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[WEB开发] 简单-在线生成卡密源码

Online generation of single page version of card (2020-02-12, HTML, 95KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] web

仿炎黄影视程序 1.集成声讯及在线支付接口 2.后台可自由设置首页推荐电影及分类推荐 3.支持开通网吧专用IP功能 4.前台及后台均无加密,完全开源! 后台:/admin/login.asp 用户名和密码:admin
2. Support the opening of Internet cafes dedicated IP function 4. Front and back-office are no encryption, completely open source! Backstage:////////////////// Admin/login.asp user name and password: admin (2017-01-05, HTML, 428KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] blogdh_v1.1

Software blog navigation system was originally for my website (nine network software) to write a software blog navigation to facilitate visits between bloggers, and later wrote a simple background, landscaping under the front, php+ mysql mode, using the fancybox plug-in . (2016-11-14, HTML, 199KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] onez_Robot

Provide the appropriate interface, can develop your own robot program, automatic answer, contacts, notes, reminders, after remote management, recreation, omnipotent inquiry, online teaching and other functions successfully registered the site and instantly receive a robot three domain names, each site has its own separate membership system. Each member individually train their own robots other members and other sites affected. (2016-08-25, HTML, 1660KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] SupeSite7.5_SC_GBK

X-Space is a community Web2.0 personal portal system. It blog (BLOG) function as the core, combined with the pictures (album), collection, Web2.0 application element bookmarks (net Abstract), friends circle, as well as goods (mall), file (download), Links and other popular Internet application. (2016-08-23, HTML, 1987KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] m_forum

明仔中文网の 精简BBS防仿百度DZ5.5PHP install/discuz.sql 把这个导入数据库 config.inc.php 修改数据库权限 前台admin admin 后台 admin admin
Ming Tsai Chinese BBS network の streamline anti-imitation Baidu DZ5.5 PHP install/discuz.sql put this into the config.inc.php permissions to modify the backend admin admin admin admin reception (2016-08-05, HTML, 4905KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpsite

In fact, this modified Xinyu Action Network URL php program is still very good, just the next test the background, the basic functions fairly well, there is a good time to be a beautiful style, give yourself to be a php navigation station is also good. (2016-07-22, HTML, 1870KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] BosClassifields

BosClassifields国外分类信息网程序V2.0英文商业版 是国外一家公司打造的一分类信息形式的程序 这个程序是在国外一个家伙BLOG收藏里发现的 下载之后测试了一下 完整无错!
BosClassifields foreign classified information network program V2.0 Business Edition in English is a foreign company to build a program classification information in the form of the program is in a foreign guy Download BLOG favorites found after the test it complete without error! (2016-07-15, HTML, 212KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cityshop

citySHOP是一款集CMS、网店、商品、分类信息、论坛等为一体的城市多用户商城系统,已完美整合目前流行的Discuz! 6.0论坛,采用最新的5.0版PHP+MYSQL技术。
city SHOP is a set of CMS, shop, merchandise, classified information, the Forum as one of the city mall multiuser system, has seamlessly integrated the popular Discuz! 6.0 forum, using the latest version 5.0 PHP+ MYSQL technology. (2016-07-07, HTML, 7254KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] loveshop

Campus network system store personalized full support multiple campuses and support the news announcement, UBB product launches, store management and powerful, I believe it will be like the founder of the campus network sites store of choice. (2016-07-01, HTML, 1539KB, 下载1次)



1. 修改了前台不能用中国身份证注册BUG 2. 修改了最新商品、热门商品、推荐产品不能显示BUG 3. 补充了竞购、活动商品功能的缺少页面 4. 加入了支付宝接口,网银接口已初步整合
1. Modify the front desk can not be registered with a Chinese ID card BUG 2. Modify the latest commodity, popular commodity, can not show BUG 3. Recommendations complement bidding, lack of functional activity commodity page 4. Add Alipay interfaces, online banking interface is preliminary integration (2016-06-27, HTML, 3004KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] fyjyw

修改于原先漏洞百出的程序,功能说明: 1,公司和个人都可以注册进入浏览招聘或就业信息 2,新闻发布更贴切了现代就业网的风格 后台管理登陆文件:mange/admin.asp 后台管理用户名和密码都是:fengye
Edited original flaws in the program, the function: 1, companies and individuals can register to enter the recruitment or employment information browse 2, press releases more appropriate modern style Employment Network Admin login file: mange/admin.asp Admin user name and password are: fengye (2016-03-21, HTML, 1062KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tuangoucaidan

Buy a suitable site and other sites CSS red navigation menu, the atmosphere would not have said, if you think you buy the site CSS menus look good, bad colors, it is recommended to try this navigation menu bar. (2014-01-04, HTML, 361KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tuangoucaidan

A suitable for group purchase website website CSS red navigation menu, the atmosphere would not have said, if you feel that your group purchase website CSS menu does not look good, the color is not good, recommended to try the navigation menu. Web Webpage, production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, HTML, 103KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] tuangoucaidan

A suitable red buy site and other sites CSS navigation menu, the atmosphere would not have said, if you think you buy the site CSS Menu ugly, bad colors, it is recommended to try this navigation menu bar. (2013-07-05, HTML, 103KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] TourismWeb

这是一个静态旅游网站的源码加后台,拥有相应的酒店预定、查询等功能。希望对学习这方面发开的朋友能有所帮助。后台用户名和密码:admin admin888
This is a static source of travel website backstage, has the corresponding hotel reservation, query and other functions. Want to study this aspect have the friend can help. Background the user name and password: admin admin888 (2013-04-03, HTML, 10910KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] wnl_1.2

万年历:目前互联网上存在的万年历大多不兼容firefox等浏览器,本站推出的万年历兼容IE/Firefox/safari/谷歌等主流浏览器。 鸿新网—分享不一样的网络资源、让您不再为找资源而烦恼!
Calendar: the Internet presence of calendar are not compatible Firefox browser, this station launched IE/Firefox/safari/ compatible with mainstream browser such as Google calendar. Hung the new network- to share not the same cyber source, let you no longer worry for resources!! (2013-01-07, HTML, 11KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] sj

Business information network management system template, pretty and practical background template, dark blue style with login page and background operation pages, feature pages open in the form of a tab, the left side of the menu is also very dynamic indeed a good background template. (2013-01-07, HTML, 205KB, 下载14次)


[WEB开发] BetterCOSv2[1].06

该系统是基于 Intranet 的 Web 技术,完全采用B/S体系结构的内联网办公系统。 该系统独特的信息流设计使得信息在政府/企业的部门内部和部门之间传递效率极大提高,信息传递过程中耗费降到最低。
The system is based on the Intranet of Web technology, complete with B/S architecture, intranet office system. The system' s unique design allows the information flow of information in the government/business sector within the department and the greatly improved transmission efficiency, information delivery process to minimize cost. (2010-06-28, HTML, 3069KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] TTBiz

一个电子商务网源码,在线注册、购物车及产品发布等功能,适合做毕业设计的朋友研究 新闻管理 ·添加头条 ·添加其他 商品管理 ·添加商品 订单管理 ·未处理订单 ·已处理订单 ·今日销售 ·本月销售
An electronic commerce network source, on-line registration, shopping cart and product release and other functions, suitable for graduate design research information management to add a friend to add headlines to add other commodity management Order Management unprocessed goods orders have been processed order today Sales This Month Sales (2010-01-18, HTML, 2447KB, 下载39次)
