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按平台查找All Delphi(544) 

[P2P编程] P2P-net-credit-books

P2P network credit books, a comprehensive record of your investment net loan. And password, account information, and so on, eliminating you forgot your account or miss the date of receipt of the troubles. Support set up multiple accounts. There are profit and loss statistics, in accordance with the various items of the arrangement, as well as the SQL to find a number of features of the project. (2016-01-02, Delphi, 773KB, 下载1次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] ms2014-16muma

用delphi7编写的基于ms14 -16漏洞的网马源代码,使用了TPerlRegEx控件,新手一看就懂,简单明了。
Written by delphi7 based network vulnerability ms14-16 Ma source code, use the TPerlRegEx controls a novice looking to understand, plain and simple. (2014-12-11, Delphi, 63KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] MRP

Production management system easy to use, the system requirements for SQL database support, to Mr. into database directory! (2014-03-23, Delphi, 1471KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] xuyu2007

LAN herramienta de chat, el estilo de interfaz de XP, ejecute directamente sin necesidad de servidor, la segmentación cruzada de ejecución tienen el chat de voz, soporte para transferencia de archivos, usted puede enviar varios archivos para mejorar la lista de usuarios, la percepción de si el usuario está conectado, la interceptación de la pantalla. Expresión mapas, el mensaje de la radio, la respuesta automática para recibir automáticamente el archivo. archivo de mensajes fuera de línea en línea para enviar la tarea. (2012-04-12, Delphi, 5777KB, 下载14次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] FRIENDINFO

Address book software, support photo. Test user name and password are all temp, you can access files in the new users (2011-03-18, Delphi, 1786KB, 下载2次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] net

可以穿越内网控制,源码完整,说明详尽。 短小精悍的delphi程序,是学习网络编程的优秀实例。
Can be controlled through the intranet, complete source code, detailed instructions. Dapper delphi program is an excellent example of learning network programming. (2010-09-16, Delphi, 477KB, 下载45次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] netkey

本软件为免费软件,主要用途是配合网管进行远程监控,作者允许并鼓励 自由传播,但禁止用于商业用途或在传播的过程中以任何理由收取费用。 同时,作者不对本软件做任何担保,不对因本软件导致的系统错误、数据丢失, 以及由此引发的感情纠葛直至法律纠纷承担责任,凡使用本软件恶意入侵他人 电脑或网络者,后果自负。
This software is free software, mainly used in conjunction with the network management for remote monitoring, the authors allow and encourage the free dissemination of, but not for commercial purposes or in the dissemination of the course for any reason a fee. At the same time, the author of this software does not make any guarantees, because of this software does not result in system errors, data loss, and the consequent feelings of disputes until the legal dispute liability, where the use of this software malicious hacking into computers or network who peril. (2010-03-05, Delphi, 137KB, 下载22次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 1000y

千年侠众道完整源码带控件 使用 Delphi 7.0下载
Millennium Xia Zhong Road, complete with source code control (2009-11-27, Delphi, 11520KB, 下载282次)


[Windows编程] saolei_zuru

_ Into the mine, the application thread, implantation, can be used in many online games, and stability (to be used with many games currently supporting) (2009-08-04, Delphi, 10KB, 下载13次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] 139

139 mobile phone-mail verification code to identify the source code, complete source code (2009-08-02, Delphi, 224KB, 下载50次)


[系统编程] MonIESRC

This is an Internet history records of procedures, users can also record all the process of computer (2009-05-13, Delphi, 416KB, 下载20次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] TCPIPMONITOR

网络流量检测器,实现TCP IP ARP的检测以及更新
Detect network traffic, and TCP IP ARP realize the detection and update (2009-02-22, Delphi, 280KB, 下载280次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] delphi+socket

socket controls the primary applications for the inter-network file transfers (2008-12-22, Delphi, 346KB, 下载114次)


[文件操作] hxb_leiyuan_MultiThreadSendFile_V1.0

Network environment, including transmission of large files, absolutely stable and reliable for more than a document of more than 1G tested no error. (2007-10-07, Delphi, 132KB, 下载14次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] convertz802

DELPHI DFM资源文件内码批量转换程序,GB->BIG5,BIG5->GB等。 支持自动分析DFM文件,并生成BAK文件,需要用到convertz软件。
DELPHI DFM resources to document the conversion process batch code, GB- (2007-09-13, Delphi, 1303KB, 下载37次)


[通讯编程] jiayoua_delphimodbus-0.3.0

Modbus 协议是应用于电子控制器上的一种通用语言。通过此协议,控制器相互之间、控制器经由网络(例如以太网)和其它设备之间可以通信。它已经成为一通用工业标准。有了它,不同厂商生产的控制设备可以连成工业网络,进行集中监控。 Modbus TCP协议是Modbus协议的另一版本,它于1999年被开发出来以允许Internet用户访问以太网设备。Modbus是OSI模型第7层上的应用层报文传输协议,它在连接至不同类型总线或网络的设备之间提供客户机/服务器通信。目前,可以通过下列三种方式实现Modbus通信: 由于结合了Modbus协议的简单性和100 M 以太网的高速度,Modbus TCP/IP展现了卓越的性能,这意味着将这种网络应用在实时性要求很高的场合,如I/O扫描,是可行的。Modbus通信透明性Modbus协议可以方便地在各种网络体系结构内进行通信,每种设备(PLC、HMI、控制面板、变频器、运动控制、I/O设备等)都能使用Modbus协议来启动远程操作,同样的通信能够在串行链路和TCP/IP以太网网络上进行,而网关则能够实现各种使用Modbus协议的总线或网络之间的通信。由此可见,Modbus协议实现了全方位的通信透明。 (2007-09-08, Delphi, 694KB, 下载329次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] sivelink

net for the Bureau of document management tools, virtual directory mapping, limited, and are interested to see it continue (2007-04-23, Delphi, 1119KB, 下载11次)


[系统/网络安全] network_security

network security ppt files, said very detailed knowledge can be learned (2006-11-09, Delphi, 1306KB, 下载67次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] 天极网社区delphi精华

Inc. online publication in the various delphi original code and techniques documentation, please just started learning delphi friends download (2005-12-14, Delphi, 727KB, 下载16次)


[其他] wealsh 网络测速器

wealsh 网络测速器 只是为了方便测试网速,所有测试点来自 世界网络.
wealsh network with guns is meant to facilitate the testing speed, all from the test network. (2005-11-17, Delphi, 242KB, 下载30次)
