my teammates had created a car game using graphics of C language in which car needs to dutch from the enemy car (2021-06-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Wilsons-Import-React

这是我第一个发布的 React网站,是我自己设计和开发的,它是一个真实的模拟商业网站...
This is my first published react website that was designed and developed myself, It is a mock business site for a trucking company. This was the first time taking on the BEM methodology with SCSS. Coupled with my technologies I also used React-Router, Framer motion and React Icons to finish this website. (2022-11-08, JavaScript, 14280KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] QrCode

The three in one collection code is convenient for merchants to combine the collection QR codes of WeChat, QQ and Alipay into one QR code, and users can scan the code and pay the merchants directly without any service charge. (2021-08-29, PHP, 25173KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] tools

微信(wechat)接口操作、mysql数据库操作、第三方登录、条形码Barcode、二维码QrCode、生成菜单、发送短信、图片处理、随机数、css|js压缩、发送邮件、生成数据字典 等
Wechat interface operation, mysql database operation, third-party login, barcode, QR code QrCode, generating menu, sending SMS, image processing, random number, css | js compression, sending email, generating data dictionary, etc (2023-05-19, PHP, 114555KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] android-qrcode

Implement custom QR code style based on ZXing Android Embedded, simulate WeChat double click zoom in/out, two finger zoom in/out, flash, remove red lines, customize scan lines and corners (2020-01-10, Java, 518KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] qrcode-decoder

QR code (barcode) decoder, a WeChat mini program. It can identify the content of QR codes and barcodes in real-time, making it easy for you to verify whether the QR code content is real and secure. (2020-05-05, JavaScript, 12KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] ZZYQRCodeSwift

a scanner for QRCode barCode 最好用的ios二维码、条形码,扫描、生成框架,支持闪光灯,从相册获取,扫描音效等,高仿微信,微博
A scanner for QRCode barCode The best use of iOS QR codes and barcodes, scanning and generating frameworks, supporting flash, obtaining from photo albums, scanning sound effects, etc., high imitation of WeChat and Weibo (2018-10-31, Swift, 1480KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] ZZYQRCode

a scanner for QRCode barCode 最好用的ios二维码、条形码,扫描、生成框架,支持闪光灯,从相册获取,扫描音效等,高仿微信,微博
A scanner for QRCode barCode The best use of iOS QR codes and barcodes, scanning and generating frameworks, supporting flash, obtaining from photo albums, scanning sound effects, etc., high imitation of WeChat and Weibo (2017-05-23, Objective-C, 2398KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] 凸闭包收缩法构建DTin

Triangulation network is a network of plane control figures composed of a series of continuous triangles. It is the two main expansion forms of setting up continuous triangles in triangulation, and at the same time, it expands to all directions to form a network. It is suitable for the site with large relief and good visibility conditions. (2020-05-06, Visual C++, 1968KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] matlab控制Gige相机自动采集时计算延时时间

This program is a time delay calculation program for automatic image acquisition by using MATLAB to control Ethernet port camera. (2019-04-16, matlab, 2KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] YCSLMJ_n73

Since the defeat of the Empire, they ride the latest manufacturing UFO escaped earth arrived in a mysterious galaxy, and collusion with the inferno, they created various terrorist weapons, trying to return to Earth, human extinction. Meanwhile Metroid is also equipped with the most powerful human beings this mysterious death ray weapons, fight back! The fate of the entire human race and all the hopes it ... (2014-04-29, Java, 375KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] Using-Delaunary-Optimise-CORS

Delaunay三角网具有的优异特性决定了它在计算机图形学、建立数字地面模型等离散数 据处理方面有着重要的应用
Delaunay triangulation has excellent characteristics determined by its computer graphics, the establishment of digital terrain model and other discrete data processing has important applications (2011-07-25, PDF, 51KB, 下载6次)


[图形图象] HDMI-papers-from-WanFang-Datas

Some of the papers on the HDMI, recent research has been HDMI, through the campus network in the Articles for free download (2011-04-25, PDF, 21366KB, 下载79次)


[图形图象] bet2

The software used by FSL brain extraction of soft tissue literature, the majority of the brain MRI image segmentation can achieve better results (2009-05-10, PDF, 388KB, 下载52次)


[图形图象] RGBread

RGB to read the problem, very useful, I hope you like it, I will continue to upload. Management can give me more hope that a few point (2008-11-09, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载26次)


[图形图象] darc

Spectrum based on the prediction algorithm for hyperspectral images, suitable for reference-band compression (2008-03-19, matlab, 1KB, 下载68次)
