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[微信小程序] blueskyworkgroup.github

A work group which devote themselves to writing games,you can choose game to by from here.You should pay by wechat,or qq :3260161918 (2024-04-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] note-for-reference

一些学习的笔记,涵盖html css js vue nodejs 微 信 小程序,忘了就康康,一直百度也不是个事儿
Some learning notes, including html css js vue nodejs WeChat applet, forget about Kangkang, Baidu has never been a matter (2021-05-24, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] WeiXinPublicAccountFollowedByQRAnalysis

一个可以为 微 信 公众号创建二维码并统计各个二维码带来的关注量的网站
A website that can create QR code for WeChat official account and count the attention brought by each QR code (2015-03-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Exam-wx_exam

一款前后端分离的在线答题项目,前端使用 微 信 小程序,后端使用SpringBoot,Mybatis,Mysql
An online question answering project separated from the front end and back end. The front end uses WeChat applet, and the back end uses SpringBoot, Mybatis, MySQL (2022-06-29, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] FISH-result-check-app

通过 微 信 公众号平台实现的一个简单的病理结果的自助查询,通知系统,迭代中.....
A simple self-service query and notification system of pathological results realized through WeChat public account platform, iterative (2020-06-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] testBrowserImage

测试H5首页大图在 微 信 内置浏览器中全屏显示情况,便于设计师即时修改。
Test the full screen display of the large picture of H5 home page in WeChat built-in browser, so that designers can modify it instantly. (2018-06-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] dcxt

微 信 小程序-点餐不排队-点餐系统-二维码在这里(暂时只面向大连大学的学弟学妹们)
WeChat applet - ordering without queuing - ordering system - QR code is here (only for students in Dalian University for the time being) (2021-03-25, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] we-unicode

一个weui demo,可以生成 微 信 昵称,嗯,那种可以让文字倒序的unicode,其实只是字符串拼合
A weui demo can generate WeChat nicknames. Well, the unicode that can reverse the text order is actually just string splicing (2016-04-25, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] rabbit

优惠券,积分余额,购物豆充值赠送,发红包,关联商家购物车, 微 信 支付,订单管理,物流查询等
Coupon, point balance, shopping bean recharge gift, red envelope, shopping cart of related merchants, WeChat payment, order management, logistics query, etc (2018-10-25, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] downLoad_apk_VConsole

移动端扫描二维码下载更新apk,使用 微 信 VConsole调试(非常好用的工具)
The mobile terminal scans the QR code, downloads and updates the apk, and uses WeChat VConsole to debug (a very useful tool) (2018-05-25, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wedding-invitation-

婚礼邀请函 请柬邀请函 婚礼请柬, 微 信 小程序,后端用了若依的项目,数据完全由后端管理系统控制
Wedding invitation invitation wedding invitation, WeChat applet, backend uses Ruoyi project, data is completely controlled by backend management system (2022-01-10, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] dajiuye-boot

求职招聘系统-SpringBoot版本,原生 微 信 小程序,即求职招聘于一体,包含聊天功能,智能推荐
Job hunting and recruitment system SpringBoot version, native WeChat applet, that is, job hunting and recruitment in one, including chat function, intelligent recommendation (2023-06-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] -we-PPT-

基于 微 信 小程序的小说阅读系统设计与实现毕业论文+前后台源码+答辩PPT+运行说明
Design and implementation of novel reading system based on WeChat applet Graduation thesis+front and back platform source code+defense PPT+operation instructions (2022-07-14, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] giveMeAFlag

请给我一面红旗未对接 微 信 简版实现。未做精确适配,苹果X体验最佳
Please give me a red flag that is not connected to the WeChat simple version. Apple X has the best experience without precise adaptation (2019-10-09, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weui-test

微 信 ui测试, 微 信 都出ui了,就像张小龙说的一样,应用号要来了,so我的跟上学习了
WeChat UI test, WeChat is out of the UI, as Zhang Xiaolong said, the application number is coming, so I have to follow and learn (2016-01-29, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] mosquito

通用型错误 微 信 报警系统,让你无论在何处都可以第一时间收到报警消息
Universal error WeChat alarm system enables you to receive alarm messages at the first time no matter where you are (2018-07-07, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] -information-dissemination-of-different-type-SNSs

以 微 博和抖音平台为例,对比分析热点话题事件的 信 息传播及其演化规律。
Taking microblog and dithering platform as examples, this paper compares and analyzes the information dissemination and evolution of hot topic events. (2023-01-15, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] joinUs-buu2018

h5邀请函、招商加盟、boudle整屏滚动 + animation 动画库 + 音乐播放与暂停 + 申请加盟数据提交 + 微 信 qq分享
H5 Invitation letter, investment invitation, boudle full screen scrolling+animation animation library+music playing and pause+application data submission+WeChat qq sharing (2018-07-09, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Merger-Plus

一键从电脑 手机跳转至支付宝 微 信 支付的能力,帮助个人开发者完成打赏功能实现。
The ability to jump from a computer phone to Alipay WeChat payment with one click helps individual developers realize the reward function. (2022-02-13, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 周选-小程序

微信小程序:我会加入一些 小程序文档没有提到的问题和开发的技巧。 project.config.json 这个文件的目的就是保存编辑器的配置,不会因为更换电脑而配置丢失。编辑器识别的编辑器配置文件 appjs appjs是全局的,是唯一的,在非appjs页面,可以通过getApp()获取到appjs的方法。对于一些全局的变量或者方法可以写在appjs中便于调用。
Wechat applet: I will add some problems and development skills that are not mentioned in the small program document. project.config.json The purpose of this file is to save the configuration of the editor, which will not be lost due to the replacement of the computer. Editor profile recognized by editor appjs Appjs is global and unique. In non appjs pages, the appjs method can be obtained through getapp(). For some global variables or methods, they can be written in appjs for easy calling. (2020-07-02, HTML, 4927KB, 下载0次)
