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按分类查找All SQL Server(78) 

[SQL Server] Notes

一个渐进式web应用程序,带有cakephp主干网和sql server来保存笔记。
A progressive web application with cakephp backbone and sql server to save the notes. (2022-04-28, PHP, 1279KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Chat_java

A relatively complete enterprise employee communication software, where employee information is stored in MySQL. Communication relies on the cooperation of TCP and UDP, and only passes the test on the internal network. External network testing requires changing the IP address. When running, first open the ServerFrame of the Server package, and then start the index of the Project package (2018-02-04, Java, 827KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] OnlineShop

基于.NET Core、EF Core、Razor页面、SQL Server、Onion Architect的网店网站项目
Online Shop Website Project based on .NET Core, EF Core, Razor pages, SQL Server, Onion Architect (2022-10-14, JavaScript, 59704KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Daenet.Common.Logging

用于点网核心应用程序的SQL Server数据库日志记录的实现。
Implementation of Logging in SQL Server Database for Dot Net Core Applications. (2022-10-13, C#, 31KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] 6-ConsoleApp-DI-FluentMigrator-SqlServer_Produtos

Exemplo de execu??o de Migrations para cria??o de uma base de dados com informa??es de produtos a partir de uma Console Application criada com .NET 6, utilizando ainda inje??o de dependências, Logging, Fluent Migrator e SQL Server. (2022-04-27, C#, 9KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] CandidateInterviewer

.NET Core Web sample of candidate interviewer system. Solution includes: web site (ASP.NET Core Web Application), ORM (Entity Framework, Code First), Database (Microsoft SQL Server 2019). Web site allows job applicants to be tested in a selected subject. After passing the test, the system processes the results of the responses and displays a (2022-12-10, C#, 31066KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] egratedTerminal-FluentMigrator-SqlServer_Produtos

Exemplo de execu??o de Migrations para cria??o de uma base de dados com informa??es de produtos a partir de uma Console Application criada com .NET 6, utilizando ainda inje??o de dependências, Logging, Fluent Migrator, SQL Server e configura??es para execu??o no Visual Studio Code via Integrated Terminal. (2022-05-01, C#, 10KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] edu002

The latest ThinkPHP kernel education online network complete source SQL statements, PC + WAP mobile phone adaptive online teaching examination system SQL statements (2019-04-21, SQL, 23KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] sql-2012

数据库 SQL Server 2012 学习资料,包括一些简单的代码,适用于初学者
the learning materials of SQL Server 2012 database ,including some simple code which are suitable for beginners (2014-07-30, SQL, 72KB, 下载7次)



1000 YEAR SERVER AND SQL FILES (2014-07-20, Visual C++, 3541KB, 下载27次)


[SQL Server] NE

明泰在线考试网 详细的介绍系统如何安装调试SQL Server 2005数据库Visual Studio 2008
Alpha online exam detailed description of how the system installation and commissioning of the SQL Server 2005 database Visual Studio 2008 (2013-05-16, C#, 1346KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] SSHxiaoneinew

ssh框架校内网 数据库+开发文档+项目代码
ssh framework of the school network database+ development documentation+ code (2013-05-14, SQL, 18861KB, 下载56次)


[SQL Server] qingsongduanzuwang

This program contains a package of the source code and SQL database easily rent short network platform for a house to rent, houses can create user login and register Upon review of the platform administrator can publish for other users scheduled, while users can location and house names to search for houses to view a detailed description of the housing can be following orders scheduled to housing, landlord accepting your order after you have successfully booked. Housing publisher rental platform, provides a convenient guest travel renting. (2013-04-04, Java, 24037KB, 下载194次)


[SQL Server] SQL-Server2005-Examples

本书精选了7 个当前应用最广泛的数据库系统,详细介绍了使用SQL Server 2005 开发数据库管理系 统的思路、方法和技术。主要内容包括天下鲜美食网、电子商城、物流信息网、供求信息网、企业客户管 理系统、学生管理系统、图书综合管理系统等。这些系统既可以独立使用,也可作为综合管理系统的重要 组成部分。
Book a selection of seven of the most widely used database system, described in detail the development of database management using SQL Server 2005 System of ideas, methods and techniques. The main contents include the world of fresh food network, electronic mall, logistics network, supply and demand information network, enterprise customers tubes Management systems, student management system, library management system. These systems are either independent use, also can be used as the importance of an integrated management system Component. (2012-05-16, SQL, 12128KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] Timechargesystem

此台球厅计时收费系统是用vc++6.0和SQL SERVER 2000数据库,采用注册表技术,可以脱机执行功能,绝对适合用应与现实中的娱乐场所,功能强大。登陆密码111,不需要用户名
Office of the billiard system is a time to use vc++6.0 and SQL SERVER 2000 database, using registry technology to implement offline functionality, should be suitable for the absolute reality of the entertainment and powerful. 111 password, no user name (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载55次)


[SQL Server] wldown10SQL

Network music download system SQL stored version, use absolute classic, in the hope that you learn useful (2008-12-25, SQL, 4314KB, 下载29次)


[SQL Server] feihong2.0

可实现整个校园网内聊天,传送文本数据,后台数据库采用SQL SERVER
Can be achieved within the entire campus network to chat, send text data, back-end database using SQL SERVER (2008-09-20, Java, 5289KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] Forum

小型BBS 实现基本的论坛功能论坛风格参照了、CSDN论坛、LB论坛、动网论坛的风格,整个论坛的数据库结构设计一流,所以论坛运行速度一流,功能一流 数据库采用、SQL Server
Small BBS forum for the realization of the basic functions of the Forum style reference, CSDN forum, LB forum动网论坛style, the entire forum database structure design class, so the forum is running the speed-class, functional class using the database, SQL Server (2008-04-22, Visual C++, 122KB, 下载11次)


[SQL Server] School

International Business College Admissions安瑞奥network, including user registration, online registration, admission information and other functions (2008-04-12, Java, 8273KB, 下载46次)


[SQL Server] qdhouse

青岛房产信息网 系统采用C#.NET,三层架构开发,后台采用Sql Server数据库.
Qingdao Real Estate Information Network System C#. NET, three-tier system developing, the background using Sql Server database. (2007-11-29, C#, 3991KB, 下载106次)
