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按分类查找All 网络编程(730) 

[网络编程] NDN-Smart-home-network

A peer to-peer networking protocol, with Named Data Networking, use-case: Smart Home Network, usage of TCP and UDP for broadcasting and routing implementations with ECC cryptography for security protocol. (2023-11-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] network-simulation

A small network simulated using cisco packet tracer, with subnets built using VLSM. Implementation of different concepts such as RIP, EIGRP, OSPF and NAT. (2021-10-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 同学录源码

This is a PHP language classmate source code, I hope you like it! (2018-06-02, PHP, 2333KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 基于负荷平衡的配电网重构程序renconfiguration

Distribution network reconfiguration program (2018-05-18, matlab, 3KB, 下载27次)


[网络编程] 5a-esp8266_sdk_ssl_user_manual_cn_v1.4

ESP mesh guid 开发向导 已经有二十字了,还要输入吗
ESP mesh guid development wizard has two cross, but also import it? (2018-05-02, C/C++, 615KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] 19套业务网站源码

19套个人业务源码 搭建起来就可以用 非常的方便
19 sets of personal business source code can be built to be very convenient (2017-12-06, WINDOWS, 27778KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] arp--gongjifangyu

arp 攻击防御,帮你解决局域网内ARP攻击的问题,保护内网安全
arp attack defense, to help you solve the problem of LAN ARP attack to protect the internal network security (2014-06-29, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] ciscoTest-direct

The experimental class of the University of utility networking technology, Cisco experimental guide books, describes experiments are more detailed, available to scholars refer to. (2012-08-11, Windows_Unix, 664KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] iperf-2.0.1.tar

Well-known Ethernet performance testing software, you can test throughput, response time and other important parameters. (2009-10-10, Unix_Linux, 215KB, 下载21次)


[网络编程] Searcher

Written using JAVA LAN scanner can scan the same network segment of the LAN which is the work of the host (2009-07-20, Java, 1KB, 下载92次)


[网络编程] 15dsanovelworld

如花腾讯读书网同步程序 几经改版测试,现已通过百度和google收录。 修改logo和网站名称即可使用
Tencent flowery after reading network synchronization revised test procedures have been recorded through the Baidu and google. Modified logo and site name to use (2009-06-15, ASP, 18KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] kcfree

福运订餐网免费版,提供大家免费使用! 如需要美化,修改,增加功能请到,福运建站网--福运订餐网官方网站。 福运订餐系统分为免费版,普及版,创业版,通用版,中级版,高级版。 欢迎查看演示:http://www.fooun.com 产品管理功能,订餐管理功能 网站基本设置功能 特色是:按周显示餐品。 每天都在变化 后台管理目录admin 用户名admin 密码admin
Fu Yun-free reservation network to provide free access to everyone! Required such as landscaping, modify, add features go, Yun-Fu建站Net- Net official Fu Yun-reservation website. Yun-Fu reservation system is divided into free, universal version of GEM, General Edition, Intermediate Version, advanced version. Welcome to view the presentation: http://www.fooun.com product management functions, management functions reservation website features the basic settings are: food products weekly show. Change the background every day management of the directory admin user name admin password admin (2009-04-02, Java, 1305KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] The_most_basic_concepts_of_computer_networks(2)

计算机网络最基本概念之二:1. IP 地址 IP 地址的作用 IP 地址的表示方法 怎样获得 IP 地址 域名服务器 DNS 2. 电子邮件(e-mail) 3. 万维网 WWW 4. 因特网上的实时通信量 5. 结束语
The most basic concepts of computer networks bis: 1. IP Address IP Address IP address of the role of express Ways How to Get IP Address Domain Name Server DNS 2. E-mail (e-mail) 3. World Wide Web WWW 4. Internet real-time traffic on 5 . Conclusion (2009-03-12, PPT, 88KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] Ethernet_Protocol

AVR Single Chip Ethernet protocol on the basis of programming, including the streamlining of the TCP/IP source (2009-01-03, C/C++, 56KB, 下载53次)


[网络编程] TCPFile_Recv

Based on TCP/IP protocol SOCKET communication procedures, transmission of documents can be achieved, based on the Ethernet frame. The receiving end procedures (2008-12-25, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] ax88180_all

The development of Gigabit Ethernet applications, this is a very good chip information. Provision of design reference! (2008-04-09, VHDL, 377KB, 下载320次)


[网络编程] VOIPTechnology

本书描述了因特网和IP的主要特征,包括包丢失和时延抖动,并让读者了解数字信号处理器(DSP)和语音编码器在VoIP中所扮演的角色。本书还为读者讲述了如何通过ISDN、xDSL、HFC本地环路或其他途径建立与业务提供商之间的通路,以及目前主要的IP电话协议。本书的覆盖范围包括:VoIP的全面解决方案;VoIP网关和网闸的作用;7号信令(SS7)和IP、H.323的网间互通;支持VoIP组播的协议(IGMP和MBONE),带宽预留协议(RSVP、RTP、RTCP)及安全业务。本书是一本中、高级教科书,无论你是在对VoIP技术进行评估还是正在使用VoIP技术,本书都可以将你所需要深入理解的信息传送给你,就如一位世界级的专家在你的身边。 (2008-04-02, PDF, 15277KB, 下载86次)


[网络编程] Cisco_Catalyst_LAN_Switching

Cisco_Catalyst_LAN_Switching,Cisco Catalyst系列交换机技术,网络核心技术内幕-Cisco组网技术指南.
Cisco_Catalyst_LAN_Switching. Cisco Catalyst series switches technology, Network core technology insider- Cisco Network Technology Guide. (2007-02-11, Visual C++, 4340KB, 下载37次)


[网络编程] jisushop10Beta2

NET源码 极速网店是以网络营销与推广为切入点的专业网上购物系统,解决独立网店推广难的问题,系统与各搜索引擎具有非常好的亲和力。 3个月内帮助您利润提升217%的网上购物系统,并永久提供免费下载、免费使用、免费升
shop on network marketing and promotion of the professional point of online shopping system, independent reviews of promoting solutions to the problem, systems and the search engine is very good affinity. Within three months to help you raise profits 217% on-line shopping system, and permanently available as a free download, free use, free or (2006-06-09, MultiPlatform, 1924KB, 下载23次)


[网络编程] etherboot-5[1].0.9.tar

是一个用来创建ROM images的软件包,可以从以太网下载编码以实现X86的功能。
is used to create a package ROM images can be downloaded from the Ethernet coding to achieve the function of X86. (2005-06-01, C/C++, 675KB, 下载9次)
