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[C#编程] ArpSender

ArpSender是C#写的ARP发包器,写的初衷是想试下什么样的ARP包才会引起ARP攻击,构造一些包可能会导致别人上不了网。至于包怎么填,发挥大家的想象吧,嘿嘿。 ArpSender用了SharpPcap这个开源API,有兴趣的到网上查下,用起来挺简单的。编程过程中最大的问题就是线程的问题。发包的代码中用了BackgroundWorker控件,因为参数只能传一个,并且线程是不允许直接调 (2022-02-15, C#, 200KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] AutoCatch1.2

收工!早上冒出一个想法,搞定当当云电子书,现在终于完成心愿。从当当网买二天电子书,没想到还要到它的网站上看,每次须上网,翻一页得等几秒,很不爽,让人感觉不是买书而是借书。这个软件帮能你自动下载所有页面到本地硬盘,如果必要还可以生成PDF文件,写了一个,不过有点弱,不上传了,可以用FreePic2Pdf实现转换PDF功能。本软件C#写成。运行要先安装.net 2.0 这是全屏截图,主要在EKING (2022-02-15, C#, 58KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 物业管理系统

根据小区物业内部管理的特点,可以将小区物业内部管理信息网分为前台和后台两个部分进行设计。前台主要用于用户注册和登录网站、站内链接、查询用户的相关信息以及查看站内新闻和站内公告;后台主要用于管理员对业主投诉管理、业主报修管理、反馈信息受理、物业设备维修、业主停车位管理、业主费用管理、费用催缴管理和值班员工信息等进行管理。 (2022-02-15, C#, 1101KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 西门子PLC s-1200、s-1500通讯

VB, C# and other PC high-level languages communicate with Siemens PLC (s7-200smart, s7-1200, s7-1500, S7-300, S7-400, etc.) Ethernet and serial port communication (2020-09-30, C#, 822KB, 下载246次)


[C#编程] NetScan

The automatic scanning of the LAN can set the start and end of the IP address, which can automatically be grouped, and the scanning time can be reduced by multi thread scanning. (2018-02-07, C#, 2859KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] MSTCSharp

设G (V,E)是一个无向连通网,生成树上各边的权值之和为该生成树的代价,在G的所有生成树中,代价最小的生成树就称为最小支撑树,或称最小生成树。
U8BBEG uFF08V uFF0CE uFF09 u662F u4E00 u4E2A u65E0 u5411 u8FDE u901A u7F51 uFF0C u751F u6210 u6811 u4E0A u5404 u8FB9 u7684 u6743 u503C u4E4B u548C U4E3A u8BE5 u751F u6210 u6811 u7684 u4E3 u4EF7 uFF0C u5728G u7684 u6240 u6709 u751F u6210 u6811 u4E2D uFF0C u4E3 u4EF7 u6700 u5C0F u7684 u751F u6210 U6811 u5C31 u79F0 u4E3A u6700 u5C0F u652F u6491 u6811 uFF0C u6216 u79F0 u6700 u5C0F u751F u6210 u6811 u3002 (2017-04-18, Others, 2KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] csharp

C#是微软公司发布的一种面向对象的、运行于.NET Framework之上的高级程序设计语言。并定于在微软职业开发者论坛(PDC)上登台亮相。C#是微软公司研究员Anders Hejlsberg的最新成果。C#看起来与Java有着惊人的相似;它包括了诸如单一继承、接口、与Java几乎同样的语法和编译成中间代码再运行的过程。但是C#与Java有着明显的不同,它借鉴了Delphi的一个特点,与COM(组件对象模型)是直接集成的,而且它是微软公司 .NET windows网络框架的主角。
C# is Microsoft released an object-oriented, running on..net Framework on high-level programming language.And is scheduled to be in Microsoft s professional developers BBS (PDC) on the debut.C# is Microsoft researcher Anders Hejlsberg latest achievements.C# and Java look strikingly similar It includes such as a single inheritance, interface, and Java almost the same syntax and compiled into intermediate code and run process.But c# and Java has obvious different, it draw lessons the Delphi a characteristic, and COM (component object model) is a direct integration, and it is Microsoft.net Windows network framework protagonist. (2016-08-09, C#, 17756KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] C-Sharp-Rain-flow-counting-method

C#编写的基于ASTM_E1049-85标准的雨流计数法 用​ C​ #​ 语​ 言​ 开​ 发​ 的​ 雨​ 流​ 统​ 计​ 法​ 。​ 通​ 过​ 实​ 例​ 详​ 细​ 讲​ 述​ 雨​ 流​ 统​ 计​ 过​ 程​ 。​ 经​ 与​ M​ a​ t​ l​ a​ b​ 官​ 方​ 雨​ 流​ 统​ 计​ 代​ 码​ 的​ 计​ 算​ 结​ 果​ 对​ 比​ ,​ 完​ 全​ 吻​ 合​ 。
C# Rain-flow counting method We use C# language to design Rain-flow counting method. Through the example of a real case, a detailed account of the process of the rain flow is described. The a M t l a B, the official of the square of the rain and the flow of the whole system, the calculation results are compared. (2015-06-30, C#, 382KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] Android_Starter

Mono is in c# and.net platform for developing multiple mobile application in VS environment. Meaning by Mono, can develop multiple platforms mobile applications (i.e., iOS and Android). Sounds good, but it is a commercial program, therefore is to charge. Fortunately, it has a free version of the application of, and never expire, the only trial version is limited, the website is described as: xamarin trial software not expired, but only allow to develop and test the ios simulator and android simulator. Mean, can only be run on the virtual machine. Ok, only this is enough. (2015-05-12, C#, 7998KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] survey-Csharp

C#测量常用程序 导线测量 近似平差计算
C# approximate measure commonly used programs Traverse adjustment calculation (2013-11-04, C#, 472KB, 下载54次)


[C#编程] Google

Google地图定位-C#中winform开发的地图定位 可以定位经纬度或是通过经纬度查找地址 也可以查询两个经纬度间的球面距离 还有路线搜索,程序需要电脑上安装有Google Earth相关程序和插件。
Location Map Google Maps positioning-C# winform development can locate the latitude and longitude or latitude and longitude to find an address can also query the spherical distance between two latitude and longitude as well as route search, the program needs to have Google Earth installed on your computer programs and plug-ins. (2013-05-15, C#, 68KB, 下载44次)


[C#编程] csharp

C# Study Notes (very classic) many predecessors recommended. Hope everyone. (2013-02-05, C#, 50548KB, 下载2385次)


[C#编程] cSharp

C# 一些技术要点,可以帮你更快速学习.NET技术
C# some technical points, can help you faster learning. NET technology (2012-09-06, Visual Basic, 2852KB, 下载153次)


[C#编程] logo

Implement a training network, the training institutions can use this platform to publish their own training information, and training users can choose the content of training institutions to participate in relevant training, the platform administrator to achieve through the training institutions and training users on the management and maintenance (2011-04-04, C#, 1951KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] setup1.1

华夏SEO软件beta1.1版 华夏SEO软件是一款应用于网站在互联网进行营销的多功能检测与信息群发软件,众所周知给网站做SEO基础工作要从两方面入手,网站内部代码优化与搜索引擎外部优化,针对这两大特性,我公司推出华夏SEO软件主要功能有两大类:1、网站营销分析检测功能; 2、搜索引擎排名优化功能。准确的根据用户需要,提供完美的网站优化服务。   华夏SEO软件不仅是一个群发软件,还是一款真正的SEO软件,真正能够实现业务不用跑,订单送上门。是中小企业产品推广,淘宝客推广,广告联盟,网赚一族,商务人士网络赚钱的首选网络营销工具。 官网:http://www.w3si.com
SEO software is used in Chinese websites on the Internet for a multi-function testing and information marketing mass software, well known to the site to do the basic work to be two ways SEO, website optimization and search engine within the outer code is optimized for these two properties , I introduced Chinese SEO software, there are two main functions: 1, website marketing analysis and detection capabilities 2, the search engine ranking optimization. Accurate based on user needs and provide the perfect Web site optimization services. China SEO software is not only a mass software, or a true SEO software can achieve real business is no need for orders delivered to their doorsteps. SMEs, product promotion, Taobao off promotion, advertising alliance, Wangzhuan owners, business people make money online internet marketing tool of choice. http://www.w3si.com (2011-02-11, C#, 27259KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] chip_pathfinder

Choking algorithm in the negotiations in the circuit design, the iterative algorithms have been used until there is no more than one routing resources. In each iteration, delete every line network, and then minimize the cost function according to the principle of re-wiring (2010-07-29, Others, 69KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] flymsg

以前写C#代码,做asp.net网站需要手工写很多数据库访问的代码,       因为项目中表很多 ,一张表要对应好多数据库访问的函数,手工写起来非常烦,而且容易写错掉,更重要的时候这样当数据库字段变化时,代码修改起来也很辛苦。       现在用db2class,只要几分钟就搞定了。更关键的是,这样生成的代码很规范,完全根据MVC的模式生成。通过db2class这个工具还可以在数据库结构变化的情况下 ,很好的管理项目的代码。       db2class可以到“ASP.NET代码自动生成网”注册一个账户而后使用,地址是       http://db2class2.5.bname.us/
feiq source (2009-12-29, ASP, 36KB, 下载27次)


[C#编程] carShopping

本网站采用了先进的.netMVC技术,url地址为html,便于搜索引擎的抓取,布局为div+css,后台是extjs框架,采用了高级搜索,jquery+ajax无刷新全文索引.便于大家学习. 此电子网管理系统,有宣传、介绍、展示、推广、销售与服务,开展网上电子商务业务。 网站后台功能: 用户帐号管理 订单管理 产品信息管理 新闻管理 用户发表管理 功能信息管理
This site uses advanced. NetMVC technologies, url address is html, easy search engine crawling, the layout for the div+ css, the background is the extjs framework, adopted the advanced search, jquery+ ajax no refresh the full-text index. To facilitate them to learn. This electronic network management system, there is publicity, presentations, display, promotion, sales and services, conduct e-commerce business. Web site back-office functions: User Account Management Order Management Product Information Management Information Management Information Management User management functions on (2009-10-07, C#, 13495KB, 下载92次)


[C#编程] f1

网上购书网功能目前 一 :前台功能模块: (1)用户注册、登陆功能。 (2)图书浏览:提供新书推荐、分类排序、热卖图书、 图书信息列表等功能。 (3)图书搜索:可根据各种组合条件进行查询。 (4)图书订购:对选择的图书可在线订购,放入购物车中。 (5)购物车:对所选商品进行确认、删除、修改等操作。 (6)结算支付:对购买的图书进行结算,并填写相关联系信息。 (7)公告发布:发布一些网站的相关信息和图书信息。
Book online feature is a network: the future functional modules: (1) user registration, login function. (2) Book here: to provide new recommendations, Sort, best books, the list of features such as book information. (3) Book Search: according to various combinations of query conditions. (4) books to order: the selection of books available online ordering, shopping cart Add. (5) Shopping Cart: for the selected goods to confirm the deletion, modification and other operations. (6) Settlement payment: purchase of books on the settlement, and fill out the relevant contact information. (7) Notice Published: Published a number of site-related information and book information. (2009-06-21, ASP, 211KB, 下载16次)


[C#编程] EmailAppdianziyoujiankehuduan

此电子邮件客户端软件包括用户登录,电子邮件的发送和接收,错误提示等功能,可作为毕业设计之用。开发语言C#,Visual Studio 2003作为开发工具,界面美观。也可用Visual Studio 2005来操作,只需升级一下即可。
This e-mail client software, including user login, send and receive e-mail, error and other functions, can be used as a graduation project. Development language C#, Visual Studio 2003 as a development tool, interface aesthetics. Visual Studio 2005 can also be used to operate, simply click upgrade. (2008-06-26, C#, 27KB, 下载79次)
