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[WEB开发] mulding5

一款基于互联网与移动互联网订餐服务预订系统,目前系统主要定位于细分餐饮市场,跟随互联网潮流抓住用户消费入口新趋势,真正将 商家 与用户连接起来,让商家为用户提供优质服务与消费体验。 快捷网上订餐系统中的快字不仅体现在程序运行的速度上快,更在用户操作体验上让用户更好更快的找到自己需要,完成预定,为用户节省时间,是的我们只是一款服务软件,已经告别了从前整个网站充满了对用户没有价值的新闻、介绍、广告等靠流量和百度收录来拉拢用户的网站展现形式,,我们坚信互联网的媒体与信息时代已经饱和,提供优质、差异化、精准、高效的服务将是新互联网服务发展趋势。 快捷网上订餐系统目前包括:单店版与多店版均支持:电脑版、Wap版 、微信版
An Internet and mobile Internet services based on the reservation system, the system is mainly located in the catering market segments, to follow the trend of the Internet to grasp the new trend of user consumption entrance, real connect businesses and users, for businesses to provide quality services for users and consumer experience. Quick word fast online meal ordering system is not only reflected in the program run faster, more on the user experience for users better and faster to find their own needs, complete the reservation for users to save time, we are just a service software, has bid farewell to the past the whole website full of news, no value introduction and advertising on Baidu included to flow and to draw the user s website to show the form of Internet users, we believe that the media and the information age is already saturated, providing high-quality, differentiated, accurate and efficient service will be the development trend of new Internet services. At present, in (2017-05-17, Java, 11125KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] trwzxt_utf8

A set of asp+access code to construct website system, such as the default template is not satisfied, in the background can replace other templates, the use of Dreamweaver can be visualized modification, mainly used in the picture type website, such as making novel website, beautiful pictures website, government website, school website, website and so on all net works of calligraphy and painting related pictures and text type can make use of the system. Of course, we also support the two development, according to your specific requirements to develop a specific website features to expand the use of the site. (2017-02-03, Java, 3415KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zxbxglxt

赛网特在线报修管理系统是赛网特科技历时3年和专业的维修售后企业合作,分析调研需求开发的一套维修企业管理系统,它涵盖了如下功能:在线报修(网站报修、电话报修)、工程师派单、工程师管理、订单管理、订单结算、反馈管理、企业会员管理、个人会员管理、网站常用管理(新闻、栏目、广告) 短信自动发送,短信模板管理,QQ客服管理,报表统计等。 它既是网站系统也是派单管理,报修管理系统!
Tennis special online repair management system is the network game technology for 3 years and the maintenance of professional customer service enterprises, analysis of development research needs a set of maintenance management system, it covers the following functions: online repair (repair site, phone repair), send a single engineer, engineer management, order management, order, settlement feedback enterprise website management, membership management, membership management, personal management (news, advertising) SMS automatically send, SMS template management, QQ customer service management, report statistics, etc.. It is not only the website system is to send a single management, repair management system! (2017-01-24, Java, 12585KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] dyh_wddxt

完整的后台订单系统,实时接收最新订单; 手机/微信同步接收最新订单信息,免费实时; 数据库采用不可逆加密,有效防止信息泄露; 商品管理采用单页设计,充分体现了其迷你微型的特征; 带订单状态处理,方便归类,大大提高信息处理效率; 网站后台+邮件+微信/手机接收,各类终端同步处理,保证不漏单; Mini的设计,给您带来不一样的用户体验。 后台地址:/sys_order/admin 帐号密码:admin admin 调用方式: 在要调用的地方加上下面的代码就行: <iframe src sys_order/order.asp width 525 height 275 frameborder 0 scrolling no ></iframe>
Complete background order system to receive the latest order in real time Mobile/WeChat sync to receive the latest order information free of charge The can be used to prevent information leakage Commodity management using a single page design, fully embodies the characteristics of its mini mini With order status processing, convenient classification, greatly improve the efficiency of information processing Website background+ mail+ WeChat/mobile phone reception, all kinds of terminal synchronization, ensure no leakage Mini design, to bring you a different user experience. Background address: /sys_order/admin Account password: admin admin Call mode: Add the following code to the place you want to call: <iframe SRC sys_order/order.asp width 525 height frameborder scrolling no ></iframe> (2017-01-23, Java, 227KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zuche

系统基于租车业务场景而搭建的O2O服务平台,可为用户提供商务租车、接送机、旅游租车、企业租车、自驾租车、婚庆用车等自助租车服务。 系统包含车辆库管理、门店管理、员工管理、司机管理、订单管理、活动管理、评价管理、财务管理、统计等。 业务流程: 系统车辆录入 >用户服务选择 >用户下单 >用户支付 >系统订单分配 >门店跟单 >指派人员 >服务人员服务对接 >服务完毕确认 >评价打分。 适用场景: 商务租车、接送机、旅游租车、企业租车、自驾租车、婚庆用车等租车用车服务。 系统特点: 1、提高接单能力 提供在线预定功能及推广传播机制,提高产品及品牌曝光度,降低获客成本,提高接单能力,提升企业业务能力。 2、轻量化管理 系统提供门店、店员、司机等人员角色的管理,并提供车辆库、订单管理、订单分配、财务结算等,满足企业日常业务管理功能。 3、渠道拓展方便 系统可拓展线上(PC、微信、APP)门店、电话等多渠道,实现同一后台统一系统管理,并能支撑与外部API对接整合。
Car rental system based on the business scene and build the O2O service platform, can provide users with business car rental, pick-up, car rental, corporate car rental, car rental, wedding car rental services such as self-service. System includes vehicle library management, store management, staff management, driver management, order management, event management, uation management, financial management, statistics. Business Process: System Car Entry-> User Service Selection-> User Order-> User Payment-> System Order Assignment-> Store Order-> Assign Person-> Service Personnel Service Docking-> Service Confirmation-> Evaluation scoring. Applicable scene: Car rental business, car, car rental, corporate car rental, car rental, wedding car rental car services. System Features: 1, to improve the ability of orders Provide online reservation function and promote the dissemination mechanism, improve product and brand exposure, reduce the cost of passengers, (2016-12-15, Java, 44473KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] 52lcw

爱洛川网由八梦网络工作室制作,用kingcms制作的,程序asp版本。空间比较支持asp。网站操作简单,简洁大气。适用于一般小信息网站,欢迎下载使用。。 后台:域名/admin8 用户名:admin 密码:admin888
Love Luochuan network eight dream studio production, with KingCMS production, the program ASP version. Space comparison support asp. Website operation is simple, concise atmosphere. Applicable to general small information website, welcome to download and use.. Background: domain name /admin8 User name: admin Password: Admin888 (2016-10-13, Java, 2883KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cfcount

1.统计系统支持多用户申请,同时支持网站和网店统计 2.总共60种记数器图片样式可以选择,还有两种统计图标可以选择,完全满足你的需求。 3.可以设置计数器显示数字,显示位数,计数器是否隐藏,统计信息是否公开等。 4.页面显示记数和IP防刷新记数两种记数模式,支持Script网站方式和Img网店类方式调用计数器代码。 5.可以记录来访客的来源IP地址和来源页面信息,在线人数。
1 statistical system to support multi user applications, while supporting web sites and online statistics 2 a total of 60 kinds of counter picture styles can be selected, there are two kinds of statistics icon can be selected, fully meet your requirement. 3 can set the counter display digital, display the number of bits, the counter is hidden, whether the information is public and so on. The 4 page displays the count and the count of two IP anti refresh count mode, Script mode and Img support code website online call counter. 5 can record the visitor s source IP address and source page information, online number. (2016-09-14, Java, 1672KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] HdskinNew

修改自动网文章,主要特色: 1.采用心情图标加公告标题的方式显示公告. 2.后台可以修改公告添加的时间、内容、心情图标,支持UBB添加和图片上传. 3.前台调用可以使用htm和Asp 2种调用方式.
Modify automatic network article, the main features: 1. The use of mood plus icon displayed in the title announcement announcement. 2. You can modify the background bulletin added time, content, mood icons, and add support UBB picture upload. 3. You can use the htm call the front desk and Asp 2 种 is called. (2016-03-06, Java, 119KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] c

都市供求信息网 都市供求信息网分为前、后台两部分设计,前台主要实现信息的显示、搜索与发布功能,其中信息的显示包括列表显示与详细内容显示,而列表显示,又分为首页信息列表显示、查看某类别下所有信息的列表显示和搜索结果列表显示;搜索功能主要包括定位搜索和模糊搜索。后台主要实现的功能为信息显示、信息审核、信息删除、付费设置与退出登录,其中的信息显示功能也分为列表显示与详细内容显示。
Urban supply and demand information network is divided into two parts, front and back design, the main achievement of the reception of information display, search and publishing capabilities, which displays information includes a list displaying detailed information display and the list display, information is divided into the Home display list, see if a category displays a list of all the information and search results list display search functions include search and locate fuzzy search. Backstage main function is to display information, audit information, delete information, pay setting Log, which is also divided into the information display to display a list detailed information is displayed. (2016-02-06, Java, 4157KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_m6_v1.0

轩WordPress M6主题由陌轩倾力打造,仿集思网,并进行了改造,良好支持各种智能终端设备,平板、手机等,侧栏小工具,独立页面:投稿、标签、存档、友链,浏览器支持IE7+。
Xuan WordPress M6 theme effort to build the street Xuan, imitation brainstorming network, and has been transformed, good to support a variety of intelligent terminal equipment, tablet, mobile phones, sidebar gadgets, independent page: Contributor, label, archive, Friends of the chain The browser supports IE7+. (2015-06-09, Java, 157KB, 下载1次)



On the IP network user management, complete IP network users to capture logs on the AAA server for data collection to integrate generate summary data on tariff information management, according to the user s use of the service on the server long and their choice tariff item, generate billing information to users and administrators. In addition, the need for an administrator to manage the information and authority, and provide server usage of the search function, to provide users with self-service capabilities, user modify their own personal information and to view their situation should pay (2015-04-29, Java, 12067KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dedecms_gbk_v7.2.beta

On the occasion of the official website of the software empire created 12 years, Empire CMS7.2 version was released. Empire CMS experienced 17 version update, version 7.2 is the first 18. We are constantly breakthrough innovation in practice, Empire CMS7.0 version has a super efficient and stable core architecture, so no worries website development. The Empire CMS7.2 version is in the mobile Internet to achieve comprehensive security and defense breakthrough innovation, make your site mobile Internet easier to achieve (deformation), to create a new realm of website management is secure (King Kong). In addition to the mobile Internet and comprehensive security and defense, the 7.2 version of the module more perfect, more powerful. More perfect in the original 7.0 version based on, to create a more perfect product. The program provides a more secure and stable and reliable protection for website development and growth (2015-04-03, Java, 5396KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] alpaytip

This is paid Taobao website Grilled down treasure hidden layer functions, using jQuery plugin that pretty prompt function is also very fine, note that this example may be a little problem in IE6, IE7/8 are normal, functional demo screenshot shown above . (2015-03-11, Java, 24KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] paipai_flash

Pat net four major focus screen map switching Flash+ HTML version, configuration information directly written in HTML, so that if the is to become a dynamic version provides a great convenience, image size, or the size of their own adjustments under Flash, into Home effectiveness. (2015-02-05, Java, 144KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] jqvote

jq Comments network star reviews, jQuery-star reviews, Ajax star rating code, click on the little star voting functionality can be achieved, without refreshing the page state is completed, it is very good, could be seen on many sites similar effect, the effect of using a jQuery plugin. (2014-10-13, Java, 29KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] babasport

Baba Sports Network Commodity Trading System is a large-scale enterprise development for commodity trading system, advanced e-commerce operations and management concepts. Order flow to achieve multi-sectoral co-processing, multi-sectoral collaboration in dealing with large enterprises to meet the needs of business (2010-06-23, Java, 18393KB, 下载35次)


[WEB开发] jsp

班级学生信息网站的jsp网页设计。本次设计的要求是: (1)建立一个班级数据库,数据库中应有班级的基本信息,如通讯录、成绩单等。 (2)制作一个动态网页,该网页能够接收用户信息,并根据用户要求把后台数据库信息发布到前端的浏览器。 (3)在网页中提供各种查询功能。
Class jsp web site web page design (2009-06-16, Java, 109KB, 下载84次)


[WEB开发] 15201

New and improved online store powerful systems, the use of self-membership discount function points, different members have different discounts, so that your store to attract more follow-up customer. Automatic processing sub-system functions, automatic processing of membership grade, replacing manual processing workload (2007-11-27, Java, 1608KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] CateCity

在线美食网  实例文件夹:mingrisoft\CateCity  数据库:采用SQL Server数据库,名称为db_Catecity  数据库文件位置: \mingrisoft\CateCity\DataBase\db_Catecity_Data.MDF和 \mingrisoft\CateCity\DataBase\db_Catecity_Log.LDF  数据连接文件:Conn\conn.asp  后台管理员入的位置在本书第“2.7.2 后台登录模块设计”一节中给出 用户名:mingrisoft ;密码:www.mingrisoft.com ,单击“登录”按钮,将进入后台管理页面  首页文件为index.asp
Food Network Online (2006-04-21, Java, 2352KB, 下载21次)


[WEB开发] MRShop

融E自选网  实例文件夹:mingrisoft\MRShop文件夹  数据库:采用SQL Server数据库,名称为db_Shop  数据库文件位置: \mingrisoft\MRShop\DataBase\db_shop_Data.MDF和 \mingrisoft\MRShop\DataBase\db_shop_Log.MDF  数据连接文件:Conn\conn.asp  后台管理员入的位置在每个页面的底部,超链接文字“开发”即是 后台管理员密码:www.mingrisoft.com ,并单击“提交”按钮,将进入后台管理页面  首页文件为index1.asp
blend E-demand network (2006-04-21, Java, 1383KB, 下载4次)
