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[Leetcode/题库] axios-analysis

学习源码整体架构系列多篇之axios源码,前端面试高频源码。我组织了源码共读活动,每周一起学习200行左右的源码,加我微信 ruochuan12 参与。
Learn the axios source code in the overall source code architecture series, and interview high-frequency source code in the front end. I organized a source code reading activity, starting to learn about 200 lines of source code every week, and joined me on WeChat ruochuan12. (2024-04-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] selenium-message_board-text_analysis

对人民网领导留言板2023.5-2023.11的数据进行爬虫和文本分析,数据量为39万条(时间有限,全部爬取的话为200万条左右)。爬虫解决的问题有:1. 网不好时抓取内容为空的程序稳定性处理;2. 访问次数太多后被网站限制访问的处理;2. 只有一页没有下一页的页面的处理;...
Crawling and text analysis were carried out on the data from 2023.5-2023.11 of the leading message boards of People s Daily Online. The number of data was 390000 (about 2 million if all were crawled for limited time). The problems solved by the crawler include: 1. stability processing of programs with empty contents when the network is bad; 2. Treatment of website restriction after too many visits; 2. Processing of pages with only one page and no next page (2023-12-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CODING-deCODING

Repository of solutions of various coding problems from Leetcode, GeeksForGeeks and CodingNinjas with index provided for easy access. A dedicated website is provided for easier code searching. All solutions are in C++ only (2023-02-22, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] weixin-menu

The customized menu editor of WeChat public account is applicable to authentication subscription account, service account and test public account. Use NwJs+NodeJs+AngularJs to develop the desktop version, which can be configured, queried, edited, and released the public account menu. (2017-12-25, HTML, 72863KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] musicDJ_ball

An end-to-end small attempt, the WeChat applet can remotely control the ws2812 light band to dance with music, and can also collect the color of the applet front-end page to control the light band color. The small attempt of Introduction to Beijing Post has many shortcomings, please comment. (2020-12-13, JavaScript, 198KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] axios-analysis

学习源码整体架构系列多篇之axios源码,前端面试高频源码。我组织了源码共读活动,每周一起学习200行左右的源码,加我微信 ruochuan12 参与。
Learn the axios source code in the overall source code architecture series, and interview high-frequency source code in the front end. I organized a source code reading activity, starting to learn about 200 lines of source code every week, and joined me on WeChat ruochuan12. (2021-04-03, JavaScript, 2728KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] node-weixin-api

一个结构更加清晰,功能调用更加方便,代码更加优雅,测试更加全面的微信API。也可能是目前接口最丰富,集成最方便的node weixin sdk。欢迎您的使用,反馈,建议。
A WeChat API with clearer structure, more convenient function calling, more elegant code and more comprehensive testing. It may also be the node weixin sdk with the richest interfaces and the most convenient integration. Welcome your use, feedback and suggestions. (2017-06-06, JavaScript, 5KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] interview_experience

In 2021, the latest arrangement was made, and 200 proofreaders shared their experience, including Microsoft, Huawei, Tencent, Byte, Alibaba, 360, tplink, TAL, NetEase, Sogou, wps, etc., R&D posts, C++R&D posts, and security posts. (2021-07-08, Others, 127KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] produce_recommand_share

027 基于Spark协同过滤的农产品个性推荐系统-设计展示 python pyspark hadoop django scrapy vue element-plus 协同过滤算法 通过scrapy爬虫框架抓取“惠农网”网站上的农产品...
027 Personalized recommendation system for agricultural products based on Spark Collaborative filtering - design and display python python python python hadoop django sketch vue element plus Collaborative filtering algorithm grabs agricultural products on the "Huinong" website through the sketch crawler framework (2023-05-04, Others, 47449KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] wegame-demo-mygames

面试腾讯互娱时做的面试实操题, 模拟一个wegame的我的游戏页面, 做了两版本, 第一版横向滑动列表用了swiper插件, 体验和效果很好, 但是面试官说耍巧, 意思让我原生手写, 于是我自己原生手写了第二版, 然后肯定体验会差很多...
During the interview with Tencent Entertainment, I created two versions of my game page that simulated a Wegame. The first version used the Swiper plugin to slide the list horizontally, which had a good experience and effect. However, the interviewer said it was clever and meant to be handwritten in my native language. Therefore, I wrote the second version myself, but the experience would definitely be much worse (2020-11-24, Vue, 6533KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] advanced_front_end

001前端开发基础 002移动web网页开发 003JavaScript网页编程 004前后端交互 005Vue.js 项目实战开发 006-微信小程序【拓展课程】 007React项目实战【拓展课程】 008-阶段八就业面试题与简历...
001 Fundamentals of Frontend Development 002 Mobile Web Page Development 003 JavaScript Web Page Programming 004 Frontend and Frontend Interaction 005Vue.js Project Practical Development 006 WeChat Mini Program [Expansion Course] 007React Project Practical Practice [Expansion Course] 008 Stage 8 Employment Interview Questions and Resume (2022-08-18, HTML, 42512KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CodeInterviews

This project includes all 68 programming questions and Java source code from the book "Sword Finger Offer - Typical Programming Questions for Interviewers in Famous Enterprises (2nd Edition)", some of which provide complete main methods and test cases. To use this project correctly, JDK1.8 or later version is required. Please consciously protect the intellectual property rights of the original author. (2019-04-21, Java, 146KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] nowcoder_problem_downloader

Niuke.com question library crawler script, which can crawl all test questions, correct code, and forum question solutions. Please study the usage method yourself. For personal * * * * learning * * * use only, and cannot be used for other purposes. (2020-09-26, JavaScript, 36KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Selenium_Learning

Learning and use of selenium (including crawling music from Magic Sound Network, simple recognition of browser screenshots and images, automatic login on Chrome Taobao, automatic login on Firefox Taobao, automated post bar, and GD question bank crawling) (2019-09-11, Python, 25KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] programmer-makemoney

... 车、支付,发货、收货、评价、退款,积分、优惠券、分销、砍价、秒杀、多门店,自定义菜单、自动回复、微信授权、图文管理、模板消息推送,登陆、注册、会员卡、充值、插件管理、签到管理、轮播图管理、新闻管理、页面管理、公告管理、系统管理...
... Car, payment, shipment, receipt, evaluation, refund, points, coupons, distribution, bargaining, flash sale, multiple stores, custom menu, automatic reply, WeChat authorization, image and text management, template message push, login, registration, membership card, recharge, plugin management, check-in management, carousel image management, news management, page management, announcement management, system management (2021-05-17, Others, 13KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] WZMChatUI

A complete chat UI framework (styled after WeChat chat). Clear database structure, separated message types, and strong scalability; Image messages support thumbnails, all message cache lines are high, and performance consumption is low; At the same time, a custom emoticon keyboard has been implemented, which can be expanded according to the format. (2022-08-01, Objective-C, 2920KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] sword_offer

A summary of algorithm questions written by individuals while searching for a job, mainly using Python and C++. Including: "Sword Finger Offer", "Programmer Interview Classic", "LeetCode", "Niuke.com", "Codecars". (2021-04-03, Shell, 753KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CodeForOffer

In order to prepare for the 2020 Autumn Recruitment Written Exam, the system used Niuke.com as the quiz platform and Python as the programming language to complete the "Sword Finger Offer" and facilitate communication and learning (2019-12-09, Python, 812KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] GameHelper

Game and application assistance apps. At present, it supports WeChat s "Jump One Jump" function, which can achieve "manual" and "automatic" position finding and jumping; 2. Travel Frog, supports modifying the number of clovers and lottery tickets; 3. Taobao Live likes and comments. Please feel free to provide feedback if you have any questions! (2018-10-26, Java, 16912KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] QuestionWechatApp

WeChat mini program, exam mini program, question answering mini program, and question brushing mini program. Graduation design mini program, with complete source code and database at the front and back ends, easy for secondary development. It can also be used for exam activities, internal assessments of enterprises, internal training, and other vocational exams. (2023-06-06, JavaScript, 320KB, 下载0次)
