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[Linux/Unix编程] nmap-7.01

扫描特定主机:#nmap 扫描整个子网:#nmap 扫描多个目标:#nmap
Scan a specific host: #nmap Scan the entire subnet: #nmap Scan multiple targets: #nmap (2018-11-16, Unix_Linux, 12192KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 3G-network-topology-structure

All kinds of element position description of 234G communication in detail, using three-dimensional space description. Very intuitive. To understand and be familiar with the network communication topology is very helpful. (2014-08-18, Unix_Linux, 244KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] RAW-SOCKET

熟悉Linux环境下基本的raw socket编程,对以太网帧进行初步分析,可通过程序完成对不同层次PDU的字段分析,修改和重新发送。
Familiar with the basic raw socket programming under Linux environment, a preliminary analysis of Ethernet frames can be completed through the program at different levels PDU field analysis, modification and re-sent. (2014-04-06, Unix_Linux, 434KB, 下载24次)


[其他] RClimDex-(1.0)

RClimDex(1.0)是加拿大气象研究中心等基于R语言开发的用于计算多种极端气候指数的高品质软件。其计算的极端气候指数共有27 种,包括16 个极端温度指数和11 个极端降水指数,这27 个极端气候指数都是世界气象组织气候委员会推荐使用的核心极端气候指数。RClimDex有着比较友好的操作界面,使用者可以在窗口界面的提示和引导下将研究区域的气象记录值文件进行处理和计算,结果将以excel 文件的形式输出。该软件已受到WMO等国际机构的认可与推荐。 说明:主程序位于压缩包f9b3c600b35e.zip之中,为保持官网下载时原貌,未改名。
The RClimDex is developed and maintained by Xuebin Zhang and Feng Yang at the Climate Research Branch of Meteorological Service of Canada. Its initial development was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency through the Canada China Climate Change Cooperation (C5) Project. (2013-04-19, Unix_Linux, 784KB, 下载48次)


[技术管理] cluster-construction-based-on-linux

cluster construction based on linux (2012-09-23, Unix_Linux, 160KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] DSP-C20001-8

随着音频解码技术、存储器技术、mp3 高质量压缩技术等相关技术不断的发展以及人们 对消费电子产品需求的增加,MP3 新产品层出不穷,成为时尚潮流前沿的一个最佳载体。人们 可以用它休闲娱乐 ,也可以用它工作和学习。
With the audio decoding technology, memory technology, mp3 and other related high-quality compression technology continues to develop and people' s increasing demand for consumer electronics, MP3 new products are becoming one of the best cutting-edge fashion carrier. People can use it to entertainment, you can also use it to work and study. (2011-08-21, Unix_Linux, 56241KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] sgui

SGui-Simple GUI:是专为国网用电信息采集系统终端本地操作开发的GUI,支持窗口、控件、对话框等等。
SGui-Simple GUI: electricity network is designed for country information collection system developed by local operation terminal GUI, support for windows, controls, dialog boxes and so on. (2011-05-10, Unix_Linux, 26KB, 下载40次)


[系统设计方案] 2009_11_b95293e6

本计划之目的在于开发一开放源码之具有GUI 接口之嵌入式网路 行 动通讯装置。将发展潜力 雄厚由Google开发之网路 通讯软件GoogleTalk 整合移植于一嵌入式开发板上,再外加一无线网卡时,此系统即成为网路 行 动通讯装置(network mobile communication device)。Googletalk 为一功能强大之通讯软件具有简讯、语音、影像、档案传送等网路 通讯功能,并具有多方通讯(conferencing)之功能,且其账号之取得与通话费用完全免费,只需注册为Gmail 之用户即可,相信在此方便 性与google 之强力 推广下,其用户數 有朝一日将可与Skype 分庭抗禮 。本计划使用Intel Xscale PXA270做为硬件开发平台,以embedded linux为操作系统核心,移植Google所释出的libjingle,配合USB无线网卡来实现无线嵌入式 GoogleTalk。
The purpose of this project is to develop an open source it has a GUI interface to the embedded network mobile communication devices. Strong development potential will be developed by the Google GoogleTalk integration of network communication software, embedded development board in a transplant, and then plus a wireless network card, this system is a network mobile communication devices (network mobile communication device). Googletalk of a powerful communications software with SMS, voice, video, file transfer and other network communication, and communication with the multi-(conferencing) function, and the account of the cost of acquisition and the call is free, just sign up for the Gmail of users can, I believe that in this convenience of the strong force with the promotion of google, its users and Skype numbers will one day be the Chamber of anti Ceremony. The plan to use the Intel Xscale PXA270 as hardware development platform for the embedded linux operating system kernel, release (2011-05-09, Unix_Linux, 7532KB, 下载7次)


[Linux/Unix编程] dianxin

doc design (2011-05-09, Unix_Linux, 173KB, 下载2次)


[网络] iNodeClient_For_Linux_V3.60-E6210.tar

campus network linux client graphical interface, easy to use. (2010-12-15, Unix_Linux, 7625KB, 下载57次)


[Ftp客户端] ftplib-3.1-src.tar

一个开源的ftp Client源码实现,具备ftp的基本功能,对研究ftp协议帮助很大。曾被我用来测试ftp下载的网速。
an open source ftp client source code with the element functionality, which can be use to test the transfer speed of network. (2010-08-31, Unix_Linux, 88KB, 下载48次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Supplicant

Ruijie under Linux, the next can be applied in Ubuntu, can be a good solution to the problem of Campus Network (2010-05-05, Unix_Linux, 163KB, 下载15次)


[嵌入式Linux] miniweb.tar

ARM LINUX 嵌入式WEB的实例 ,直接MAKE,运行./mini_ws 8000(端口号) 同一网段内一台PC在浏览器中输入http://(ip 地址):8000
ARM LINUX Embedded WEB instances, direct MAKE, run./Mini_ws 8000 (port number) the same network segment a single PC in a browser, type http:// (ip address): 8000 (2010-01-14, Unix_Linux, 33KB, 下载28次)


[网络] more-release-one

The CLICK codes of MORE, a wireless opportunistic routing protocol, in the paper 《Trading Structure for Randomness in Wireless Opportunistic Routing》 by dina (2009-12-03, Unix_Linux, 37KB, 下载37次)


[Modem编程] ppp

ppp拨号软件,用于GPRS MODEM进行拨号连接到因特网中,支持PDP击活和PDP去活上下文.
ppp dial-up software for GPRS MODEM for dial-up connection to the Internet in support of PDP and the PDP to hit live live context. (2009-09-25, Unix_Linux, 1616KB, 下载55次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ipset

The realization of this program in Linux on ARM board for IP settings. Can call this procedure to change the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask (2009-05-26, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载84次)


[网络] bcm43xx

Wireless card drivers, have a good reference value linux_2.6.21 can be used directly, if in other platforms, can refer to transplantation (2008-07-19, Unix_Linux, 110KB, 下载33次)


[网络] ppp-2.4.4

Realize Ethernet point-to-point protocol for dial-up Internet access, dial-up basis is part of software modules. (2008-07-16, Unix_Linux, 1597KB, 下载50次)


[菜单] 2006_06_19_222431_pxdrSXbEps

这是网吧记费系统的客户端。为了调试方便,我设了10秒钟扣费一次。以下是该系统的数据库 是用JDBC连接的
This is the fee charged cafes system client. To facilitate debugging, I set up a deducting 10 seconds. Following is the system's database is connected with JDBC (2006-06-25, Unix_Linux, 145KB, 下载1次)


[处理器开发] m5272c3dbug

motorola自己开发的针对coldfire 5272的Dbug bootloader程序,可以通过控制台进行以太网的下载,代码有很好的移植性,可以针对mcu或使用外围硬件进行移植。
its own against the coldfire 5272 Dbug boot loader procedures, can console Ethernet download, a good source of transplant, to address mcu or use of the external hardware for transplant. (2006-01-24, Unix_Linux, 1273KB, 下载37次)
