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[WEB开发] Htron-vue

基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + UniApp 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、三方登录、支付、短信等功能。
The background management system+UniApp WeChat applet based on Spring Boot+MyBatis Plus+Vue&Element supports RBAC dynamic permission, data permission, SaaS multi tenant, third-party login, payment, SMS and other functions. (2023-11-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Bludit

Bludit轻量级博客CMS系统是国外一款多语言轻量级网站CMS系统(支持中文),它能够让你简单快速的建立一个博客或是网站。 Bludit是完全开放源码的,它采用JSON格式来存储文章和页面,则不需要安装或配置数据库。只需要一个支持PHP的Web服务器即可,快速搭建属于你的网站。同时Bludit具有很高的扩展性,你可以在官网下载丰富的主题与插件,同时你可以随时停止或是启用它!
Bludit lightweight blog CMS system is a multi language lightweight website CMS system (support Chinese), it allows you to quickly and easily create a blog or website. Bludit is completely open source, it uses JSON format to store articles and pages, you do not need to install or configure the . Only need a PHP server to support Web can quickly build your website. At the same time, Bludit has a very high scalability, you can download the rich theme and plug-ins on the official website, and you can stop or enable it at any time! (2017-04-13, Java, 920KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 163wangyidaohang

163网址导航,是网易公司提供的网址导航服务,是综合性的网址导航网站。提供搜索引擎入口、实用工具、天气预报等功能。 本站源码纯争、无插件、无广告、无弹窗、完全免费。
163 site navigation, is the site navigation services provided by NetEase, is a comprehensive web site navigation. Provide search engine entry, utilities, weather forecasts and other functions. The source of pure competition, no plug-ins, no ads, no popups, completely free. (2017-03-04, Java, 390KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] roncoo-pay

国内首款开源的互联网支付系统,其核心目标是汇聚所有主流支付渠道,打造一款轻量、便捷、易用,且集支付、资金对账、资金清结算于一体的支付系统,满足互联网业务系统的收款和业务资金管理需求。 主要特点: 1、具备支付系统通用的支付、对账、清算、资金账户管理、支付订单管理等功能; 2、目前已接通“支付宝即时到账”和“微信扫码支付”通道; 3、支持直连和间连两种支付模式,任君选择; 4、通过支付网关,业务系统可以轻松实现统一支付接入; 5、搭配运营后台,支付数据的监控和管理可以兼得; 6、配套完善的系统使用文档,可轻松嵌入任何需要支付的场景;
The first open source Internet payment system, its core objective is to combine all the mainstream payment channels, to create a lightweight, convenient, easy to use, and the payment system of payments, money reconciliation, financial clearing and settlement in one, meet the Internet business system and collection of business capital management needs. Main features: 1, have the payment system universal payment, reconciliation, liquidation, capital account management, payment order management and other functions 2, the current is switched on the Alipay instant arrival and WeChat sweep yards payment channel 3, support and direct connected between the two modes of payment, renjunxuanze 4, through the payment gateway, business systems can easily achieve unified payment access 5, collocation operation background, payment monitoring and management of data can have both 6, supporting the use of the system to improve the document, you can easily embed any need to pay the scene (2017-02-25, Java, 8378KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] ytf_jsp

一键集成支付宝,微信,信用卡,银联,百度钱包等主流支付工具。 目前云通付支持公司和工作室(个人)类型商户网站接入,任何需要在网站内加入支付模块的企业或工作室(个人),都可以轻松接入云通付的支付功能。 云通付收银助你秒开发,10分钟即可快速接入支付功能,接入云通付收银就等于接入100多家支付机构,缩短2~4个月开发周期;PC网页、手机网页、移动应用、iOS/ Android/HTML5/App等全平台支持.....
A key to integration of Alipay, WeChat, credit card UnionPay, Baidu wallet and other mainstream payment instruments. At present, through the cloud to support the company and studio (individual) type of merchant site access, any need to add a payment module in the website of the enterprise or studio (individual), you can easily access the cloud through the payment function. The cloud to pay through the cashier to help you second development, 10 minutes quick access to the payment function, access to pay through the cashier to access more than and 100 Payment institutions, shorten the development cycle of 2~4 months PC , mobile phone, mobile applications, iOS/ Android/HTML5/App platform support..... (2017-01-24, Java, 438KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] aspweb89jiaodai

工业用胶胶带动物胶网站源码功能: 1,全站DIV+CSS布局。 2,采用ASP+ACCESS框架,上传后可以直接访问。 3,后台可以设置网站SEO标签。 4,首页三张大气动画切换。 5,后台支持信息批量修改删除。 6,信息二级分类。 管理地址:域名/yousiteadmin/login.asp 初始用户名:admin 初始密码:123 此源码为试用版,后台无删除功能,前台无关于我们和联系方式版面,其他版面和功能均可使用,完整版请到官网下载
Industrial adhesive tape source code: 1, the layout of the total station DIV+CSS. 2, the use of ASP+ACCESS framework, can be directly accessed after uploading. 3, the background can be set up site SEO tags. 4, the first page of the three animated atmosphere switch. 5, the background information to modify the bulk delete. 6, two classification of information. Management address: domain name /yousiteadmin/login.asp initial user name: admin initial password: 123 This source code for the trial version, the background without delete function, the front desk has no contact with us and the layout, other layout and function can be used, the full version of the official website to download (2017-01-21, Java, 4846KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] eims_wap

1、页面直接添加了搜索表单 2、幻灯等添加了批量排序 3、简化了后台搜索功能按钮 4、修正了幻灯片链接无法点击的问题 5、添加了微信分享设置与转发代码 6、修正了内容页面不换行的问题 7、新闻,产品,案例全部添加了加分类 8、网站配置 添加了首页微信图片分享上传 9、网站配置 添加了地图和电话短信号码设置 后台登录页面:Url/admin 默认登录用户:admin 默认登录密码:admin 首次使用请运行根目录文件:Install.asp 进行安装 地址和电话短信在 inc/conn.asp 中设置
1, the page directly added search form 2 and slide add batch sequencing 3, simplified the background search button 4, fixed the slide link can not click on the problem 5, add the WeChat share settings and forwarding code 6, revised the content page nonbreaking problem 7, news, products, all the cases were added to the classification 8, the site configuration adds the home page WeChat pictures share upload 9, the site configuration adds maps and telephone number settings Background login page: Url/admin Default login user: admin Default login password: admin For the first time, please run the root directory file: Install.asp for installation Address and phone messages set in inc/conn.asp (2017-01-19, Java, 1209KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] html

Implement router network management interface show that similar TPLINK interface, the title bar and text realize dynamic access content via AJAX (2016-09-08, Java, 3760KB, 下载45次)



供求信息网(ASP.NET 4.0+SQLServer 2008+分层开发模式实现) 1.1 开发背景 1.2 系统分析 1.2.1 需求分析 1.2.2 可行性分析 1.2.3 编写项目计划书 1.3 系统设计 1.3.1 系统目标 1.3.2 业务流程图
Trade Information Network (ASP.NET 4.0+SQLServer 2008+ hierarchical model to achieve development) 1.1 Development Background 1.2 Demand Analysis System Analysis 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 prepare project feasibility analysis plan 1.3 System 1.3.1 System Target 1.3. 2 Business flowchart (2016-01-27, Java, 1947KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] renting

Web rental network project, the main function of the user s login, registration, publish listings information, delete listings information, as well as modify the release of the paging information. (2015-11-15, Java, 3108KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] kugoumoli

This is a project using SSH written imitation cool dog music site, I hope you can download learning and exchange. A lot of support (2015-09-30, Java, 17060KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_tpzs2_v3.9

Easy to show net purchase theme today to share with our style is a bit similar themes, but also pictures showing the class lattice series, this theme is the demo page of fruits and vegetables, I feel pretty good to share it, interface and easy show shopping THEMANET want is pictures plaid, but the difference is easy to show net purchase theme is to respond with style, if you like you can put this into a responsive template, the effect is quite good, this theme it is quite suitable for Taobao off, the picture shows the class, and even do personal photography is also good, but it needs to be reminded that the best modify CSS, personally feel is not very beautiful home in the upper left corner, the other is good. I hope you will enjoy it. (2015-04-20, Java, 1433KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] hoverimages

jQuery+ CSS stunning rollover thumbnails to enlarge photo effects, not much describes it? There are many such similar effects on the web now, like Taobao, pat network and other major shopping sites and product category of sites is common, also uses jQuery plugin, using CSS positioning, both with perfect results, demo screenshot above shows. (2015-02-01, Java, 138KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] BaiduAPI

提取爱帮网 百度等网站的信息,过滤掉我们不需要的信息,然后将提取到的信息转化为json格式显示出来
Extract the online information aibang,baidu and so on,filter the information we not need,then convert the extract information into json format to display. (2014-12-04, Java, 3KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jingdong

东网上商城是中国最大的综合网购平台, 正品行货, 机打发票, 售后上门取件, 省钱又放心。商品品类覆盖家电、数码通讯、电脑、家居百货、服装服饰、母婴、图书、食品等12大类数万个品牌超百万种优质商品, 是网购用户首选。
East China' s largest online shopping mall is a comprehensive online shopping platform, authentic licensed, machine-printed invoices, sale and pick-up, save money and ease. Product categories covering home appliances, digital communications, computers, home merchandise, apparel, baby, books, food and other brands in 12 categories over one million kinds of tens of thousands of high-quality goods, is the preferred online shoppers. (2014-05-17, Java, 10646KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] jquery.mobile-1.3.1

jquery mobile 1.3.1 适合手机网站开发
jquery mobile for android and iphone (2013-12-27, Java, 6905KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] aikesq_v1.5.1

Customers love open source network referred to as the love off network (IKPHP), she is an open source community program like watercress, but not watercress she is open source friends for the majority of owners and Hobby PHP an open source can learn from her, completely free open source to better secondary development to achieve the dream of what you want! (2013-05-14, Java, 2085KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] WebShop

在线购物网站,模拟淘宝网在线购物,从游客登录到注册 购买等一系列的操作
Online shopping site, analog Taobao online shopping, buy from the visitors log on to a series of operations up (2011-03-26, Java, 28749KB, 下载20次)


[WEB开发] pet

it is made by SSH technology,which is for pets 。Although the OI is not good ,but the design of pakeage is so good (2011-03-22, Java, 4739KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] fashiononlineshopping

This is a fashion shopping site, and on-line functions of city almost, but the above are more fashion items (2009-04-26, Java, 841KB, 下载9次)
