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[WEB开发] 新版清新好看的网站引导页源码

Home page with special effects, very beautiful (2017-10-12, HTML, 708KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] gouchinabeta

追求简洁的风格,简化所有的源代码,运行速度比同类系统快一半以上。 CSS风格可在后台自定设置,可根据不同的需求和环境进行最大化的修改。 整合了最常用的支付宝和网银在线支付,方便客户进行在线支付。
The pursuit of simple style, simplifying all the source code, running faster than similar systems more than half. CSS style can be set in the background custom, according to different needs and the environment to maximize changes. Integrated the most commonly used Alipay and online banking online payment, to facilitate customers to pay online. (2017-01-14, HTML, 1712KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_gzlzt_v3.9

In fact, the theme of lattice type suitable for photography, photo sharing, or a variety of design display type of website, today we share is a wordpress plaid theme, the theme of this type of theme, Style is the original design by the domestic wordpress lovers (2016-12-08, HTML, 121KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wfutf

远丰网盾是国内首款针对网站垃圾信息进行内容扫描过滤的云计算软件 目前我们的系统拥有四个高速智能扫描引擎: 1.数字指纹扫描引擎:收集了海量垃圾信息,经系统按照某种算法提取这些信息的数字指纹。
Yuanfeng network shield is the first content for web scanning and filtering spam cloud computing software at present our system has four high-speed intelligent scanning engine: 1 digital fingerprint scanning engine: collecting a lot of junk information, the system in accordance with certain algorithm to extract these digital fingerprint information. (2016-10-31, HTML, 60KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] charstchange

1,站长-下载了某种编码的程序需要转换编码 2,程序员-开发了某种编码的程序需要转换编码 我自己就是两者的身份。比如在做支付宝或财富通网银接口的时候,要把它整个程序包转换过来。开发程序时,要做一个UTF8版或GBK版。
1, Webmaster- download a certain program requires transcoding coded 2, programmers- have developed some kind of coded programs require transcoding is both my own identity. For example, do Alipay or wealth through online banking interface, when it should come to convert the entire package. When developing the program, to do a version of UTF8 or GBK version. (2016-08-12, HTML, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] favshop

使用cakephp开发的强大的免费网店系统,网上开店的首选 1、解压缩后把upload目录下的文件/文件夹上传到网站根目录下 2、运行http://域名/install.php 3、设置数据库链接信息,请确保填写表名前缀 4、设置管理员帐号 5、安装完毕
Use cakephp developed powerful free online store system, the preferred online shop 1, unzip the file upload directory/folder uploaded to the site root directory 2, run http: // domain /install.php 3, set link information, be sure to fill out the table prefix 4, 5 set the administrator account, the installation is complete (2016-08-08, HTML, 1929KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] mywaster

1、网站绝无仅有的一套PHP完整版二手交易信息网程序。 2、我也是在网上找了一个多月也没找到合适的,就自己动手写了。 3、本程序有站长自己单独开发的编辑器,简单实用,支持图片上传,字号设备等。
1, the site of a unique version of PHP complete secondary trading Information Network program. 2, I was on the Internet looking for more than a month did not find suitable, write it yourself. 3, the program has developed its own separate chief editor, simple and practical, support picture upload, size equipment. (2016-07-30, HTML, 3850KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qqbqz

希望没有什么漏洞,代码很简单但是很乱。。。。。高手们见笑了 声明,这个程序界面是『风云生活』网的,我不会设计美化,感谢作者提供完整的PSD文件! 一些说明: 1、config.php 中的 $dir变量要与图片目录(一级)一至
Hope no loopholes, the code is very simple but messy. . . . . The experts laughed at the statement, the program interface is life situation network, I will not design landscaping, thanks to the author to provide a complete description of some of the PSD file:! 1, config.php the $ variable to the image directory (a level) to a (2016-07-28, HTML, 527KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] webwoo

本分类信息基于PHP168CMS基础上修改,版权归原来作者所有。所谓的修改也就是添加了几个字段,和加了一个发布人信息的关联。 所有的PHP168CMS4.0SP2版可以升级为网窝修改版分类信息,虽然说是分类信息,但其实还是CMS。
This information is based PHP168CMS classification on the basis of changes copyright the original author. The so-called modification is to add a few fields, and processing of information associated with a publisher. All PHP168CMS4.0SP2 version can be upgraded to the net nest modified version of classified information, although the information is classified, but it is still CMS. (2016-07-04, HTML, 2723KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] edoomusic

此音乐系统是承继以前火柴天堂音乐系统V2.0,但是此版本的程序内核已经由我们自己独立开发. 系统由PHP+TXT构架,算法结构进行了优化,速度较以前有了相当大的提高,可以独立构建中小型的音乐网站。
This music system is inherited previous matches Paradise Music System V2.0, but this version of the kernel program has been developed independently by our own system by the PHP+ TXT architecture, algorithm structure optimized speed has been increased considerably compared with the previous, Construction of small and medium sized independent music website. (2016-07-03, HTML, 2400KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpok3.1s_091018

PHPOK Enterprise Station (referred PHPOK) building system is a set of efficient business website building program based on PHP and MySQL to build a comprehensive network for business (to show centered) rational design and planning. This is an open source, free enterprise website program! You can use for free in compliance with LGPL license basis. (2016-06-29, HTML, 1035KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cnzz072513

一:最重要一点就整合DZ论坛 二:加入了繁简体转化 三:完美整合了网银在线支付系统 四:修改了商品超过一千元后,显示详细价格为一元的BUG 五:修改了邮篇老是显示三位的BUG
A: The most important thing to integrate DZ Forum II: join the traditional and simplified conversion of three: the perfect integration of online banking online payment system four: Modify the commodity more than one thousand yuan, the displays detailed price of one dollar BUG Five: Modify the Post article old It is displayed with three of BUG (2016-06-27, HTML, 6411KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Mobile-Internet1.1

密切移动CSS框架源自“Mobile Internet CSS”, 是由切图网针对webapp移动前端自主开发的一款HTML5/CSS3框架,它的目的是减少你的css开发时间,它提供一个包含有例如列表,滑动幻灯片,选项卡,弹窗等常用组件去布局你的项目
Close Mobile CSS framework Mobile Internet CSS , is a HTML5/CSS3 framework consists of cutting plans for net mobile webapp front end of independent development, its purpose is to reduce your css development time, it provides a list containing, for example, slide slide, tabs, pop and other common components to layout your project (2016-06-22, HTML, 215KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] shangpinfangdajing

Shop merchandise picture magnifying effect of the code is an imitation of Eslite website Picture magnifying effect of the code, thumbnails can scroll left and right, the mouse across the thumbnails to switch picture showing a medium size, medium size mouse across the image pop-up display big picture, and support enlarged (2016-05-28, HTML, 1084KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] houtai_shangjia

Business Information Network Admin templates, simple, background operation easy, just be typing, Internet access, will manage the site! Dark blue style, with landing pages and page background operation, functional form of the page to open the tab on the left menu effect is very dynamic, really is a good background template. web pages reference materials. (2014-01-05, HTML, 864KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] houtai_shangjia

The backstage management templates, business information network has the advantages of simple operation, the operation easy, just typing, surf the Internet, will manage the website! Deep blue style, with landing pages and back pages, pages opened to form the left menu tab, the effect is very dynamic, is indeed a good background template. Web Webpage, production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, HTML, 278KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] dianzihongse

一款非常适合电子商务、网店商城、分类信息等各类网站,首页分类比较多的网站,红色风格CSS导航菜单,如果你的网站的分类比较多,特别是二级分类,这款应该会蛮适合你的。 用到的技术HTML、DIV+CSS、JS等
A very suitable for e-commerce, shop mall, classified information and other types of sites, Home Categories relatively large number of sites, red style CSS navigation menu, if your site classification more, especially two categories, this should be very suitable for you. Techniques used HTML, DIV+CSS, JS, etc. (2013-07-05, HTML, 8KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] dianzihongse

一款非常适合电子商务、网店商城、分类信息等各类网站,首页分类比较多的网站,红色风格CSS导航菜单,如果你的网站的分类比较多,特别是二级分类,这款应该会蛮适合你的。 用到的技术HTML、DIV+CSS、JS等。
A very suitable for e-commerce, shop mall, classified information and other types of web page classification, comparison of multiple sites, red style CSS navigation menu, if your site classification is more, especially the two classifications, this should be quite suitable for you. Use of technology in HTML, DIV+CSS, JS etc.. (2013-01-08, HTML, 8KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] wengmeili

后台管理地址:/Admin_uguba/admin_login.asp 软件介绍..模板采用“HTML语言”代码结构、简捷、快速、精美、兼容多浏览器,包容量大,对文章、会员前台等模块皆进行了美化,增强了页面效果,增大了页面的容量,代码简洁精炼,符合web标准, 美观方便,可以做股票,资讯,娱乐等大型门户网站,同时也极具很大的拓展性,可广泛用于类似要求的站点。 最新程序说明: 1.本站采用动易SiteWeaver 6.8最新版内核,所有补丁都已更新了,功能齐完; 2.本站共五个股票频道,五十多个股票栏目,近30000篇股票内容,下载后上传空间生成即可建一个大型的股票门户网站; 3.本站拥有强大的采集功能,可以随意采集想要采集的网站内容;(本程序已设置好了数十个采集频道) 后台管理地址:/Admin_uguba/admin_login.asp 管理员:admin 密码:admin888 认证码:admin888
weng meili (2011-07-03, HTML, 1204KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Html

《Html基础知识串讲》一书由寒点建站网搜集编制,内容部分来源于网络,由寒点技术小组经过精心修改、补充和完善,在内容上使得更为充实,在层次上渐渐深入,对读者进行循循善诱,起到良好的学习效果。 本书之所以叫串讲,是针对精讲而言的,即不会讲得很详细,Html的知识点太多了,这点篇幅不够精讲的,故而取名叫串讲。书中先后对字体、图像、表格、框架、序列卷标、表单、排版卷标、背景标志、链接标志和框架等10个方面的问题进行探讨,希望对Html初学者有所帮助。
failed to translate (2009-06-17, HTML, 111KB, 下载2次)
