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[文章/文档] Duckddns_ipv6

duckdns免费的ddns确实很香,然而使用起来不是很方便。 duckdns的windows官方软件只支持ipv4。linux中按官方的文档说明,很多时候获取的ipv6并不是公网ipv6,而且当ipv6更新失败时,它就会自动更新ipv4,然而我没有公网ipv4,这回导致域...,
Duckdns free ddns is really popular, but it is not very convenient to use. Duckdns official windows software only supports ipv4. According to the official documents in Linux, many times the ipv6 obtained is not the public network ipv6, and when the ipv6 update fails, it will automatically update the ipv4. However, I do not have the public network ipv4, which causes the domain to, (2023-10-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] wecomDemo

wecomDemo 企微营销助手项目Demo,打通企业微信与企业产品营销系统,集成产品营销服务能力,强化线上线下协同,利用企业微信的渠道优势提升线上服务能力,为线下产品客户经理营销赋能。 ♂ 目前已实现新客户发送欢迎语、成员创建群发任务、(添加|删除|编辑)好友回调通知(...,
WecomDemo Enterprise WeChat Marketing Assistant Project Demo, connects enterprise WeChat and enterprise product marketing systems, integrates product marketing service capabilities, strengthens online and offline collaboration, uses enterprise WeChat channel advantages to improve online service capabilities, and enables offline product customer managers to market. ♂ At present, new customers have been able to send welcome messages, members have created group tasks, (add | delete | edit) friend callback notifications (, (2023-07-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] -book118-

Crawl the pdf and word documents of the document submission and earning website and the original document (book118) and generate pdf files for easy download., (2019-09-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 信刻内外网数据光盘刻录摆渡系统

随着各种数据传输、网络技术和储存技术不断快速发展,各政府和企事业单位利用互联网开展相关工作已成为不可逆转的趋势,各个机构都需要在内网和互联网之间进行大量的信息交换,以提升效率,因此加强涉密数据传输的保密管理与网络安全至关重要。《计算机信息系统国际互联网保密管理规定》其中要求“涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统,不得直接或间接地与国际互联网或其它公共信息网络相连接,必须实行物理隔离。”网络隔离的目的是为了 (2023-01-03, Others, 1596KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] XXX医院(平台)掌上医院实施方案.doc

1 组网建设 3 1.1 网络拓扑图 3 1.2 组网描述 3 2 内外网交互建设 4 2.1 网络设备 4 3 端服务器、前置服务器建设 5 3.1 端服务器建设 5 3.2 前置服务器建设 5 4 业务流程实施 6 4.1 绑卡流程描述 6 4.2 预约流程描述 6 4.3 支付方式描述 6 4.4 挂号流程描述 6 4.5 取检验单流程描述 6 4.6 取检查单流程描述 6 4.7 检验单支付流程描述 6 4.8 检查单支付流程描述 6 4.9 发票补打流程描述 7 4.10 退费流程描述 7 4.11 对账流程描述 7 4.12 挂号费补贴流程描述 7 4.13 虚拟卡流程描述 7 4.14 备忘录签署描述(属于统一对接项目时需要描述) 7
Internet hospital implementation plan (2020-04-13, Others, 322KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] ECC

Python implementation of elliptic curve encryption algorithm,Joint Development Network is really good. (2019-08-21, Python, 4KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] 2017名企校招真题汇总

2017 corporate school recruits Zhenti summary, including Ali, Baidu, Netease, Meituan, Jingdong, etc. (2019-06-12, C/C++, 45840KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] 大作业

Use matlab to identify the validation code of campus network. Detailed documentation and required set of validation codes are given. (2019-05-27, matlab, 2673KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] Python总结

(一)如何学习Python 2 (二)一些Python免费课程推荐 3 (三)Python爬虫需要哪些知识? 4 (四)Python爬虫进阶 6 (五)Python爬虫面试指南 7 (六)推荐一些不错的Python博客 8 (七)Python如何进阶 9 (八)Python爬虫入门 10 (九)Python开发微信公众号 12 (十)Python面试概念和代码 15 (十一)Python书籍 23
(1) How to learn Python 2 (2) Some Python Free Courses Recommendation 3 (3) What knowledge does Python crawler need? Four (4) Python crawler advancement 6 (5) Python Crawler Interview Guide 7 (6) Recommend some good Python blogs 8 (7) How Python Advances (8) Introduction to Python Reptiles (9) Development of Wechat Public Number 12 by Python (10) Python Interview Concept and Code 15 (11) Python Books 23 (2019-05-13, Python, 1299KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] ISO 13400

车载以太网DoIP诊断 ISO 13400 (全)(非扫描版) ISO 13400-1 2011 General information and use case definition; ISO 13400-2 2012 Transport protocol and network layer services; ISO 13400-3 2016 Wired vehicle interface based on IEEE 802.3; ISO 13400-4 2016 Ethernet-based high-speed data link connector.
The ISO documents are for DoIP Diagnostic. ISO 13400-1 2011 General information and use case definition. ISO 13400-2 2012 Transport protocol and network layer services. ISO 13400-3 2016 Wired vehicle interface based on IEEE 802.3. ISO 13400-4 2016 Ethernet-based high-speed data link connector. (2019-04-03, PDF, 8496KB, 下载67次)


[文章/文档] 机试

BUPT Online Judge, Very Useful (2019-02-06, C#, 1729KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] IEEE33

Wiring Diagram of IEEE33 Node Distribution Network Drawn by Visio (2019-01-03, Others, 25KB, 下载48次)


[文章/文档] MATLAB划分矩形单元

Shell partition rectangular element (2018-06-21, matlab, 2KB, 下载19次)


[文章/文档] G.709_光传送网(OTN)的基本应用

The basic application of OTN protocol has not been seen and can be learned and understood. (2018-06-16, VHDL, 1108KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] 自整理欧姆龙PLC以太网FINSTCP通信例程与操作步骤

Can communication with the Omron PLC through this protocal (2018-02-28, Others, 3365KB, 下载22次)


[文章/文档] CODESYS

1.[酷德网]CODESYS培训(第二部分 编程入门); 2.[酷德网]IEC-61131-3-Programming-Industrial-Automation-Systems-Karl-Heinz; 3.CoDeSys_3.x基础编程及应用指南; 4.CoDeSys_SoftMotion_运动控制中文编程手册; 5.CoDeSys_SoftMotion_运动控制中文编程手册_mirror 6.Structured Text; 7.和利时公司+CodeSys+编程手册
1.[cool German network]CODESYS training (second part of the programming introduction); 2.[cool]IEC-61131-3-Programming-Industrial-Automation-Systems-Karl-Heinz net; 3.CoDeSys_3.x basic programming and Application guide; 4.CoDeSys_SoftMotion_ sports control Chinese programming manual; 5.CoDeSys_SoftMotion_ motion control Chinese programming manual _mirror 6.Structured Text; 7. Hollysys +CodeSys+ programming manual (2018-01-11, PLC, 32869KB, 下载57次)


[文章/文档] 2.1 主动配电网电能质量分析与评估

本文所做主要工作有: 1)简要介绍了主动配电网的基念。 2)研究了主动配电网中各个主要组成部分的模型,包括变型、输电型、负型和DG模型,并根据主动点,建立了网评价指标体系。 3)分析并搭建了主动配电网基本模型,并对主动配电网的4项电能质量指标进行了分析,包括谐变、电差、三相衡和电压闪变。 4)分析了分布式电源接入主动配电网后的电能质量问题,提出了主动配电网电能质新指方法,通过电量变化量指统指标来评估主动配质量,并对算例进行了分究,表明了该方效性。
The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the basic concept of active distribution network is briefly introduced. 2) the main components of the active distribution network are studied, including variant, transmission, negative and DG models, and the evaluation index system is established according to the active point. 3) the basic model of active distribution network is analyzed and constructed, and 4 power quality indexes of active distribution network are analyzed, including harmonic, power difference, three-phase voltage and voltage flicker. 4) analysis of the DG active distribution network power quality problems, the proposed active power quality refers to the new method, the index to evaluate the quality of the power variation with active means, and examples for the study points, show that the effectiveness of the party. (2017-06-13, WINDOWS, 1243KB, 下载48次)


[文章/文档] sinalgo-0.75.3-regularRelease

传感网是物联网的核心技术。 附件是传感网的仿真平台代码。 国内许多著名媒体报道,未来几年中国物联网产业市场规模将达到2000亿元,至2015年,中国物联网整体市场规模将达到7500亿元。 CCTV:http://www.cctv.com/international/special/cxkj/20100319/102985.shtml 东方卫视:http://tv.sohu.com/20100510/n272024075.shtml 温家宝总理去年8月在无锡的明确指示,中国物联网建设从概念推广、政策制定、配套建设到技术研发,都出现了快速的大规模发展。 温家宝09年11月3日上午在人民大会堂向首都科技界发表了题为《让科技引领中国可持续发展》的讲话,明确指出将物联网列入五大必 争产业制高点之一,要着力突破传感网物联网关键技术。
The source code of simulator sinalgo! (2010-05-20, Visual C++, 1147KB, 下载53次)


[文章/文档] smalltree

图的最小生成树 【需求分析】 若要在n个城市之间建设通信网络,只需要架设n-1条线路即可。如何以最低的经济代价建设这个通信网,是一个网的最小生成树问题。 (1)建立一个图,其存储方式可以采用邻接矩阵形式,需要定义两个数组,一个存储顶点,一个存储边,存储边的数组表明节点间的连通关系和边的权值; (2)利用普里姆算法和克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树; (3)按顺序输出生成树中各条边以及它们的权值。 【算法描述】: 1 普里姆算法:以图中的节点为基础。从某一点出发,选择该点相连的边的最小边,直至图中所有节点都出现在生成树中。 2 克鲁斯克尔算法:以图中节点为基础。将图中的所有边按权值大小排列。从小到大依次选择边,知道这些边将所有节点都联通。
TheSmallTree (2009-12-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载57次)


[文章/文档] CAP(V3.0)

中华人民共和国通信行业标准-900/1800MHz TDMA 数字蜂窝移动通信网 CAMEL 应用部分( CAP 协议 )技术规范。
People' s Republic of China communication industry standards-900/1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile communication network CAMEL Application Part (CAP Agreement) specifications. (2009-08-13, C/C++, 634KB, 下载25次)
