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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(390) 

[Linux/Unix编程] my_yesplaymusic

高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持本地音乐播放、离线歌单、桌面歌词、Touch Bar歌词、Mac状态栏歌词显示。支持 Windows macOS Linux ![:electron:](https: github.githubassets.com images icons emoji electron.png)
The third-party NetEase Cloud player with high face value supports local music playback, offline playlists, desktop lyrics, Touch Bar lyrics, and Mac status bar lyrics display. Support Windows macOS Linux! [: electricity:] (https: github. githuassets.com images icons emoji electricity. png) (2023-11-30, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] nspawn-qq

利用systemd-nspawn容器跑 Deepin 20.5或者Debian 11,安装deepinwine,稳定运行QQ、微信、深度商店等应用。低内存,高性能,沙盒机制不污染宿主机,支持多用户,可在所有systemd作为init的L...
Use the system d nspawn container to run Deepin 20.5 or Debian 11, install Deepwin, and run applications such as QQ, WeChat, and Deep Store stably. Low memory, high performance, sandbox mechanism does not pollute the host, supports multiple users, and can be used as the L of init in all systemds (2022-05-07, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] pthread_pool

The thread pool program under Linux allows the process to have some initial number of threads, which automatically enter the sleep when there is no task, and they will perform tasks immediately and continue to circulate. The process can also add or delete the number of threads according to the weight of its own tasks. When all tasks are completed, all threads can be properly collected. (2018-07-25, C/C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Ping

本实验主要目的是让学生熟悉 Linux 环境下基本的 raw socket 编程,对以太网帧进 行初步分析,可通过程序完成对不同层次 PDU 的字段分析,修改和重新发送。
The main purpose of this experiment is to familiarize students with basic raw socket programming under Linux environment, Ethernet frames preliminary analysis, the program can be completed by different levels PDU field analysis, modification and re-sent. (2016-05-13, Visual C++, 737KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] pubnub-raspberry-GPIO

PubNub 是一家提供数据流网络及相关 API的企业,成立于 2010年,总部位于旧金山。原先 PubNub 的这个网络的主要客户是移动 app,透过后端平台的作用,让 app 内部可以进行通信。不过随着 IT 服务朝着 IP 网络的演进,以及物联网的日渐流行,使得 PubNub 逐步发展为一个安全可靠、遍布全球的的双向数据网络,成为为移动 app、web 以及物联网等依靠定期小型信令传输的服务的承载网。 目前 PubNub 拥有超过 2000 个客户,包括社交应用与消费者应用,以及金融、商业服务等垂直领域,但是物联网现在已成为 PubNub 发展最快和最大的业务。PubNub 的在网设备现已超过 2 亿的设备,每分钟要完成 2000 万个实时事务。我曾使用其它方式如 MQTT 来控制树莓派 GPIO 接口,而以 PubNub 的方式最简单。 以下网址范例在树莓派 3 执行 (树莓派2 也可以) 包含 2 部分, 首先手机透过浏览器接口将控制树莓派 led亮灭信号传至PubNub云端平台, 接着在树莓派执行应用程序(for python) 读取先前已存在 PubNub云端平台的 LED控制信号以控制GPIO 接口使得 LED 持续亮灭。
PubNub is a provider of network traffic and related API company, founded in 2010 and headquartered in San Francisco. PubNub original main customers of this network is a mobile app, through the effect of the back-end platform, so app can communicate internally. But as the IT service evolution toward IP networks, as well as the growing popularity of things such PubNub progressive development of a safe, reliable, worldwide two-way data network, a mobile app, web and rely on things such as periodic small letter order bearer network transmission services. PubNub currently has more than 2000 customers, including social applications and consumer applications, and vertical areas of finance, business services, but now things have become PubNub fastest growing and largest business. PubNub in network equipment is now more than 200 million of equipment to complete the 20 million real-time transactions per minute. I have used other means such MQTT to control Raspberry Pi GPIO interfaces, and the ea (2016-04-20, Python, 556KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] A8

arm cortex-a8实战演练,网蜂团队打造,裸机基础,linux系统,QT应用,项目实战
arm cortex-a8 practical exercise, the net bee team to create, bare metal base, linux system, QT application, project combat (2014-07-09, Unix_Linux, 18395KB, 下载234次)


[Linux/Unix编程] QTCPP

"Qt in C++ technology," personal collection, non-scan version, it is clear, in-depth understanding of the mechanism of C Qt++ implementation of the books, to enhance the ability to use C++ to deal with complex issues. (2014-06-10, QT, 1209KB, 下载245次)


[Linux/Unix编程] njitClientForLinuxOS_1.20

The code allows the inode user landing and using Huawei 802.1X campus network in the Linux operating system (eg UBUNTU, etc.), it can compatibly support the latest Huawei client version called iNodePC5.2 (E0408) for encryption and authentication currently. And the time of sending packets for automatically maintains the connection can be modified manually. (2013-08-15, C/C++, 317KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] max3238

Up zhucenimabi2011 success! Welcome to the Joint Developer Network Programmer! The contents of this site is currently 1,335,594, classification 207, the combination of hard work more than ten million members, and private collections, is your essential source programmers library career! (2011-04-29, Unix_Linux, 339KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] paoding-rose-demo1

paoding-rose框架的简单例子。Rose 是由 人人网、糯米网 提供的、基于Servlet规范、Spring“规范”的开放源代码WEB开发框架。
paoding-rose the framework of a simple example. Rose is the all network, network to provide rice-based Servlet specification, Spring " norms" of the open source development framework for WEB. (2011-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11008KB, 下载25次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 1

LINUX (2010-09-04, Unix_Linux, 1240KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] LinuxmodifyIP

Linux LAN IP and gateway to modify the proposed changes through a terminal character way down, the definition of the host name, host table, network interface devices and routing parameters configured Linux Ethernet, you can access Internet, enjoy the Internet services provided . (2010-08-30, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] indihgk

熟悉Linux环境下基本的RAW socket 编程,可以对以太网帧进行初步分析,可以通过程序完成第一个程序中对应的不同参差PDU字段分析,修改和重新发送
Familiar with the Linux environment, the basic RAW socket programming, you can conduct a preliminary analysis of the Ethernet frame can be completed through the program the first program corresponding to the different variations of PDU fields, modify, and re-send (2010-05-21, Unix_Linux, 220KB, 下载39次)


[Linux/Unix编程] c_with_script

To write programs in linux to do network management people, more or less a few scripts. Scripting language variable types of flexible, powerful regular expression processing capabilities, coupled with linux system itself pipes, redirection, and a rich command-line tool that allows you to program up its capability to (2010-03-07, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ping_mcast

网络编程实验 在linux下 服务端ping指定网段,确认在线客户后向客户发送多播组地址。客户端加入该多播组。然后接收服务端发往多播组的报文。 注释很详细。 内含说明文档
Linux network programming experiment server ping the specific network segment to confirm online customers and send the multicast group address to the online customers. The client will join the multicast group, and then receive multicast group packets send by the server. Note in detail. (2009-12-01, C/C++, 597KB, 下载14次)


[Linux/Unix编程] h3c_8021xclient_ch_v220_0210-linux.tar

Linux operating system to connect the campus network, 802.1x authentication code。 (2009-04-16, Unix_Linux, 202KB, 下载17次)


[Linux/Unix编程] kpassport_0.01.2.tar

上网linux train the entire process (including source code) first edition (for the LAN, campus network, etc.), it is very difficult information. Description: Friend originality of the information, the only U.S. study to use, not for commercial purposes. (2009-02-16, Unix_Linux, 345KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] TestSegy

segy读写程序,我是在阿果石油网里下的, 一个c++的读写segy的程序,如果在做关于地震方面的可以下下值得一看哦,
segy reading and writing process, I was in the Arab-Israeli fruit oil net under a c++ reading and writing segy procedures, if done on the earthquake area can under the circumstances to see Oh, (2008-11-16, C++, 4KB, 下载183次)


[Linux/Unix编程] firestarter

Linux系统下著名的个人防火墙,C语言编写,采用Gtk 2.0作为图形界面, 用法和“天网个人防火墙”差不多。可以对某个端口的数据规则进行过滤,也可以屏蔽来自某个IP的所有数据。
Linux system the well-known personal firewall, C language, using Gtk 2.0 as a graphical interface, usage and (2008-02-10, Unix_Linux, 1274KB, 下载91次)


[Linux/Unix编程] BaseLinuxcom

由于以太网的高性价比、高带宽和开放性,以太网成为最广泛的局域网技术,但是它缺乏对实时网络的 支持。现代控制网络与数据网络的一体化,实时数据和非实时数据并存,如何分辨和优先处理实时数据、防止突 发的非实时数据传输独占网络带宽,对此进行了探讨和实践。基于Linux 的开放源代码,对Linux 中的网络系统 加以改造,使Linux 支持实时通信
As a result of cost-effective Ethernet and high bandwidth and an open, Ethernet has become the most extensive LAN technology, but its lack of real-time network support. Modern control network and data network integration, real-time data and non-real-time data coexist, how to distinguish between real-time data and priority treatment to prevent sudden and non-real-time data transmission exclusive network bandwidth, which are discussed and practice. Based on the open source Linux on Linux in the network system to be adapted to enable Linux support for real-time communication (2007-10-30, PDF, 96KB, 下载2次)
