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[网络编程] Computer-Network-Experiment-guide

1.常用网络测试命令的应用。 2.局域网规划与组网 3.路由器配置 4.RIP路由协议配置 5.OSPF路由协议配置 6.NAT配置 7.在交换机上划分VLAN 8.网络服务器配置 9.架构无线局域网 10.TCP/IP协议编程
1. Common network test commands application. 2. 3. LAN planning and networking router configuration routing protocol configuration 5.OSPF 4.RIP routing protocol configuration 6.NAT divided VLAN 8. 7. Configure Server Configuration 9. The structure of the wireless network LAN 10.TCP/IP protocol on the switch program (2016-04-16, Unix_Linux, 665KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 56770eshop2005

In the commercial version based on the modification published no functional limitations, no time limit to use, full-featured extensions, layout nice, ready complete shopping sites feature shopping, easy to operate, online payment function, using silver net payment perfect online payment Interface, some files rewritten to reduce the use of pictures, the site clearer overall color (2016-03-20, Unix_Linux, 574KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cfbbs

1.支持百万级数量帖子,优化的分页方式,速度飞快 2.拥有动网论坛的基本功能,用户注册,发帖,顶帖,置顶,版主设定,栏目设定,IP锁定,在线统计等 3.可以方便地和你网站现有注册用户集成 默认超级管理员登陆页面:admin.asp 用户名为:admin 密码:admin
1. Support one million the number of posts, optimized pagination, fast speed 2. Dongwangluntan has the basic functions of user registration, post, post top, top, withheld setting section setting, IP locking, online statistics, etc. 3. You can easily and websites registered users to integrate existing The default super administrator login page: admin.asp User name: admin Password: admin (2016-03-20, Unix_Linux, 560KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] 7kubook3

1、极酷中文网多用户留言本系统具有多用户、易修改、占用系统资源小。 2、本版本具有完整的文件和数据库。 3、本版本具有五种留言本的skin,还可自行进行脏字的屏蔽。 4、管理员可以在后台进行删除、编辑等操作
1, very cool Chinese network multi-user message system with multi-user, easy to modify, small footprint system resources. 2, this version has a complete file and . 3, this version has five message on the skin, but also conduct its own dirty shielding. 4, the administrator can delete, edit, and other operations in the background (2016-03-17, Unix_Linux, 79KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 21eoknew2.0plus_1205

易网最新整合包,在2.0的基础上增加功能: 1、多图片调用功能。 2、新闻时间显示。 3、图片文字左右显示。 4、文章发表添加eWebEditor编辑器,使发表编辑功能更完善! 5、图片新闻分页显示。(去掉了相关文章功能,常常用不上)
The latest package easy network integration, increased functionality in 2.0 on the basis of: 1, multi-picture function is called. 2, time for the news show. 3, the image is displayed around the text. 4. Add the article was published eWebEditor editor that allows editing function better leave! 5, image news show pages. (Removed the feature articles, often do not have access) (2016-03-11, Unix_Linux, 3251KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] kkhome1

除动网文章的原有动能外,增加 1、会员填写房地产信息。 2、站长填写房地产信息。 3、强大房地产资讯搜索:按面积、按结构、按地点…… 4、商铺、写字楼、住宅等重点房型分别推介 5、可自由修改和删除房地产资讯信息 6、最美丽的页面。
Mobility features original articles, the increase 1, members fill property. 2. Fill property owners. 3, a powerful real estate information search: by area, according to the structure, by location ...... 4, shops, offices, housing and other key room types are Recommend 5, modify and delete information free real estate information 6, the most beautiful pages. (2016-03-08, Unix_Linux, 1036KB, 下载1次)



TCP/IP 是Internet最基本的协议、Internet国际互联网络的基础,由网络层的IP协议和传输层的TCP协议组成。TCP/IP 定义了电子设备如何连入因特网,以及数据如何在它们之间传输的标准。协议采用了4层的层级结构,每一层都呼叫它的下一层所提供的协议来完成自己的需求。
TCP/IP is the basis for Internet basic protocol, Internet international network, composed of IP as the network layer and transport layer protocol TCP. TCP/IP defines how electronic devices connected to the Internet, and how the data transmission between the standard. Protocol adopts hierarchical structure of 4 layers, each layer call it the next layer provided by the agreement to complete their own needs. (2014-07-29, Unix_Linux, 11773KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] c_code_dbn

这是深度置信网的C++版本。 rbm.h 实现自动编码. mnist.h 读取MNIST数据文件 spectrum.inl RGBs与颜色的映射 demo.cc 训练/测试主程序
The deep learning algorithm is based on the matlab code provided by Geoff Hinton etc at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/MatlabForSciencePaper.html The Conjugate Gradient implementation is based (translated and simplfied) on Carl Edward Rasmussen s matlab code at http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/carl/code/minimize/minimize.m * rbm.h the DBN/Autoencoder implementation. * mnist.h Reading MNIST data file * spectrum.inl RGBs to map weights to colors. Blue is 0 and red is close to 1.0. * demo.cc training/test demos (2013-09-15, Unix_Linux, 1220KB, 下载31次)


[Linux/Unix编程] RTC

PC使用EasyARM软件观察RTC万年历和RTC唤醒CPU。用串口线将FQ2478的COM0和PC相连。程序首先初始化RTC,发送 一次时间信息给上位机后进入掉电模式,等待RTC报警来唤醒, 唤醒后发送一次新的时间信息到上位机,蜂鸣器鸣叫3次。
The PC use EasyARM Software observe the RTC calendar and RTC wake up the CPU. COM0 and PC serial cable FQ2478 connected. The program first initializes the RTC send time information to the host computer to enter power down mode, wait for RTC alarm to wake up Send a new wake-up time information to the host computer, the buzzer sounds 3 times. (2012-03-20, Unix_Linux, 29KB, 下载7次)


[其他] shejishi

英语作文网 会员中心 TAG标签 网站地图 RSS订阅首页 英语四级 高考英语 中考英语... 高中英语更多... about sports about myself 关于校园浪费问题!(
There are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. Among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an exciting job and is full of challenges. There are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. Among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an exciting job and is full of challenges. (2011-12-16, Unix_Linux, 1060KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux-driver-development2

Author: HuaQing vision embedded institute. The Linux device driver development "(08 and 09 sep TOP50) annual list of best-selling chapter 2, drive design hardware foundation. This chapter explaining the bottom drive engineers must hardware foundation, gives the embedded system hardware principle and analysis methods of the panoramic views. Section 2.1 explain micro controller, microprocessor, digital signal processor and the application in particular areas of the processor respective characteristics. Section 2.2 of embedded system used in all kinds of memory and CPU interface, application field and features detailed explanation. Section 2.3 interpretation of common interface and peripherals, including bus way of working serial port, the I2C, USB, the Ethernet interface, ISA, PCI and cPCI, etc. The embedded system hardware circuit we often use CPLD and FPGA, section 2.4 explained CPLD and FPGA in a circuit ? (2011-06-16, Unix_Linux, 846KB, 下载34次)


[嵌入式Linux] s3c6410-h264-IDR-encode-ok

This is a code optimization, plus the IDR frame coding for unstable networks (such as mobile communications network), has been product oriented, huaheng S3C6410-R2 based on development board capture and compression for the H264 video format, with IDR frames, use time. c file to be renamed cam2fb.c (2010-08-07, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载171次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux_based_embedded_system_monitoring_and_control

针对当前工业控制领域对测控系统提出的将测控分散到现场、实现远程监控的要求, 给出了一种应用于测控系统的基于Linux 的嵌入式系统的设计方案,能保证测控任务完成的 实时性、可靠性,可以连到工业以太网,实现远程监控,在工业控制领域有很好的应用前景。
The area of industrial control for the current control system will be made to the site measurement and control decentralized to achieve remote monitoring requirements, presents a control system used in embedded Linux-based system design, can ensure the real-time measurement and control tasks to complete , reliability, can be connected to industrial Ethernet, remote monitoring, in the field of industrial control has a good prospect. (2010-04-21, Unix_Linux, 177KB, 下载5次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPIP_protocol

在 Microchip单片机上实现 TCP/IP(传输控制协议/网 际协议)不需要任何创新之举。感兴趣的开发人员可以 很容易找到许多 Microchip 产品的商业和非商业的 TCP/IP 实现方案。本应用笔记详细说明了Microchip 公 司自己免费提供的 TCP/IP协议栈。
Microchip microcontroller to achieve in the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) does not require any innovations. Interested developers can easily find a number of Microchip products, commercial and non-commercial TCP/IP implementations. This application note details Microchip' s own freely available TCP/IP protocol stack. (2009-12-26, Unix_Linux, 462KB, 下载16次)


[文章/文档] Linux

介绍了基于AT91RM9200系统硬件结构和Linux内核结构,然后分析了如何将Linux移植到目标 板上的方法与步骤,最后建立了根文件系统。通过串口、网口或者JTAG口烧至目标板,该系统成本低、工作 稳定、通用性强,可用在多种工业场合。
Introduced based on the AT91RM9200 system hardware structure and the structure of Linux kernel, and then an analysis of how to migrate to Linux on the board of the target measures and steps, and finally the establishment of the root file system. Through the serial port, network port or JTAG target board I very badly burned, the system has low cost, stable, unified work that can be used in a variety of industry forums. (2009-08-20, Unix_Linux, 294KB, 下载6次)


[嵌入式Linux] GsmMux

The source is Mux technical support phone Modem driver, use this drive, your cell phone in the Internet at the same time can also respond to AT commands this driver supports Motorola s G24 and Datang s TD module, in the range of ARM ( such as the Davinci s DM644x, XScale s ixp42x) be solemn (2008-12-30, Unix_Linux, 44KB, 下载177次)


[网络] mystar1

The same for linux certification process, but this is more suitable for applications, as long as the will. Conf file in the user name and password set up (which is under the certification in the campus network user name password), and mystar and then copied to/etc, in terminal implementation can mystar (2008-04-28, Unix_Linux, 289KB, 下载57次)


[网络] RouterOS-v2.9.6

Linux 2。6内核ROS多功能路由器,集网管,DHCP,上网控制,VPN,PPOE拨号为一身
Linux 2. 6 core ROS multifunctional router, set management, DHCP, Internet access control, VPN, PPOE for a dial-up (2007-08-17, Unix_Linux, 11031KB, 下载222次)


[操作系统开发] IPport

IP端口对照表,0 通常用于分析操作系统。这一方法能够工作是因为在一些系统中“0”是无效端口,当你试图使用一种通常的闭合端口连接它时将产生不同的结果。一种典型的扫描:使用IP地址为0.0.0.0,设置ACK位并在以太网层广播。
IP port CRT, 0 normally used to analyze the operating system. This approach can work because in some systems "0" is invalid ports, When you attempt to use a normally closed the port connecting to it will produce different results. A typical scan : using IP addresses 0 .0.0.0, set up ACK-layer Ethernet and broadcasting. (2007-05-09, Unix_Linux, 11KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] firepass-1.1.2a.tar

Firepass - 一种隧道技术工具,通过它可以避开防火墙的规则约束,将数据流封装在合法的HTTP POST请求中。任何基于TCP/UDP协议的子协议可以通过它来穿越HTTP代理服务器对HTTP协议的严格审查。到目前为止,客户端和服务器端仅用PERL语言编写。服务器端作为一个CGI脚本运行在WEB服务器上。Firepass的主要特点是用户可以在外网使用几种方法安装服务器端脚本。用户无需在外网计算机上帮定任何端口。当服务端脚本被置于企业WEB服务器上,客户端脚本从外部网络和它通信时,Firepass也可适用于反弹作业。
Firepass-a tunnel technology tools, it can be avoided through the firewall rules to the data flow Packaging legitimate HTTP POST request. Any TCP/UDP protocol for the agreement to cross through its HTTP proxy server to the HTTP protocol rigorous review. So far, the client and server side only PERL language. Server as a CGI script is running on Web servers. Firepass are the main characteristics of network users who can use several methods to install the server-side scripting. Net users who need computer help any port. When the service was placed in the script-enterprise Web server, the client script from the network and its external communications, Firepass also apply to rebound operations. (2005-03-07, Unix_Linux, 24KB, 下载97次)
