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[Windows编程] bbsv4plus

采用动网 v6.0核心改编 设计更人性化 装有部分常用插件 并修改了所有错误, 美化所有页面,是至今以来艺术流氓最好的一次版本! 采用安装方式 选中自定义安装即可~! 初始管理员帐号admin 密码admin888 后台 admin888
Mobility v6.0 core using adaptation Design more humane partially filled with common plug-ins And modify all the errors, Beautify all the pages, is the art of rogue best so far since the first version! Methods to install custom installation can be selected ~! Initial administrator account admin password admin888 admin888 background (2016-03-11, Unix_Linux, 3946KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] nwbbs_1.0_0425

网唯论坛采用了当今最为流行的论坛外观设计,程序结构沿用上个论坛的优秀算法!另外,重写了将近90 的代码!可以这样讲,这次的论坛不是简单的升级,而是真正意义上的全新代码!结构更加清晰,功能更加强大,运行更加稳定
Dimensional network ve used in today s most popular forum design, program structure follows the excellent algorithm on a forum! Also, rewrite nearly 90 of the code! I can say that this forum is not a simple upgrade, but the real the new Code sense! structure clearer, more powerful, more stable (2016-02-27, Unix_Linux, 183KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] WiFi-video-transmission-module

LC326是一款基于WiFi802.11b/g/n的无线CVBS转WiFi视频传输模块。支持多路 CVBS信号输入,时分复用,自适应NTSC和PAL制式,LC326转出的CVBS网络视频流 是业界通用标准,可以在IOS/Android/PC播放。 LC326采用了成熟WiFi解决方案,工作在AP模式下,其他终端可以直接连接LC326, 而无须外部额外路由器支持,可以独立组网,方便在野外使用。LC326的WiFi最高支持 150Mbps的速率,支持修改SSID和密码等。
LC326 is a wireless WiFi video transmission module based on WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, transmitting CVBS to WiFi signal. It supports multiple CVBS input, TDM(time division multiplexing), NTSC and PAL adaptation. The CVBS network video stream signal transmitted by LC326 complies with the general standard, can be played in the IOS/Android/PC. LC326 module is designed for industrial pipe endoscope. LC326 adopted mature WiFi solution and works in AP mode, for other device to connect with LC326 module directly without external router, so it can be independent networking and very convenient to use in the field. The highest WiFi transmission rate of LC326 is 150 Mbps, and the SSID and password can be modified. (2015-12-31, Unix_Linux, 380KB, 下载4次)


[IP电话/视频会议] asterisk-1.8-current.tar

asterisk1.8 version of the source code, more mature code, after extensive testing on ubuntu13.10, including registration, media and signaling sip client to be forwarded by the asterisk, sip interconnect multiple asterisk, the different networks client communication, private network and the external network interconnection sip client. (2014-01-22, Unix_Linux, 28774KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] DFU_demo_v3.0.1

DfuSe_Demo_V3.0_Setup.exe STM32 usb升级程序的工具 在ST官网上比较难找啊
DfuSe_Demo_V3.0_Setup.exe STM32 usb tool in the upgrade process ST official line is more difficult to find (2013-04-14, Unix_Linux, 6551KB, 下载378次)


[网络] panduan_IP

判断一个IP是否在指定的网络中. 要做一个统计子网中各个IP的流量,设计的到如何判断这个IP属于我们的子网,所以写了这个程序,如果大家有什么好的想法,欢迎留言,谢谢大家了,互相学习
Judge whether an IP in the specified network. Need to do a statistical subnet IP traffic, the design of this IP belongs to the subnet, so we wrote this program, how to determine if you have any good ideas, welcome message, thank you, and learn from each other (2012-10-29, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载5次)


[技术管理] iSCSI_from

iSCSI(发音为 /аɪ skʌ zi/)又称为IP-SAN,是一种基于因特网及SCSI-3协议下的存储技术,由IETF提出,并于2003年2月11日成为正式的标准。与传统的SCSI技术比较起来,iSCSI技术有以下三个革命性的变化
iSCSI (pronounced/аɪ skʌ zi /), also known as IP-SAN is a storage technology based on the Internet and SCSI-3 protocol proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and on February 11, 2003 to become the official standard. Three revolutionary changes in comparison with the traditional SCSI technology, iSCSI technology (2012-10-25, Unix_Linux, 211KB, 下载6次)


[扫描程序] NAST

本程序用于捕获网络接口的数据包,并进行分析处理,同时提供一些工具,譬如查找网 关,端口扫描等等。 通过此工具用于截获网络数据包,对于数据进行分析,由此进行流量检测,数据分析。
This procedure is used to capture the network interface packet analysis and processing, while providing some tools, for example, find the net Customs, port scanning, and so on. This tool is used to intercept network packets for analysis of the data, the resulting flow detection, and data analysis. (2012-03-01, Unix_Linux, 603KB, 下载10次)


[驱动编程] checkdevice

dektec server playout card is a card, in order to prevent card failure, which is required to do according to the company s card fault detection, error by the flash card tips. For some new dektec card, you may need to download the latest drivers . (2012-01-17, Unix_Linux, 8752KB, 下载11次)


[Linux/Unix编程] paoding-rose-demo1

paoding-rose框架的简单例子。Rose 是由 人人网、糯米网 提供的、基于Servlet规范、Spring“规范”的开放源代码WEB开发框架。
paoding-rose the framework of a simple example. Rose is the all network, network to provide rice-based Servlet specification, Spring " norms" of the open source development framework for WEB. (2011-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11008KB, 下载25次)


[Linux/Unix编程] UICI

通用因特网IPV4网络编程接口 //TCP int uin_open_tcp(unsigned short port) int uin_accept(int fd, struct sockaddr_in *addr) int uin_connect(const char *cp, unsigned short port) int r_recv(int fd, void* buf, int size) int r_send(int fd, const void* msg, int count) int n_send(int fd, const void* msg, int count) //UDP int uin_open_udp(unsigned short port) int uin_sendtohost(int fd, void *buf, int count, char *cp, unsigned short port) int uin_sendto(int fd, void *buf, int count, struct sockaddr_in *addr) int uin_recvfrom(int fd, void *buf, int size, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
UICI (2010-11-02, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载7次)


[串口编程] uart

串口通信 注册ouyangyufu成功!欢迎光临程序员联合开发网!本站目前内容1016033个,分类206个,凝聚了十几万会员的辛勤劳动和私家珍藏,是您程序员生涯中必备的源码库! [马上上载代码开通帐号] [登录网站] 返回首页
Serial communication register ouyangyufu success! Welcome to the Joint Development Network programmer! The contents of this site now 1,016,033, Category 206, rallied hundreds of thousands of members of the hard work and private collections, is your essential source programmer career library! [Immediately on opening of account containing code] [login website] Home (2010-05-05, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式Linux] HUAWEIE156G-WCDMA

E156G Huawei' s wireless network card embedded in Guangzhou day' s TQ2440 successful embedded development board ppp dial-up on WCDMA network, including specific steps and all the source code a few months of hard work this is my ah ~ ~ (2010-04-19, Unix_Linux, 44127KB, 下载393次)


[其他书籍] softswitchv18

软交换设备(又称呼叫服务器,以下简称为软交换)不仅是下一代分组网中 语音业务、数据业务和视频业务呼叫、控制、业务提供的核心设备,也是电路交 换电信网向分组网的演进的重要设备。本标准是以国际电联、计算机标准化组织、 软交换论坛制定的相关标准为基础,结合国内网络的实际情况和相关国内标准制 定的。它是软交换设备(呼叫服务器,以下简称软交换)研制、开发和生产的主 要依据。
Soft-switching equipment (also known as call server, hereinafter referred to as soft-exchange) is not only a next-generation packet voice network services, data services and video calls, control, provided by the core equipment business, but also circuit-switched telecommunication network evolution to packet networks important equipment. This standard is based on the ITU, the computer Organization for Standardization, Soft Switching Forum to develop the relevant standards-based, combined with the actual situation of domestic network and the relevant national standard-setting. It is the soft-switching equipment (call server, hereinafter referred to as soft-switching) research, development and production of the main basis. (2010-03-21, Unix_Linux, 193KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] The_Pragmatic_Programmer_From_Joumeyman_to_Master

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, professional development, and remain flexible until used to make the code and can be easily adapted and re-used in a variety of architecture technology. The use of many rich and entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best practices and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11045KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] MST

基于MST的模拟卡技术交流目前MST的接口类型有FXO接口、FXS接口、EM2/4线接口、热线电话接口、磁石电话接口 可广泛应用于电信数据业务、电力、银行、公安、部队等部门公用电话网接入或专线信息传输 等
MST-based simulation technique to exchange the current MST interface FXO interface type, FXS interface, EM2/4 line interface, a hotline interface, telephone interface magnets can be widely used in the telecommunications data services, electricity, banking, public security, public sector units telephone network access or transmission of information, such as green (2009-06-11, Unix_Linux, 348KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] SHLR

综合智能HLR 系统技术规范,本规范对本地网上提供混合放号业务、智能业务触发、固网与3G 融合的技术要求、 信令流程、交换机及综合智能HLR 之间的信令交互、对综合智能HLR 的技术要求等技术 问题进行了阐述
Integrated Intelligent HLR system technical specifications, the specification available online on the local mixed放号business, smart business trigger, integration of fixed and 3G technical requirements, signaling processes, switches and integrated intelligent interactive signaling between HLR, of the integrated intelligent HLR, such as the technical requirements of the technical issues (2009-05-15, Unix_Linux, 793KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] h3c_8021xclient_ch_v220_0210-linux.tar

Linux operating system to connect the campus network, 802.1x authentication code。 (2009-04-16, Unix_Linux, 202KB, 下载17次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ppptcp

PPPoE大家见过,有没有见过 PPP over TCP呢,其实PPP只是一种串行协议而已,既然可以 Over以太网,自然也可以 Over TCP了,下次再给大家上个 Over SSH的。
PPPoE we have seen, there are PPP over TCP not seen it, in fact, PPP is a serial protocol only, as can be Over Ethernet, Over TCP can also be natural, and the next to give you the last of the Over SSH. (2008-11-13, Unix_Linux, 245KB, 下载12次)


[网络] cvbxcvg

secondary server itself not shared access and genuine collector cards, and do not need monthly Genuine card authorization, only the server running on the server software, which can be installed in the server or hosted by the Internet server, network bandwidth and transmission conditions had improved, (2006-06-22, Unix_Linux, 24KB, 下载10次)
