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[单片机开发] KMSP10.1.7

KMSPico 10.1.7 for activate windows
KMSPico 10.1.7 for activate windows (2016-06-06, Windows_Unix, 7138KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] moab-4.9.0.tar

网型数据库(摩押)是一个代表和评价网格数据的组件。摩押可以存储结构化和非结构化网格,包括在有限元a€ œ 动物园a€  加多边形和多面体元素。
The Mesh-Oriented datABase (MOAB) is a component for representing and uating mesh data. MOAB can store structured and unstructured mesh, consisting of elements in the finite element a€ œ zooa€  plus polygons and polyhedra. (2016-03-17, Windows_Unix, 8191KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] introduction-of-MII-and-so-on

MII是英文Medium Independent Interface的缩写,翻译成中文是“介质独立接口”,该接口一般应用于以太网硬件平台的MAC层和PHY层之间,MII接口的类型有很多,常用的有MII、RMII、SMII、SSMII、SSSMII、GMII、RGMII、SGMII、TBI、RTBI、XGMII、XAUI、XLAUI等。下面对它们进行一一介绍。
the introduction of MII、RMII、SMII、SSMII、SSSMII、GMII、RGMII、SGMII、TBI、RTBI、XGMII、XAUI、XLAUI (2016-03-16, Windows_Unix, 97KB, 下载5次)


[汇编语言] Ollydbg

Ollydbg 通常称作OD,是反汇编工作的常用工具,该Ollydbg吾爱破解专版是基于Ollydbg V1.10版本汉化而成,附带了118脱壳脚本和各种插件,功能非常强大,基本上不需要再附加安装其它插件了。
OllyDbg is often referred to as the OD and disassembly work commonly used tools, cracked the OllyDbg edition is based on OllyDbg v1.10 finished version of and incidental to 118 shell scripts and plug-ins, very powerful, basically don t need additional other plug-ins. (2015-11-17, Windows_Unix, 9365KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] f

that shit dont mind k
fxxking shit (2015-07-11, Windows_Unix, 1363KB, 下载178次)


[WEB开发] amaya-WinXP-11.4.7

阿马亚Amaya是一套由W3C(万维网联盟)及INRIA所制作的开源网页浏览器及网页制作软件。它允许用户浏览网页和制作网页,它是Grif这套所见即所得的标准通用标记语言编辑器及Symposia HTML编辑器的后代。
Amaya Amaya is set by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and INRIA produced by the open-source web browser and web authoring software. It allows users to browse the web and create web pages, it is Grif set of Standard Generalized Markup Language WYSIWYG editor and Symposia HTML editor offspring. (2014-06-05, Windows_Unix, 14117KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] Site-Engineer-Senior-Art-Tutorial

《网站美工高级培训教程》本文以网站美工所涉及到的各方面知识为线索,在基于rhotoshop、FWw。rks等图像处理软件的基础 ,系统地介绍了网站美工工作的各个方面,详细地描述了一个商业网站开发的实例。
"Website art advanced training course" Taking art site involved in all aspects of knowledge for clues, based on rhotoshop, FWw. rks and other basic image processing software , Introduced the work of artists in all aspects of the site, a detailed description of a business website development examples. (2014-04-02, Windows_Unix, 11178KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] HTML5-Pocket-Reference

目前正在开发HTML5万维网的核心标记语言HTML(超文本标记语言),作为下一个主要的修订。 HTML5是HTML4.01,XHTML1.0和DOM Level2 HTML建议下标准。 HTML5袖珍参考是一个易于使用的应用程序来帮助你从日复一日的HTML5编码中解脱。
HTML5 is currently being developed as the next major revision of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the core markup language of the World Wide Web. HTML5 is the proposed next standard for HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML5 Pocket Reference is an easy to use app to help you out with your day to day HTML5 coding. (2013-08-09, Windows_Unix, 3704KB, 下载2次)



本文着重描述了基于CDMA 1 X VPDN网络具体连接建立的步骤和实际应用。提出具体的解决IMSI认证和地址绑定的实现方案,提供了 实验环境拓扑。并给出在试验环境下路由器的基本配置并对主要的配置加以说明。其中lMSI认证实现的关键是利用RAD I US服务器。试验环境使用的软件是FreeRadius免费软件,正式组网时可利用企业现有的RAD I US服务器或安装免费的RAD I US软件,从而低成本解决了该问题。上述解决方案经过实验网测试。系统运行稳定。证明有效可行。
This article focuses on the network based on CDMA 1 X VPDN connection is established specific steps and practical application. IMSI propose specific solutions to achieve certification and address of the binding solution, provides an experimental environment topology. Given in the test environment and the basic configuration of the router' s configuration to illustrate the main. Which is the key to achieving lMSI certified by RAD I US server. The software test environment is FreeRadius using free software can be used when the official network of existing RAD I US enterprise server or install the free RAD I US software, low-cost solutions to the problem. After the experimental network testing solutions. System is stable. Proved effective and feasible. (2011-04-23, Windows_Unix, 344KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] testmethodforvideoconferencesystem

要规定了N-ISDN会议电视系统与不同网络的组网方式、会议电视的互通互控技术要求、会 议电视终端及MCU的体系结构、音频性能、视频性能、数据功能、传输接口的技术要求、电磁兼容性限值、安全性要求、环境适应性要求以及相关技术要求的试验方法
To the provisions of the N-ISDN video conferencing systems and different networks networking, video conferencing interoperability requirements of each control technology, video conference terminal and the MCU architecture, audio performance, video performance, data capabilities, the technical requirements of transmission interface, EMC limits, safety requirements, environmental requirements and adaptability of the relevant technical requirements of the test methods (2010-12-10, Windows_Unix, 3034KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] 3GPPTS24.229chinese

3GPPTS24.229中文版 基于SIP和SDP的IP多媒体呼叫控制协议 4.1 IMS各网元SIP、SDP以及其他协议的协作 6 4.2 URI和地址的分配 7 4.2A 传送机制 8 4.3 IMS网元的路由策略 8 4.4 可信域 8 4.5 IMS计费相关策略 9 4.5.1 总述 9 4.5.2 IMS计费标识(ICID) 9 4.5.3 接入网计费信息 10 4.5.4 Inter operator identifier (IOI) 固有运营标识 10 4.5.5 计费功能地址 11 5 SIP的应用 11 5.1 UE的处理过程 11 5.1.1 注册和认证 11 5.1.2 订阅和通知 20 5.1.2A 应用于除了REGISTER以外的所有方法(method)的通用流程 20 5.1.3 初始呼叫-起呼情形 22 5.1.4 初始呼叫-终呼情形 24 5.1.5 呼叫释放 25 5.1.6 紧急业务 25 5.2 P-CSCF的处理过程 25 5.2.1 概述 25 5.2.2 注册 26 5.2.3 订阅注册用户状态事件包 29 5.2.4 多公有用户标识的注册 30
The chinese version of 3GPPTS24.229 (2010-06-12, Windows_Unix, 163KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] Multi-Sheet-Design

All but the smallest designs will need to be laid out over multiple schematic sheets. There are essentially two approaches to structuring a multi-sheet design, either flat, or hierarchical. A flat design is one where the connectivity between nets that span sheets is directly from one sheet to the other or potential to many others. (2010-04-22, Windows_Unix, 395KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Web_Servers_Nginx_Introduction_And_Practice

This is a software company Kingsoft Zhang Mo CSDN of the General Assembly in a speech to explain Nginx server, Nginx included the introduction, combined with narrow Jinshan network server operating the actual situation of the game to introduce Nginx high-concurrency, high-load power (2010-01-02, Windows_Unix, 1486KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] 29782174RS_encod_decod

中国专利联合开发投资网应投资商要求在全国范围征集节能、环保、具有显著市场开发潜力的专利项目投资开发。 请收到此通知的专利权人,尽快将专利项目介绍、专利授权...
Net investment in joint development of China' s patent should invest in energy-saving operators have asked for collection at the national level, environmental protection, has significant market potential for development of proprietary investment and development projects. Please receive this notification, the patentee, the patent as soon as possible the project presentations, patents ... (2009-12-28, Windows_Unix, 902KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] 61549822TCP

TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)的简写,中文译名为传输控制协议/因特网互联协议,又叫网络通讯协议,这个协议是是Internet最基本的协议、Internet国际互联网络的基础,简单地说,就是由网络层的IP协议和传输层的TCP协议组成的。
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) the abbreviated form of the Chinese translation for the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet interconnection agreements, also known as network communication protocol, which yes yes the most basic Internet protocols, Internet the basis of the Internet, simply said that from the network layer IP protocol and transport layer of the TCP protocol composition. (2009-10-08, Windows_Unix, 20KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] 89346515John.Wiley.and.Sons.Essentials.of.Error

网络编码的提出彻底地改变了计算机通信网络中的信息处理方式,其研究结合了信息论、计算机通信网络、 组播技术、多用户信息论和图论等很多方面的知识。文中简要介绍了网络编码的基本原理,线性网络编码的基本概念及其发 展,并且提出一种实现线性网络编码的算法。
Its research involves the knowledge about information theory, computer communication networks, multicast technique, multiple user information theory and graph theory. In this paper, principle of network coding, the concept and development of linear network coding are briefly presented, including a new algorithm for implementing linear network coding. (2009-10-07, Windows_Unix, 2442KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] redbook_L2-3_mandarin

IBM刀片中心L2-3以太网交换机 􀁺 IBM权威的技术文档 􀁺 不是简单的产品手册,而是一本关于网络基础知识的教材 􀁺 不仅仅介绍了交换机,而且详细解释了IBM 刀片中心的网络架构
IBM Blade Center L2-3 Ethernet switch 􀁺 IBM 􀁺 authoritative technical documentation is not a simple product manuals, but a basic knowledge about the network not only introduce the teaching 􀁺 switches, and a detailed explanation of the IBM Blade Center Network Architecture (2009-03-07, Windows_Unix, 2942KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] wangguanjiyantan

网管经验谈 多种软方法解决共享访问故障在局域网环境中,与同事或朋友之间通过共享方式相互交流信息是常有的事情 可是在共享访问对方文件夹的过程中,我们常常会遇到一些莫名其妙的访问故障
experience a variety of network management software solutions sharing visit fault in LAN environment, with colleagues or friends by sharing mutual exchange of information form is often a matter However visit each other in the shared folder of cross process, we often encounter some baffling visit Fault (2006-12-31, Windows_Unix, 125KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] duolu

singlechip muti_way data capturing system, may capture 8 way analogy signal,and display on digtal tube. (2005-10-09, Windows_Unix, 3056KB, 下载201次)


[WEB开发] ssyl23

生生一路私服发布系统 v2.3 本程序是一套私服实时发布程序,私服业主可以匿名发布自己的私服,只要管理员在后台通过验证就可以在首页显示了。为了吸引更多的用户,新版本中还特别加入了家族功能。
way artists Smart Dissemination System is a set of procedures for the immediate release procedures 1,500,000, 1,500,000 anonymous owners can launch its own artists, as long as caretakers in the background can be verified by the Home shows. In order to attract more users, the new version also joined the family function. (2005-07-03, Windows_Unix, 343KB, 下载7次)
