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[前端开发] mainframestack

具有API的NEST JS后端框架,用于管理商业网站中的用户产品。基本上;身份验证和CRUD功能
A NEST JS backend framework with APIs for managing users products in a commerce website. Basically; authentications, and CRUD functionality (2024-03-24, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] java_travel

基于Java的旅游信息网站 java+springboot+vue开发的旅游景区门票网站管理系统 - 毕业设计 - 课程设计,
The tourist attraction ticket website management system graduation design curriculum design developed by Java based tourism information website java+springboot+vue, (2023-09-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] SpUStify

A music website featuring Python (Django) back-end with REST framework, PostgreSQL, and a front-end designed with HTML, CSS (Tailwind CSS), and JavaScript (ReactJS). (2023-08-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] watt-next

Watt Now的仪表板,可视化节日、建筑工地或人道主义营地等离网现场的电力使用,
Dashboard for Watt-Now, visualizing power usage at off-grid sites like festivals, building sites or humanitarian camps, (2017-05-23, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-music

vue精仿网易云音乐播放器 ...慢慢填坑中.... preview page <a href="https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/" rel="nofollow">https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/</a> , stars:3, update:2017-07-01 03:11:30
vue精仿网易云音乐播放器 ...慢慢填坑中.... preview page <a href="https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/" rel="nofollow">https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/</a> , stars:3, update:2017-07-01 03:11:30 (2023-06-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wx-abui

wx-abui 是一款基于微信小程序自定义组件特性开发的简易组件库,封装日常开发中常用的一些 UI 组件!
Wx abui is a simple component library developed based on WeChat applet custom component features, which encapsulates some UI components commonly used in daily development! (2019-05-06, JavaScript, 24KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Web-Scraping

The internet has massive amount of data, to access the data web scraping is used. Web Scraping : It is extraction of data from the websites. The information is collected and then exported into the format useful to the user. There are various ways by which we can scrap the data: Auto Scraper 2. Selenium 3. Beautiful Soup (2022-06-30, Jupyter Notebook, 17KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] travel

My graduation project, Phoenix Tourism Network, uses SpringBoot+Vue to separate the front and rear ends. If it is helpful to you, please light up the Star . (2022-04-20, Java, 39891KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MANN-Design-Studio-website

A business website created using html and CSS incorporating responsive site, CSS grids, google map location, greensock libraries for animation, etc. (2019-05-06, HTML, 3280KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Building-With-Responsive-Design--Facu-Josue

HTML CSS学习项目,包括做一个具有相关响应性的新闻网站的索引,没有框架...
HTML/CSS learning project, consisting on doing the index of a news website with relevant responsiveness, with no frameworks whatsoever. (2020-08-14, HTML, 4802KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] London-Commute-Analysis

Big Data engineering project using Spark and Kafka with web front end using Dash to analyse London Transportation Network and user feedback through sentiment analysis (2020-11-26, Python, 56KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] belle-bikinis

Belle Bikinis是比基尼网店的前端布局。它有两页,主页和...
Belle Bikinis is the front-end layout of an online shop for a bikini s store. It has two pages, the main page and the search results page. (2022-03-11, HTML, 3922KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] yiifast

一套专门用于开发前后端分离,管理(后端管理),前端(小程序,微信公众号,主题),全部基于api 开发的框架
A set of framework dedicated to the development of front and rear end separation, management (back-end management), front end (applet, WeChat official account, theme), all based on api development (2019-09-12, PHP, 21KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] IPet-V2

The development of Mengchong Network includes front-end and back-end, version 2.0, optimized front-end framework, and SSM back-end architecture. (2022-12-16, HTML, 29720KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] api

Separate the front-end and back-end frameworks, use shiro+jwt to achieve permission control, and integrate WeChat login and registration functions, providing a development scaffold for small programs (2019-01-30, Java, 69KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mt

MT is a JS module management framework developed and maintained by the front-end team of Tencent Mobile, which focuses on the mobile end (2017-01-22, JavaScript, 4899KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] BambooPaper

A simple WeChat mini program blog that adopts a front-end and back-end separation mode, follows the Restful style interface, and adopts the uni app+SpringBoot+uni ui framework (2020-04-03, Vue, 481KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cilicili

基于SpringCloud 微服务框架搭建的类似于抖音的视频直播平台,前端使用微信小程序,计算机专业毕业设计
A video live broadcast platform similar to Tiktok built based on the SpringCloud microservice framework. The front-end uses WeChat applet, and the graduation project of computer major (2021-05-12, JavaScript, 29186KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] hotel

本系统是基于SSM框架和微信小程序开发的,后台具有住户预定,入住,收付款,短信提醒,统计图表,系统权限设置,用户登录,修改密码等等,前台界面是微信小程序,包括预定,付款,打开地图导航,拨打客服电话等功能。 本系统包括需求分析,概要设计...
This system is developed based on the SSM framework and WeChat mini program. The backend has functions such as resident reservation, check-in, payment, SMS reminder, statistical charts, system permission settings, user login, password modification, etc. The front-end interface is a WeChat mini program that includes functions such as reservation, payment, opening map navigation, and making customer service calls. This system includes requirement analysis, summary design (2022-06-21, Java, 684KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] uk-doc

uk-doc,UIkit - 一款轻量级、模块化的前端框架,可快速构建强大的web前端界面 - UIkit中文网
Uk-doc, UIkit - a lightweight, modular front-end framework that can quickly build powerful web front-end interfaces - UIkit Chinese website (2019-04-20, Vue, 15132KB, 下载0次)
