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[WEB开发] apijson-router

腾讯 APIJSON 的路由插件,可控地对公网暴露类 RESTful 简单接口,内部转成 APIJSON 格式请求来执行。A router plugin for Tencent APIJSON, expose undercontrol...
The routing plug-in of Tencent APIJSON can expose the RESTful simple interface of the public network in a controllable way, and internally convert it to APIJSON format request for execution. A router plugin for Tencent APIJSON, expose under control (2023-04-29, Java, 18KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 192美食网

Front desk features include restaurant displays, food introductions, user comments, and application to join. The background function includes the administrator to review the additions, deletions and changes of the franchise information, menu information, and message announcements. (2018-11-20, Java, 22247KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 科帮网三大框架SSH投票管理系统

There is a vote, and there is no more to say that there is a direct introduction of a visual tool with SQL files, and the project is imported and run directly. (2017-12-01, Java, 20509KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] jtgpiano

PHP企业官网是专业企业网站建设而开发的一款智能化程序。该程序基于PHP+MYSQL环境开发,拥有完善的网站前台和后台全智能化管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加、修改网站基本信息、产品、企业新闻动态等),是个人和企业智能化网站建设首选! 安全建议 为确保您的网站安全,请修改以下默认设置: 1、更改默认的后台用户名:test和密码:test123456; 2、更改默认的后台管理文件夹名admin,直接修改根目录下的文件夹名称即可; 3、更改默认的数据库文件夹db及数据库名称,请确保inc文件夹下的数据库连接文件include/config.inc.php内也作相应修改。
PHP enterprise website is a professional enterprise website development and the development of an intelligent program. The program is based on PHP+MYSQL development environment, the website has a perfect foreground and background intelligent management features, completely by the background operation (such as add, modify the basic information of the website, products, business news, etc.) is personal and business intelligence website construction preferred! Safety advice To ensure the security of your web site, please modify the default settings: 1, change the default background user name: Test and password: test123456 2, change the default background management folder name admin, directly modify the root directory name can be 3, change the default folder dB and name, please ensure that the Inc folder in the connection file include/config.inc.php also made corresponding changes. (2017-05-09, Java, 8843KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] xpgcms

小苹果cms是一个基于苹果cms进行开发的带有采集功能的php视频网站源码。 软件特点: 1、本程序全部开源 2、基于苹果cms二次开发,支持原本苹果cms 8x 的模板和插件!优化了苹果cms的众多性能 3、优化播放器的远程调用,改为播放,播放页面打开速度更快!去除黑链和一些弹窗广告 4、优化先锋影音,西瓜影音,吉吉影音 代码,载入更快速! 5、后台采集,直接调用采集数据!性能更稳定
Apple CMS is a small apple CMS based on the development of the PHP video site with a collection of source code. Software features: 1, this program all open source 2, based on Apple s CMS development, support the original apple CMS 8x templates and plug-ins! Optimize the performance of Apple CMS 3, optimize the player s remote call, instead of playing, playing the page to open faster! Remove the black chain and some pop-up ads 4, optimize pioneer video, watermelon video, Kyrgyzstan video code, loading faster! 5, background collection, direct call to collect data! More stable performance (2017-04-14, Java, 2219KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] Ohsce-master

一款高可靠性跨平台的PHP通信框架,对Windows友好且同时支持Linux和OS X。对TCP、UDP、ICMP、RS232/485通信,可轻松驾驭各种以太网应用和工业总线应用。OHSCE科学的平衡了高性能和高可靠性,天生分布式支持,特别适合应用于对可靠性和稳定性有较高要求的场景。如:物联网、工业与自动化工程、智能化工程、可靠网络服务。
A highly reliable cross platform PHP communication framework for Windows friendly and supports both Linux and OS X. TCP, UDP, ICMP, RS232/485 communication, can easily control a variety of Ethernet Applications and industrial bus applications. OHSCE scientific balance of high performance and high reliability, natural distributed support, particularly suitable for reliability and stability of the high requirements of the scene. Such as: Internet of things, industrial and automation engineering, intelligent engineering, reliable network services. (2017-03-08, Java, 1428KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] phpWeChat5

一个具有多年行业开发经验的前端 UI 设计师、PHP开发工程师组成的团队设计、研发的一套的微信公众平台管理系统,您可以瞬间完成一个公共号或者PC站或者两者皆有的平台搭建。 phpWeChat 微信+网站开发框架功能亮点: 1、100 开源,没有任何加密文件 phpWeChat核心文件100 开源,没有任何加密文件,开发者可以放心使用而无需担心留有后门程序等。 2、程序轻量级,一天读完所有代码 核心框架压缩包只有2.66M,十分利于开发者迅速阅读全部代码。 3、代码严谨,结构清晰 phpWeChat使用MVC开发模式,各个功能模块之间独立并目录结构统一。开发者可迅速掌握phpWeChat的框架结构。 4、二次开发文档十分完善
An industry with many years experience in the development of front-end UI designers, PHP development engineer team designed and developed a set of WeChat public platform management system, you can instantly complete a public number or PC station or both platform. PhpWeChat WeChat+ web development framework features highlights: 1, 100 open source, no encryption file PhpWeChat core file 100 open source, there is no encryption file, developers can rest assured that the use without having to worry about a backdoor program. 2, lightweight procedures, read all the code a day Core framework compression package is only 2.66M, which is conducive to the rapid development of all the code. 3, strict code, clear structure PhpWeChat using MVC development model, the functional modules of the independent and unified directory structure. Developers can quickly grasp the framework of phpWeChat. 4, the two development documentation is perfect (2017-03-08, Java, 2848KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] tpt-blog

免费开源 遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用开发和简化企业应用开发而诞生的,用于商业以及门户级的开发。 主题模板 支持主题模板一键切换,不需要自己动任何一行代码,也能有绚丽的博客样式,随时随地,想用哪套用哪套。 技术支持 独立的社区问答板块,任何技术问题都可以去社区发帖询问,我们会在第一时间解决你的问题。 深度整合 本套程序基于ThinkPHP开发框架,使用了Layui以及其他的一些插件,为本套系统带来了很强大的程序基础。
Free source Following the Apache2 open source protocol release, was developed for agile WEB application development and simplified enterprise application development for business and portal development. Theme template Theme template to support a key switch, do not need to move any line of their own code, but also can have a gorgeous blog style, anytime, anywhere, want to use which sets. Technical support Independent community Q & a plate, any technical issues can be sent to the community to ask questions, we will solve your problem in the first time. Deep integration This set of procedures based on the ThinkPHP development framework, the use of Layui and a number of other plug-ins for the system set up a very strong program foundation. (2017-03-06, Java, 2529KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] trwzglxt

A set of asp+access code to construct website system, such as the default template is not satisfied, in the background can replace other templates, the use of Dreamweaver can be visualized modification, mainly used in the picture type website, such as making novel website, beautiful pictures website, government website, school website, website and so on all net works of calligraphy and painting related pictures and text type can make use of the system. Of course, we also support the two development, according to your specific requirements to develop a specific website features to expand the use of the site. (2017-03-06, Java, 3079KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lh2015

一套专为学习两会专题建站首选的信息网站管理系统,红色风格宽频页面十分大方。 宁志网站管理系统是国内知名建站软件,它由技术人员开发好了的一种现成建站软件,主要为全国 各地方自助建站提供方便。 特点:安全、稳定、美观、实用、易操作,最大的优点是内网或互联网均可以安装使用。
A set of special topics for the study of the two sites to build the preferred site management system, red style broadband page is very generous. Ning Zhi site management system is a well-known home station software, which is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made software, mainly for the country Local self-help Station provides convenience. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical, easy to operate, the biggest advantage is the internal network or the Internet can be installed and used. (2017-01-15, Java, 7957KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tong

程序可作为幼儿圆网站、幼儿企业公司网和童装网使用。 内容包括文章系统,商品展示,公司招聘,留言本和用户中心五部分。 管理员后台登陆地址:/admin/Admin_Login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin888 程序为用户着想,所有内容进入后台直接修改,后台添加的文章内容前台自动调用显示。 底部代码在end.asp里修改,首页公告在gonggao.inc里修改。
Procedures can be used as children s round website, children s enterprise network and children s clothing network use. The content includes the article system, the commodity display, the company recruitment, the message and the user center five parts. Administrator background landing address: /admin/Admin_Login.asp User name: admin Password: Admin888 Procedures for the user s sake, all the content into the background directly modify the background to add the contents of the front desk automatic call display. At the bottom of the code in the end.asp changes, home notice in the gonggao.inc modified. (2016-10-13, Java, 2024KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyxwcj_v20140219

自己修改config配置文件 $web_name = 网站的名字 $web_key = 网站的关键字 $web_des = 网站的说明 $tongji = 统计代码 $about = 声明 由于时间紧迫,只是简单的写了一个网易新闻的小偷程序
Make changes to the configuration file config $ web_name = site name $ web_key = website Keyword Description $ web_des = site $ tongji = statistical code $ about = statement Due to time constraints, simply write a thief Netease news program (2015-06-09, Java, 5KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] WeCenter_v3.1.2

Wecenter (Micro-centered system software) is an interactive micro-off Shenzhen Co., Ltd. developed a completely independent intellectual property rights of open source software. It is safe, reliable, fast change, can quickly help companies and organizations to establish contacts and interaction between the customer through micro letter, meager, APP, web communities and other interactive mode, the accumulation of knowledge points, lower consulting costs homogenization of content and Human Services costs. So that content can be collaborative editing, can be uated, you can express classification and positioning, corporate and organizational needs and establishing a structured knowledge base. (2015-05-22, Java, 5618KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xxlywzym_v1.0

一个绿色风格的小型旅游网,试合做旅游企业宣传。 数据库为MYSQL,请自行还原数据库。 数据库连接文件在DATA目录下。 后台地址:http:/ .*. admin 用户名:admin 密码:admin5218
A green-style small travel sites, try together to do tourism business promotion. Database MYSQL, please restore the yourself. Database connection file in the DATA directory. Background Address: http: / .*. admin Username: admin Password: admin5218 (2015-05-18, Java, 2361KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 163images

163 NetEase Js five focus map screen switching code, the default is five pictures circulation, perhaps modified support switching more pictures. The design is simple and atmospheric effects, can be strong, for news and information websites, the effect is good (2015-02-02, Java, 117KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] vancl

CJL 插件精仿凡客网图片放大效果,鼠标可移动需要放大的区域,可选择不同的对象放大,放大后重点显示图像区域,其效果平滑,功能实用,效果图如上所示。
CJL plug fine imitation picture zoom effect where the customer network, the mouse can move the need to enlarge the area, you can choose different objects magnified, amplified emphasis display the image area, the effect of a smooth, functional and practical, renderings shown above. (2014-12-28, Java, 185KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] ewuyi

山寨广告招贴网 V3.5 软件大小:58KB 软件语言:asp/access 个人主页:http://7384.org/ 演示地址:http://ewuyi.net/ 下载地址:http://ewuyi.net/7384.zip 使用最简单,文件最小的信息发布程序,适合各个城市和县城使用。由于有多个站长朋友要求提供代码,故公布。 1. 设置在inc/config.asp.有部分提示的。 //在后台设置目录后你就可以在各大目录运行了。 //个性化请在该文件修改,那样就不用重复读取数据库了。 2. 在最新版http://ewuyi.net的基础上修改。 // 增加了QQ项,后台编辑页也做了变化 //分类可以即时更新,后台也做了相应变化。 //短目录,如info/info.asp?id=1短后为show/?id=1 3. 新的页面风格,在多个浏览器显示正常。其他的同山寨广告招贴网 3.3 4. 后台“目录/admin” 用户与密码:ewuyi / ewuyi 5. 信息发布词语过滤、站外提交识别、地区过滤、防多次提交。
山寨广告招贴网 V3.5 软件大小:58KB 软件语言:asp/access 个人主页:http://7384.org/ 演示地址:http://ewuyi.net/ 下载地址:http://ewuyi.net/7384.zip 使用最简单,文件最小的信息发布程序,适合各个城市和县城使用。由于有多个站长朋友要求提供代码,故公布。 1. 设置在inc/config.asp.有部分提示的。 //在后台设置目录后你就可以在各大目录运行了。 //个性化请在该文件修改,那样就不用重复读取数据库了。 2. 在最新版http://ewuyi.net的基础上修改。 // 增加了QQ项,后台编辑页也做了变化 //分类可以即时更新,后台也做了相应变化。 //短目录,如info/info.asp?id=1短后为show/?id=1 3. 新的页面风格,在多个浏览器显示正常。其他的同山寨广告招贴网 3.3 4. 后台“目录/admin” 用户与密码:ewuyi/ewuyi 5. 信息发布词语过滤、站外提交识别、地区过滤、防多次提交。 (2011-07-19, Java, 60KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Mslove30

Yangzhou Personals Site. Yangzhou friends network consists of 5 Member Rating: ordinary members (Grade = 1), the integrity of Member (Grade = 2), president (Grade = 3), Diamond Member (Grade = 4), Manager (Grade = 10). Keep the rest after a few upgrades to expand the use of (2008-11-17, Java, 26554KB, 下载57次)


[WEB开发] fshopv45_0708

一、全屏幕设计,5套模板自由切换   二、支持6种在线支付:北京网银、NPS、快钱、云网、支付宝、财付通接口。   三、支持商品三级分类设置,分类划分更明细:大类->小类->子类->商品   四、多元化展示,支持商品尺码、商品颜色的选择,适合各行业。   五、新增商品对比功能!可任意选择4款商品横向排开,一次性对比,更直观!   六、新增商品价格批量修改功能,所有商品价格及相关信息可一次修改完成,特别方便!   七、新增Google SiteMaps地图生成功能,更快、更方便Google 的收录!   八、完美整合BBS论坛程序,商城、论坛用户帐号一站式通用。   九、具有强大的商品关键词、站点关键词设置功能,SEO优化一步到位。   十、强大的权限分类管理功能,可设置不同管理级别的管理员进行网站管理   十一、强大的广告管理,支持FLASH动态切换广告,支持全站飘浮广告设置   十二、支持站内短消息互发,支持商品图片的大小设置、匿名购物功能。   十三、支持商品积分兑换,支持支付宝即时到帐功能和普通交易2种方式   十四、商品大图支持缩放功能,具有强大的站点访问统计功能。   十五、全后台操作管理,非常方便,采用Ewebedit编辑器。
err (2008-04-21, Java, 3093KB, 下载61次)


[WEB开发] SearchNet

一个用jsp开发 的网子搜网引擎,集网络蜘蛛和检索功能于遗体,配有专门的后台管理程序,包括域名检索,关键字检索,更新和删除!
jsp with the development of a network of Web search-engine spiders collection network and retrieval functions in the body equipped with a specialized background management procedures, including domain name retrieval, keyword search, update and delete! (2007-04-20, Java, 2850KB, 下载237次)
