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[网络截获/分析] wincap

Registered callback function, circulation capture network packets, the first call to the Ethernet protocol analysis function analyze captured data packet is an ARP packet, if the analysis is to call a function of the ARP protocol analysis of the specific content of the packet, then the required format output. (2011-09-23, Visual C++, 1351KB, 下载19次)


[网络截获/分析] Sniff

In a network segment, if the card is set to mixed mode, when the network has data transmission, regardless of whether the data belong to the machine, card will receive the data. This procedure is implemented using the characteristics of network monitoring tools (2010-01-14, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载15次)


[网络截获/分析] http

This article describes the application layer HTTP packets intercepted and Restore Technology and a brief introduction of which involved intercepted packets, packet analysis, restructuring, as well as application data packet decoding key technologies. The system can monitor network packets of interest, through its analysis and research, analysis of its compliance with the agreement as well as its application layer data, back to being monitored by the user to see the data format. The realization of the system for the management staff to effectively manage the network provides a visual tool. (2008-06-20, Visual C++, 321KB, 下载1069次)


[网络截获/分析] Get_MacAddress

组装并利用winpcap提供的函数发送arp请求报文,分析捕获到的arp响应报文,从中得到的源MAC地址就是本地网卡的MAC地址。 在得到本机网络接口的MAC地址和其上绑定的IP地址后,程序以本地网卡的身份向以太网其他主机输入的目的IP地址发送arp请求,并截获其回应,通过解析其中的源MAC地址,可以得到该IP地址对应的MAC地址。
Assembly and use WinPcap to provide a function to send arp request packet, analysis captured the arp response packet, which has been the source MAC address is the MAC address of local network adapter. Upon the consent of this machine network interface MAC address and its IP address binding, the procedure to the identity of the local network adapter to the Ethernet input purpose other host IP address to send arp request and intercepted its response, through which to resolve the source MAC address, you can get the IP address of the corresponding MAC address. (2008-05-25, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载48次)


[网络截获/分析] NetworkMonitor

网络流量监控,在拨号上网时会经常忘记断线,至使实际上下线去看文章、玩游戏时网费却无端的浪费,基于此,这里开发的程序可以根据用户设置的一段时间网络的最小流量,当低于这个流量时给用户以提醒,这样就能避免上述情况了。 采用Visual C++开发,工作时将图标放置在系统托盘符中。
Network traffic monitoring, in the dial-up line will often forget to look at the article off the assembly line so that in fact, play games for no reason when the network is a waste of costs, based on this, where development can be based on user settings for some time the smallest network flow, when less than the flow to the user to remind, this way we can avoid the above situation. Using Visual C++ Development work will be placed in the system tray icon in the address. (2008-05-18, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载52次)


[网络截获/分析] arpguard

防止arp欺骗,保护网络的安全。比较好的学习arp的源代码。 经测试可有效应对网络执法官、netcut等工具,对于网络执法官等造的IP冲突,可不于理睬,把提示窗口拖到不碍眼的地方(win2000)即可,不影响上网。可以显示攻击的MAC地址。 支持连续防护和仅需要时防护两种模式。程序退出时自动保存设置(网卡选择和防护模式),自动恢复本机环境,自动检测网关变化,方便笔记本使用。版权归作者所有!
prevent fraud, the protection of the network security. Arp relatively good learning source. After the tests will be an effective response network marshals, netcut tools such as the network of agents and other IP create conflict, may, in turn, prompt window until not unsightly places (WIN2000) will not affect the Internet. The attack shows the MAC address. Continuous protection and support only when necessary protection in two modes. Withdraw from the process automatically preserve settings (network interface card options and protective mode), automatic resumption of the machine, auto-detect Gateway changes Notebook convenient to use. All the property of the author. (2007-01-25, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载109次)
