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[android开发] hbl-rainview

This is a really simple animation for Android. You could find similar animations when sending "Happy birthday" or something else special in WeChat app. Now you are able to add this funny thing to your own app as well. Give a surprise to your users on Christmas Day by dropping emojis! (2024-02-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] XCloudReader-master

基于youlookwhat大神的云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩安卓、Gank.Io及豆瓣api开发的符合Google Material Design的Android客户端。项目采取的是MVVM-DataBinding架构开发,主要包括:玩安卓区、干货区和豆瓣区三个子模块。,
Yunyue based on youlookwhat: an Android client conforming to Google Material Design, which is based on NetEase Cloud Music UI and developed using Android, Gank.Io and Douban APIs. The project adopts MVVM DataBinding architecture development, mainly including three sub modules: Android Play, Dry Goods and Douban., (2019-04-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Android-Music

吾之易乐是学习了Material Design和OKHTTP3以及GSON之后,制作了这款以用户歌单为主题的音乐播放器。 后台是用的github上面开源的网易云音乐API,目前实现了用户登录,个人歌单本地管理,音乐搜索及网络音乐播放等基础功能。歌曲的详情页可以显示歌词以及评...,
After learning Material Design, OKHTTP3 and GSON, we created this music player with the theme of user s song list. The background is the open-source Netease Cloud Music API on github. At present, it has realized basic functions such as user login, local management of personal music lists, music search and online music playing. The detail page of the song can display the lyrics and comments, (2017-12-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] WeChatHongBao_Master

微信自动抢红包,目前只适配了6.3.32版本的,在android studio上导入,运行程序后点击开始检测,如果手机没有开启无障碍服务,则会调到设置页面进行打开无障碍服务,该app主要是用到了AccessibilityService...
WeChat automatically grabs red packets. Currently, only version 6.3.32 is available. Import it on Android Studio, run the program, and click Start Detection. If the mobile phone does not open the barrier free service, it will call to the settings page to open the barrier free service. This app mainly uses AccessibilityService (2017-01-16, Java, 188KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] 1752-studio

1752 (play together) is a puzzle game that integrates riddles, allegorical sayings and brain teasers. The app has the functions of guessing, collecting and sharing. You can not only play by yourself, but also invite your WeChat and QQ friends to guess and play together. Isn t it interesting? It s fun. Let s play together. Store link: (2019-07-18, Java, 5174KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] InspectWechatFriend

检测微信是否有删除好友,目前只适配了6.3.32版本的,在android studio上导入,运行程序后点击开始检测,如果手机没有开启无障碍服务,则会调到设置页面进行打开无障碍服务,该app主要是用到了AccessibilitySer...
Detect whether WeChat has deleted friends. Currently, only version 6.3.32 is available. Import it on Android studio, run the program, and click Start Detection. If the mobile phone does not open the barrier free service, it will call to the settings page to open the barrier free service. This app mainly uses AccessibilitySer (2017-01-01, Java, 185KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Android 仿大众点评网源码

这款android源码是模仿大众点评UI界面做的,因为资源用的大众点评里面的,UI几乎可以乱真。 动画和一部分UI的xml是用的apk里面原有的,因为有耦合性,有一部分是自己实现的。 源码没有访问网络,在访问网络的proxy里返回的假数据。
This Android source code imitates the UI interface of public comments, because the UI in the public comments for resources can be almost unreal. Animation and part of the UI XML are used in APK. Because of the coupling, some of them are implemented by themselves. Source did not access the network, access to the network in the proxy returned false data. (2021-01-03, Java, 1099KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] LeJiao

This project is a stand-alone Android social software lejiao which is developed by imitating QQ and wechat pages, and realizes data storage through Android's own small database. The functions implemented include login registration, password modification, WebView web page embedding and single version chat page (if you are interested, you can join the service, you can realize the network version) (2020-01-06, Java, 4892KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] KaiXin

The basic function of Android imitation happy net source code has completed the main interface, there is no specific details of the operation, the data using the local data and the local picture, the specific function is not elaborate, greatly increased the function (2017-06-19, Java, 40KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] AndroidLIB

This is a web client development case, the case of the used data the library, the library in the system and did not provide data interface, so the old rules, and Jsoup httpclient of these two big open source project, with an Android device to simulate library query request and response, the website is the school library network: lib.gdou.edu.cn (2016-06-14, Java, 3285KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] douban_android

豆瓣网程序源码项目比较完整,有一定Java开发经验的专业人士参考,如果你对Google Android手机系统比较熟悉的话,你也可以通过代码了解它的运行机理,目前,android系统的开发是一大流行趋势,学好Android开发,你可以高枕无忧了
Douban program source project is complete, there are some experience in java development professionals for reference, if you are more familiar with the Google Android mobile phone system. You can also through the code to understand its operation mechanism, at present, the Android system development is a pandemic trend, learn the Android development, you can sit back and relax (2016-06-12, Java, 1267KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] Wifidjj

This project is a project source code for the application of Android s intercom, code specification Notes clear, functional integrity of the interface is simple. Whether it is to do the two development or reference is a great source of project. A simple button, you can press the intercom in real time, and by identifying the Baotou to solve their own heard what he said. Usage: to set the IP AppConfig.java for your WiFi network x.x.x.0. (don t have specific IP Guan Anzhuo equipment, only to fill in equipment where IP network segment can be, such as my phone connection WiFi IP is This segment is the IP of 0. Is, but because the thread start there s a bit of a problem so the project has a small bug and need to before the intercom to press a button, and let the thread start, then press and hold the button to speak. (2016-05-23, Java, 909KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] Wifiduijiangji

Android application source code specification functions to improve the Wifi radio is a Android application of the project source code, code specification Notes clear, functional integrity of the interface is simple. Whether it is to do the two development or reference is a great source of project. A simple button, you can press the intercom in real time, and by identifying the Baotou to solve their own heard what he said. Usage: to set the IP AppConfig.java for your WiFi network x.x.x.0. (don t have specific IP Guan Anzhuo equipment, only to fill in equipment where IP network segment can be, such as my phone connection WiFi IP is This segment is the IP of 0. Is, but because the thread start there s a bit of a problem so the project has a small bug and need to before the intercom to press a button, and let the thread start, then press and hold the button to speak. Javaapk.com test perfect running, need more radio source code can be found in the example of htt (2016-05-19, Java, 1054KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] fangweixin

Android application source imitation micro channel Android unread messages is a very simple is a mainactivity display a static page, page layout is very important, is similar with unread SMS number above the red circle display unread digital shape, if on to your own code will encounter display digital subscripts can take the project layout file used directly on the line. (source code using GBK code). (2016-05-19, Java, 640KB, 下载5次)


[android开发] BaiduMapIPS

Baidu map information push, Baidu map to achieve the positioning, map labels and bubble functions, Android PC client and server use Socket communication (phone and computer first to be set in the same segment), the database server can read (2014-01-15, Java, 3026KB, 下载30次)


[android开发] Android-JNI-sample

本工程为Android下编写及调用.so文件的示例工程,我亲自编写调试通过。 相关Android开发环境搭建,请参考http://wenku.baidu.com/view/af3669a3f524ccbff1218431.html 就我的经验,主要困难在与环境的搭建。笔者就大费周折,遇到很多的问题。大家在使用过程中,如果遇到相关问题,请联系微信号:wangjia-mobi
Under this project for Android write and call so file example works, I personally prepared through debugging. Related to Android development environment to build the reference http://wenku.baidu.com/view/af3669a3f524ccbff1218431.html on my experience, the main difficulty with the environment to build. The author had trouble encountered a lot of problems. Process, If you encounter problems, please contact the Micro Signal: wangjia-mobi (2012-10-14, Java, 64KB, 下载43次)


[android开发] foursquared

LBS系统-Foursquare for android源码Foursquare是一家基于用户地理位置信息的手机服务网站.Foursquare代码是一个相当好的商业级手机应用软件学习的例子。在仔细分析它的代码结构,以及在一些问题上采用的解决方案,对设计能力及技术上有很大提高。
LBS system- Foursquare for the android source Foursquare is a phone service website based on user location information. Foursquare, code is a very good learning examples of commercial grade mobile applications. Careful analysis of its code structure, as well as on some issues, solutions, design capabilities and technology have greatly improved. (2012-07-20, Java, 6244KB, 下载85次)


[android开发] 2011512141002101

本软件适用于安卓系统,并且安卓系统中包含蓝牙硬件及完整的驱动,如果有部分手机没法用,很可能是该手机蓝牙部分经过裁剪导致,此时需要到该手机网站下载蓝牙方面的补丁。本软件测试机型是“华为U8500”。本软件个测试软件,下载者不要用于商业运作。软件所有权归广州汇承信息科技有限公司所有。 2011年5月
android serial debugging java code (2011-09-05, Java, 22KB, 下载47次)


[android开发] douban_android

Android 安卓系统上的豆瓣网程序(Java),项目比较完整,有一定Java开发经验的专业人士参考,如果你对Google Android手机系统比较熟悉的话,你也可以通过代码了解它的运行机理,目前,android系统的开发是一大流行趋势,学好Android开发,你可以高枕无忧了。
Andrew Android Douban program on the system (Java), project more complete, has some experience in Java development professionals for reference, if you are familiar with Google Android mobile phone system, you can also run through the code to understand its mechanism, the current , android system development is a major fashion trends, learn the Android development, you can sit back and relax. (2011-04-01, Java, 1269KB, 下载341次)


[android开发] douban_android

Android 安卓系统上的豆瓣网程序(Java),项目比较完整,有一定Java开发经验的专业人士参考,如果你对Google Android手机系统比较熟悉的话,你也可以通过代码了解它的运行机理,目前,android系统的开发是一大流行趋势,学好Android开发,你可以高枕无忧了。
Andrew Android Douban program on the system (Java), project more complete, has some experience in Java development professionals for reference, if you are familiar with Google Android mobile phone system, you can also run through the code to understand its mechanism, the current , android system development is a major fashion trends, learn the Android development, you can sit back and relax. (2011-03-08, Java, 1215KB, 下载190次)
