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[前端开发] Campus-Smart-Restaurant-System

使用springboot2,vue2以及Element ui的web系统,加入了微信小程序的联动,以及通过MQTT连接单片机实现了采集与控制。
The web system of springboot2, vue2 and Element ui is used, the linkage of WeChat small programs is added, and the acquisition and control are realized through MQTT connecting to the MCU. (2024-02-20, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Autovisor

还在苦于不能挂机刷智慧树 知道网课吗 2024最新刷课脚本Autovisor可以帮你做到! (~^-^~)
Still suffering from being unable to hang up and brush the Wisdom Tree. Do you know that the latest 2024 lesson brush script, Autovisor, can help you do it! (~^ - ^~) (2024-02-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Theo-Docs

Vitepress站点 - 前端导航 日常记录 青龙面板 ESXI OpenWrt VPS指南 前端物语 流媒体森林 - 全方位流媒体 观影指南 引领您进入五彩斑斓的视听世界,并涵盖了 Netflix 、Disney+ 、Spotify会员 和 YouTube会员 的精彩领域 银河录像局 蜜糖商店-Metshop 奈飞小铺-爱合租 FlyingBird Bridge The Wise 一元机场
Vitepress site - front end navigation daily record Qinglong panel ESXI OpenWrt VPS guide front end story streaming media forest - all-round streaming media viewing guide leads you into the colorful audio-visual world, and covers the wonderful fields of Netflix, Disney+, Sportify members and YouTube members Galaxy Video Office Honey Store - Netshop Shop - Aihe Co renting FlyingBird Bridge The Wise One yuan Airport (2024-01-08, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] HTTPServerGO

This is a gadget in the red team intranet environment written in Go that can quickly open the HTTP file browsing service, execute shell commands, and execute webshell, (2023-05-07, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] miari-adaptive

Comparison of adaptive layout schemes. The mobile terminal scheme (postcss px to viewport), NetEase mobile terminal scheme (rem+vw), and the mobile terminal scheme (flexible), (2023-01-06, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Contacts_Deal_Manager

A perfect MVC structured/scaffolded HTML5 app, that enables the user to Create/Edit/Delete Contacts & Deals -- all with pure Backbone, Handlebars, Underscore, Require.js. (2015-07-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] micro-engine-module-wxapp

Native WeChat applet, used in combination with the WeChat module tp5.0 framework, supports direct editing and uploading in the background of WeChat, and has built-in like UI component library (2022-05-21, JavaScript, 1098KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] weibo_spider

新浪微博 搜索爬虫 使用selenium模拟鼠标点击和键盘输入。(⊙o⊙)... 这东西需要看浏览器反应速度和网速等等等
Sina Weibo search crawler uses selenium to simulate mouse click and keyboard input. (⊙ o ⊙) It depends on the response speed and network speed of the browser (2016-05-09, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] responsive-news-website

I created this project in a mobile-friendly way, considering the homepage design of a news website, using CSS s grid layout and flex feature. (2022-05-14, CSS, 937KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] blog_server_java

Blog, including Front end and Back end,implemented by:Java、Kotlin、Dart、Go、JavaScript(JS)、TypeScript(TS)、ArkTS、Swift、PHP。 Platforms:Android(Java、Kotlin)、iOS(SwiftUI)、Flutter(Dart)、Front end(微信小程序、uni- app、vue)、Back end(Python、PHP、Java...)
Blog, including Front end and Back end,implemented by:Java、Kotlin、Dart、Go、JavaScript(JS)、TypeScript(TS)、ArkTS、Swift、P... (2023-03-11, Java, 76KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vuetify-mobile-pc

基于vuetify 为官网搭建的框架-同时兼容移动端和PC端-前期代码备份,未关联svn,后期可删除
A framework built based on Vuetify for the official website - compatible with both mobile and PC ends - pre code backup, not associated with SVN, can be deleted in the future (2021-01-12, Vue, 166KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mpvueShop

网易严选商城小程序前后端,前端使用mpvue框架,后端使用Koa2 框架+ mysql数据库搭建
The front and back ends of the NetEase Strict Selection Mall mini program use the mpvue framework on the front end, and the Koa2 framework and MySQL database on the back end (2021-10-27, JavaScript, 3740KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] angular-music

A simple online music website modeled after NetEase Cloud Music, with the front-end mainly based on Angularjs and the backend based on Nodejs express framework and MySQL. (2018-07-18, JavaScript, 1575KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Wexin-miniprogram-MessagesBoard

A simple message board project developed by learning WeChat mini program development, with the official WeUI framework used for the front-end and simple data processing built in PHP for the back-end (2022-12-09, JavaScript, 57KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] newsApp

仿网易新闻new,属于个人业余时间做的一个小项目; 界面仿网易新闻客户端ABC 主要分为四大板块: 【文章】 【视频】 【论坛】 【游戏】 ABC ABC 整体架构采用了MVC的设计模式 项目中由于存在大量网络图片,所以采用了二级缓存...
Imitating NetEase News News, it is a small project that I do in my spare time; The interface imitation NetEase News client ABC is mainly divided into four sections: [Article], [Video], [Forum], [Game] The overall architecture of ABC ABC adopts the MVC design mode. Due to the presence of a large number of network images in the project, a secondary cache is used (2016-02-23, Java, 3055KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] taro-cropper

Taro框架下的跨端图片裁剪组件,目前支持微信小程序端,QQ小程序端, 支付宝小程序端, 字节跳动小程序端, 百度小程序端和H5端
Cross end picture clipping component under Taro framework currently supports WeChat applet, QQ applet, Alipay applet, ByteDance applet, Baidu applet and H5 applet (2022-06-09, TypeScript, 122KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] flask_blog

flask_ Blog, the development part of NetEase Micro Professional s "Python Full Stack Engineer" web, using the Flask framework MVC architecture to build a blog CMS system (2020-09-15, HTML, 2311KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] -Selenium3-Python3-Web-

-Selenium3-Python3-Web-,该项目为学习慕课网课程《Selenium3 与 Python3 实战 Web自动化测试框架》时自己写的代码,
-Selenium3 Python 3 Web -, this project is the code I wrote while studying the course "Selenium3 and Python 3 Practical Web Automation Testing Framework" on MOOC, (2018-10-26, Python, 580KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] LexianLife

LexianLife, 电子商城 在线商城 网商 “乐鲜生活”是一个面向互联网的 B2C 电子商务平台, 集成 Spring Boot 框架的 Java Web 应用。
LexianLife, an online shopping mall, is an internet oriented B2C e-commerce platform that integrates the Spring Boot framework as a Java web application. (2022-05-20, Java, 13788KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wx-tools

wx-tools,Wx-tools是基于微信公众平台API的轻量级框架。 基于Wx-tools你可以开速开发一个订阅号 服务号的web应用后台。
Wx tools is a lightweight framework based on the WeChat public platform API. Based on Wx tools, you can quickly develop a web application backend for subscription and service accounts. (2022-02-01, Java, 110KB, 下载0次)
