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[前端开发] SangoAfrica

Sango is a news web app providing daily feeds, job opportunities, articles, events and different posts. Build with NextJs (TypeScript, React (2024-03-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] weChatMarket-Frontend

During the summer vacation, I received a request to make the front part source code of a list of supermarket WeChat applet. The technology stack used: Uniapp+Vue3.0+TMUI+Pinia., (2023-07-30, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] xueden-cloud-edu-vue3-admin

基于Vue3.x+TypeScript +Element Plus整合开发的学灯网在线教育平台后台管理系统(后台前端源码),
The background management system (background front-end source code) of Xuedeng online education platform is integrated and developed based on Vue3. x+TypeScript+Element Plus, (2021-12-04, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] news-website-ui

This project is the UI of an anonymous news website. Its layout is designed with the combination of flex and grid. (2022-01-20, HTML, 1512KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-wangyiyun-PC-MOB

Netease Cloud Music PC and Mobile Terminal Adaptation Scheme Project Based on Vue2 Family Bucket+Element ui+Mint ui+rem Layout (2022-01-02, Vue, 574KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] easyink_Dashboard

One of easynk s front-end services, the enterprise WeChat one-stop private domain traffic operation management platform based on Vue and Element UI, makes operation easier. (2023-06-09, Vue, 12016KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cloud-music-ts

结合 React 和 Typescript 写一个项目,一个云音乐网站,其中所有 UI 组件都使用 styled-component 编写
Write a project, a cloud music website, combining React and Typescript, in which all UI components are written using styled component (2022-08-03, TypeScript, 3586KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-mchat

This is a chat room component library developed based on vue and elementu ui, which mimics TIM and WeChat on the UI. Maximize scalability while providing basic encapsulation. (2022-01-12, Vue, 19862KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Internship

使用美丽的汤刮网||Selenium||BLOGS on Complete Machine Learning Models,带详细解释...
Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup || Selenium || BLOGS on Complete Machine Learning Models with detailed explanation of Data Cleaning || Data Preprocessing || Exploratory Data Analysis || Data Visualization using Matplotlib, Seaborn || Classification and Regression Model building (2022-05-14, Jupyter Notebook, 11481KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] CrawlWangYiMail

Use selenium tool to crack the anti climbing mechanism in NetEase 126 mailbox, and then automatically obtain the order data in each inbox~ (2021-09-15, Jupyter Notebook, 50KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] H5Player

HTML5, VUE 音乐播放器,仿网易云音乐,QQ音乐。有个高大威猛的小伙自封名号为“十五”。
HTML5, VUE music player, imitation Netease Cloud music, QQ music. There was a tall and powerful young man who called himself "15". (2018-04-28, HTML, 300303KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-163-music

[Stop maintenance] Netease Cloud music web version, which supports common functions on PC side, and localStorage saves playlists (2017-06-28, JavaScript, 9287KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-music

Netease Cloud Music Player based on vue2.0, whose api is from Netease CloudMusic Api, and v2.0 is the latest version (2021-05-09, Vue, 695KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-netease-music

基于 Vue2、Vue-CLI3 的高仿网易云 mac 客户端播放器(PC) Online Music Player
Online Music Player (PC) based on Vue2 and Vue-CLI3 (2023-01-07, Vue, 305KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] law-farm

This is an Lawyer website. It is one page website & designed with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. This website is fully responsive in all devices. (2022-01-04, HTML, 2130KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] pizza-shop-react

?? Front-end part of the pizzeria online store. Written in typescript in conjunction with react + redux for storing and using data (2023-03-08, TypeScript, 463KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] GUISUVPay

本项目是用asp.net core(for .net framework)实现的支付宝当面付(扫码支付和条码支付),微信扫码支付和刷卡支付。
This project is Alipay face-to-face payment (scanning code payment and barcode payment), WeChat scanning code payment and swiping card payment realized by asp. net core (for. net framework). (2017-05-15, C#, 2468KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Entitas-Sync-Framework

Entitas ECS的组网框架。针对转向游戏或其他慢节奏类型。
Networking framework for Entitas ECS. Targeted at turnbased games or other slow-paced genres. (2019-06-12, C#, 1783KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wxprogram

“随你记” 微信小程序,主要是为了解决学生能够更好的了解自己的收支。采用小程序的形式,无需下载app,随记随走,非常便捷。后端采用云开发,前端用了Echarts框架,原生框架等。在2019年的微信小程序高校大赛中,获得华南赛区二等奖。
The "As You Remember" WeChat mini program is mainly designed to help students better understand their income and expenses. In the form of a mini program, there is no need to download the app, and it is very convenient to keep track of it. The backend adopts cloud development, and the front-end uses Echarts framework, native framework, etc. In the 2019 WeChat Mini Program College Competition, he won the second prize in the South China region. (2021-07-14, JavaScript, 290KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mini_chatroom

mini_ Chatroom, part of the web development of NetEase Micro Professional s "Python Full Stack Engineer", using the Flask framework to build a mini chat room (2020-09-26, Python, 83KB, 下载0次)
