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按平台查找All Windows_Unix(352) 

[Java编程] xiangqi

The code is to achieve the function of Chinese chess game, mainly based on multi-threading technology to achieve real-time chess game of both sides, and based on Swing to achieve user interface design. The code part is downloaded JVAV actual advanced course of I want to self-learning network . On this basis, I realized the login, registration interface, and in the game main interface to add both sides of the opening time and time for each step, Battle information (red and black sides to eat each other pieces number) and so on. The project is based on win64 system, using JAVA language for system development. (2016-11-24, Windows_Unix, 188KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] guet-ipclient-broker

I am Gui electricity slag one, often with the campus network, but an account is not enough, they borrow someone else with a (non-laboratory personnel account basic waste), but unfortunately I do not know the password, then use the button spirit script specimens password. Thanks to the school s software simple, there is no verification code protection, it is possible, I am a night person to break 20, enough for a month (2016-05-15, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] The-Cathedral-and-the-Bazaar

一 大教堂与市集 二 邮件必达 三 用户的重要性 四 早发布,常发布 五 要多少只眼来驯服复杂 六 花香何曾随名去? 七 Popclient变成了Fetchmail 八 Fetchmail成熟了 九 源自Fetchmail的更多经验 十 市集风格的先决条件 十一 开源的社会语境 十二 关于管理和马其诺防线 后记:网景投身市集
Cathedral and the Bazaar Two messages Bida Importance of the three users Four early, release often Fifth, how many eyes to tame complex Six floral ever go with the name? Seven Popclient becomes Fetchmail Eight mature Fetchmail Fetchmail of nine from more experience Ten prerequisite bazaar style Eleven open source social context Twelve on the management and the Maginot Line Postscript: Netscape join the Marketplace (2014-06-11, Windows_Unix, 41KB, 下载1次)


[SNMP编程] YouProxy_WIN32_20121104

此软件最大的优点在于没有GoAgent繁杂的注册账号需要(至少需要16步),启动时也不需要打开两个程序,另外教育网也通吃; 缺点是不能上Twitter(这个相信对大多数人影响不大),小编大致咨询了周边的一些朋友,成功率还是蛮高的,具体会受不同用户的网络环境影响,毕竟YouProxy刚推出不久,还有些设计上不够完善,大家稍微给些耐心吧。
This software of the biggest advantages lies in did not GoAgent multifarious registered account need (need at least 16 steps), startup O' clock nor need to open two procedures, In addition education network will also be-take-all disadvantage is that can not be on Twitter (this I believe pairs of majority of people impact on little), Xiao Bian roughly consulting of the surrounding' s some friends, the success rate is still pretty high, the specific will be affected by different the user' s network environment impact, after all YouProxy has just launched soon, Huan Some designs on the not perfect enough, everybody is slightly give some patience bar . (2013-06-13, Windows_Unix, 246KB, 下载3次)


[通讯编程文档] based-robot-teleoperation

提出了一种基于移动通信网的多机器人遥操作方案,榔决了在恶劣的移动环境中如何保证系统稳定性,并 进行具有实时力觉、视觉反馈的双向遥操作等问题。其中通过比较现存的各种视频压缩标准,结合关键帧提取、帧 分割等技术,提出了一种移动网中的实时视频传输方案。一系列室外机器人群编队行进实验验证了方案的有效性
Abstract:A prototype system for controlling multi-robot via the mobile communication networks was pmsented.In spite of severe network environment,the proposed project guarantees the stability of the system first and bilateral teleoperation with real—time haptic and video feedback was provided.Based on experimental investigation and comparison of existing video codec standards,a me~od using key flame extraction。frame split,etc,had been developed to trans~r smoo~ video stream through mobile networks.Experiments of multi—robot formation have be en carried out to demonstrate usefulness of the developed system. (2012-10-25, Windows_Unix, 488KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] 1616

高精仿11616.net网址导航源码 晴天网址导航2049版本,真正的晴天原导航程序! 本程序带完美后台 后台完整 十分强大,网上绝无下载,目前其他网店售价高达100元 新闻首页调用,天气支持!仿1616.net/晴天网址导航生成HTML 带积分/整站导航系统, 安装说明: 直接上传所有数据到根目录即可。程序包含ASP调试工具,可以本地测试! 登陆后台管理地址 /admin
High fine imitation of the the 11616.net site navigation source sunny site navigation 2049 version, the sunny days of the original navigation program! This program with the perfect background background complete a very strong online no download, the other shop sells up to 100 yuan News Home calls, weather support! Imitation 1616.net/sunny site navigation generate HTML with integral/whole station navigation systems, Installation Instructions: Direct upload all data to the root directory. The program contains ASP debugging tools can be a local test! Login Admin address/admin (2012-08-14, Windows_Unix, 12521KB, 下载9次)


[认证考试资料] CCNA

CCNA certification marks with the installation, configuration, run medium-sized routed and switched network, and troubleshooting capabilities. Get CCNA certified professionals have the appropriate knowledge and skills through the WAN connection is established with the remote site, eliminating the basic security threats, understand the requirements of the wireless network access. CCNA training includes (but not limited to) the use of these protocols: IP, EIGRP, Serial Line Interface Protocol Frame Relay, RIPv2, VLAN, Ethernet and Access Control List (ACL). (2011-11-05, Windows_Unix, 59366KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] nginx-for-windows-1.0.4

(1)nginx的特性和简介 (2)nginx for windows的下载与安装 (3)nginx处理静态资源的配置 (4)nginx 反向代理设置 (5)nginx 常见错误 引言:为什么要使用nginx 目前很多大型网站都使用了nginx,新浪、网易、QQ等都使用了nginx,说明nginx的稳定性和性能还是非常不错的。这主要是因tomcat处理静态资源的速度比较慢,所以首先想到的就是把所有静态资源(JS,CSS,image,swf),提到单独的服务器,用更加快速的HTTP服务器,这里选择了nginx了,nginx相比apache,更加轻量级,配置更加简单,而且nginx不仅仅是高性能的HTTP服务器,还是高性能的反向代理服务器。 (*)nginx for windows的安装教程 (*)nginx处理静态资源的配置 教程 (*)nginx 反向代理设置 教程 (*)nginx 常见错误 教程 本文原创 转载请注明出处 http://bywei.iteye.com/ http://www.bywei.cn/blog
http://bywei.iteye.com/ http://www.bywei.cn/blog (2011-08-24, Windows_Unix, 1261KB, 下载41次)


[电子政务应用] huibo-free20100125

Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction s lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. (2010-02-23, Windows_Unix, 3262KB, 下载56次)


[处理器开发] ARM

This book describes in a comprehensive ARM processor architecture, programming model, instruction set and development tools at the same time, to Samsung' s an Ethernet-based system, as the core ARM processor-S3C4510B gave a detailed system design, debug , as well as related software design and embedded operating system migration process. By reading this book, you can enable a certain degree of system design capacity of the reader fully grasp the development of ARM-based microprocessor system, the range of knowledge, which have the ARM-based microprocessor design and development of application-specific systems. (2010-01-03, Windows_Unix, 2192KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] regedit

注册表超级全攻略是藏陋网 开发的一本共享电子书籍!收录的是大量简单,通俗易懂而又确实实用的windows系列注册表修改技巧,不但对电脑初学者有很大的帮助,而且对老鸟也很有参考价值!内容含盖了win98,NT,2K,XP全套注册表修改实用技巧。
Super-wide registry of Tibetan Gong Lue ugly development of a network to share e-books! Included are a large number of simple, user-friendly windows and did a series of registry changes and practical skills, not only of great help computer beginners, but also of great reference value to the fields and then! Content covers the win98, NT, 2K, XP registry change a full set of practical skills. (2009-12-09, Windows_Unix, 416KB, 下载87次)


[其他书籍] XML2

有人将X M L说成一种文档格式。有人将它说成一种存储数据的分级模式。按照其他的标准, 一个X M L文档可以被理解为通过一种网络化的处理机构来遍历数据。每个网络节点存储或处理 数据并且将结果传输传给相邻的节点。在这个世界里,一个X M L文档是一种流过或流在一个网 络中的应用中的数据。然而,我们看到,任何X M L文档都是元素的汇集。这些元素是按某种方 案组织的(无论是显式的,即通过使用D T D或其他的标准,还是隐式的,即没有一个定义过的 标准),并且也可能是一种分级命令。我们也可以说X M L文档是一个序列化版本的分级命令— 一种用于在处理机构之间交换信息的文本。然而,在内部,这些处理机构并不使用序列化的版 本(文档)而是使用更便于工作的内部表示。
X M L (2009-08-21, Windows_Unix, 17353KB, 下载2次)


[IP电话/视频会议] yate2.tar

yate是一个软交换的sip电话。也是一个voip服务器或客户端。 主要支持功能: VoIP 服务器 VoIP 客户端 VoIP to PSTN 网关 PC2Phone and Phone2PC 网关 H.323 网守 H.323 多端点服务器 H.323<->SIP 转换代理 SIP session border controller SIP 路由 S IP 注册服务 Jingle 即时聊天 I SDN passive and active recorder IAX2服务器客户端 电话服务器和客户端 呼叫中心服务器 (会议,队列) IVR语音交互应答 预付费,后付费电话卡系统 兼容Asteirsk的zaptel中继卡 支持linux /windows
Yate is a next-generation telephony engine while currently focused on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and PSTN, its power lies in its ability to be easily extended. Voice, video, data and instant messaging can all be unified under Yate s flexible routing engine, maximizing communications efficiency and minimizing infrastructure costs for businesses. (2009-08-13, Windows_Unix, 1962KB, 下载249次)


[.net编程] city

Easy to think the commercial city, is domestic first ASP.NET free opens the source shopping system, is easy to think that the team independent research and development based on the Asp.Net+C#+SQL on-line store system, have the intellectualization, the high expansion, stable, characteristics and so on security, and has the ultra strong function, but increases the channel freely, backstage intelligence revision style, so long as understood website general knowledge stationmaster may with ease use easily to think the commercial city establishes the specialized large-scale on-line bookstore, selects the card shop, the fresh flower shop, the handset shop, the clothing store, the group to buy the net and so on different type commercial city. Easy to think that the commercial city has CMS to increase the channel function, can easy expand the commercial city system the information website multi-styles to cut freely, the entire station undergoes specialized optimized processing, enabled your we (2009-04-16, Windows_Unix, 8450KB, 下载40次)


[OpenGL] Face

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Windows_Unix, 4408KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] Cisco Catalyst juyuwangjiaohuanjishu

本书介绍Cisco 公司的Catalyst系列交换产品,其中包括交换技术的基础知识和高级功能。主要内容有:以太网和令牌环交换,VLAN和ISL及IEEE 802.1Q中继,动态和静态VLAN配置,多层交换,ATMLAN仿真,以及所有与CLSC笔试所需的信息。本书不失为一本网络有关人员的有价值的参考书。
The book introduced the Cisco s Catalyst series of exchange of products, including the basis for the exchange of technical knowledge and advanced features. The main contents are: the exchange of Ethernet and Token Ring, VLAN and ISL and IEEE 802.1Q trunking, dynamic and static VLAN configuration, multilayer switching, ATMLAN simulation, and all written information needed CLSC. The book may be a network of associated personnel valuable reference book. (2008-12-19, Windows_Unix, 12981KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] LanMsgCsharp213

LanMsg是一款用.net C# 开发的局域网即时通讯开源软件(经过简单修改可用于因特网),适合.net即时通讯软件开发者用。 p2p原理(UDP打洞),消息的内容采用串行化技术发送与接收(可发送任何自定义的数据类型).为防止代码过多而引起查看难度,暂只提供本程序的2.1.3 Bate版
LanMsg is used. Net C# development of the LAN instant communication open source software (through simple repair change can be used for Internet), suitable. net instant messaging software developers use. P2p principle (UDP burrows), the use of information technology serial transmission and reception (can be sent to any custom data types). To prevent excessive code View caused difficulty, the only suspense of the two procedures version .1.3 Bate (2007-07-09, Windows_Unix, 6189KB, 下载135次)


[Windows编程] TCPIP111

很多不同的厂家生产各种型号的计算机,它们运行完全不同的操作系统,但TCP/IP协议组件允许它们互相进行通信。这一点很让人感到吃惊,因为它的作用已远远超出了起初的设想。TCP/IP起源于60年代末美国政府资助的一个分组交换网络研究项目,到现在90年代已发展成为计算机之间最常应用的组网形式。它是一个真正的开放系统,因为协议组件的定义及其多种实现可以不用花钱或花很少的钱就可以公开地得到。它成为被称作“全球互联网”或“因特网”(Internet)的基础,该广域网(WAN)已包含超过100万台遍布世界各地的计算机。 本章主要对TCP/IP协议组件进行概述,其目的是为本书其余章节提供充分的背景知识。如果读者要从历史的角度了解有关TCP/IP的早期发展情况,请参考文献[Lynch 1993]。
many different manufacturers to produce various models of the computer, they are running a completely different operating system, But TCP/IP protocol components allow them to communicate with each other. This really very surprised, because its role has gone far beyond the initial vision. TCP/IP originated in the late 1960s, the United States government funded a packet switching network research projects, Now that the 1990s have become among the most common computer network application form. It is a truly open system, This is because the components of the definition and diverse it is not necessary to spend money or very little money can be openly. It has become known as the "global Internet" or "Internet" (Internet) basis, The Wide Area Network (WAN) contains more (2006-12-13, Windows_Unix, 109KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] 20056575480457

经过近一年的策划与筹备,“开源盛世-源代码下载网”终于面向用户正式开放。本站定位于“Visual Studio”系列源代码的下载及其技术文章的发布。本站所有源代码及文章均出自网络或由站长原创,所有提供下载的源代码及供浏览的技术文章均为软件或程序作者提供、站长原创和网友推荐收集整理而来,仅供学习和研究使用。如有侵犯你的版权,请指出,本站将立即改正,同时要求用户在23小时内删除从本站下载的文件。
After nearly a year of planning and preparation, "open source Spirit-source code downloaded Network" user-oriented finally open. Site location in the "Visual Studio" series download the source code and technical articles published. Retrieved source code and articles are from the network or from the original station, all download the source code and available at the technical articles are software or procedures writers, head of originality and netizens recommend collected from, only to learn and study. If your copyright violations, that site will be immediately corrected. at the same time, requiring users to delete within 23 hours from the site to download documents. (2006-05-09, Windows_Unix, 128KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 世界五百强面试题

本书中的问题,是软件业人士在面试时常问的,其中大多数出自微软公司,也有一些来自世界500强公司中的其 他公司。其实道理是相通的,认真领会,加以变通,当你读完全书时,你会发现你已经找到了一块进入外企的 敲门砖。作者布莱尔·沃森25年来一直做为世界500强公司的面试官,首次揭秘对答的所有问题和成功应试的秘诀。
the book issue is the software industry often asked in interviews, most of which come from Microsoft, there are also some from the world's top 500 companies in the other companies. Actually, the reason is the same, to comprehend, to be flexible, when you finished reading the whole book, you may find that you have found a passport to enter the 23,000. Author Bulaierwosen 25 as has been the world's top 500 companies, either. first displayed the enthusiasm of revealing all the problems and taking the secret of success. (2006-01-02, Windows_Unix, 350KB, 下载306次)
