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[其他] chatgpt-hzq

主要以围绕类似 OpenAi 生成式服务,构建微服务应用架构体系组件。包括;用户鉴权、公众号、微信支付等,满足不同诉求的使用。并以模块化设计,积木式构建应用,让不同的场景诉求都可以配置化对接
It mainly builds microservice application architecture system components around similar OpenAi generative services. Including; User authentication, public account, WeChat payment, etc., meet different demands. And build applications in modular design and building blocks, so that different scene demands can be configured and connected (2024-04-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] StockApiJava

歪枣网为大家提供免费财经数据下载接口、量化投资策略等人工智能服务。 股票数据接口,财经数据接口,炒股,量化投资,财富,理财,股票,基金定投,人工智能
Waizao provides free financial data download interface, quantitative investment strategy and other AI services for everyone. Stock data interface, financial data interface, stock speculation, quantitative investment, wealth, wealth management, stock, fund fixed investment, artificial intelligence (2024-03-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CCMS

This is a capstone project, it is a Court Case Management system. Some of the features that are available are for Court Clerk users to add cases, edit cases,and more. Judges, general public, and other users can also search for cases, export cases to a file on their device, and more. Please view the README for guidance. (2024-02-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] No112NovelNetworkManagementSystem

基于ssm的小说网管理系统:前端 jsp、jquery,后端 maven、springmvc、spring、mybatis,角色分为管理员、用户;集成小说展示,小说在线阅读,我的书架等功能于一体的系统。
The management system of Fiction Net based on SSM: front-end jsp, jquery, back-end maven, spring mvc, spring, mybatis. The roles are divided into administrator and user; The system integrates novel display, online novel reading, my bookshelf and other functions. (2024-01-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] h5huodong

The WeChat H5 marketing activity platform (h5huadong. com) uses the P3 Weixin plug-in development framework to develop WeChat H5 activities. The plug-ins exist in the form of JAR, support independent deployment, and solve the problems of H5 activities, large number of users and high concurrency. (Provide mature distributed solutions) (2016-01-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BuyXMWear2Plugin

Recently, we have been unable to grab Xiaomi bracelet 2 on Xiaomi s official website. We are deeply hurt by Xiaomi s disgusting hunger marketing, but we still need to buy one of our favorite babies. What should we do?. Just yesterday, Alibaba s internal mooncake snatching event made headlines. Why not learn to write a plug-in bracelet 2 like them? Why not do it! (2016-10-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SMSGate

这是一个在netty4框架下实现的三网合一短信网关核心框架,支持(cmpp smpp3.4 sgip1.2 smgp3) 短信协议解析,支持长短信合并和拆分,也支持wap短信和闪信。
This is a core framework of three in one SMS gateway implemented under the netty4 framework, which supports (cmpp smpp3.4 sgip1.2 smgp3) SMS protocol parsing, short and long message merging and splitting, as well as wap SMS and flash messaging. (2023-11-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SpringMS

基于Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis分布式 敏 捷 开 发 系统架构,提供整套公共微服务服务模块:集中权限管理(单点登录)、内容管理、支付中心、用户管理(支持第三方登录)、微信平台、存储系统、配置中心、日志分析、任务和通知等,支...
Based on the architecture of Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis distributed agile development system, it provides a complete set of public micro service modules: centralized permission management (single sign on), content management, payment center, user management (supporting third-party login), WeChat platform, storage system, configuration center, log analysis, tasks and notifications, etc (2018-10-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] TreeCounter

TreeCounter是Android上的用于管理树型数据结构的类库,用于应用内多级别功能模块的未读消息数量管理、 汇 总 统计,该场景常见于微信、微博等应用。 TreeCounter is an Android library provi...
TreeCounter is a class library on Android that is used to manage tree data structures. It is used to manage and summarize the number of unread messages of multi-level functional modules in the application. This scenario is common in WeChat, Weibo and other applications. TreeCounter is an Android library provi (2016-02-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] holer-client-master

Holer client master, holer intranet penetrates the client source code, supports Java language and go language, simple configuration, realizes port mapping through netty, and can forward TCP protocol. (2020-06-18, Java, 63KB, 下载1次)


[其他] lvse

网新企业网站管理系统(绿色)是专业为个人和企业网站建设而开发的一款智能化程序。该程序基于ASP+ACCESS环境开发, 拥有完善的网站前台和后台全智能化管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加、修改网站基本信息、产品、企业新闻动态等), 是个人和企业智能化网站建设首选!
Net New Enterprise website management system green is a professional for personal and enterprise website construction and development of an intelligent program. The program is developed on the basis of ASP + ACCESS environment and has perfect front-end and back-end intelligent management functions of the website. It is completely operated by the back-end (such as adding and modifying basic information of the website, products, enterprise news trends, etc.) , is the personal and enterprise intelligent website construction first choice! (2020-03-16, Java, 3622KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SatRDA_V20181211

Remote link server database CS program need not be processed (2018-12-13, Java, 14214KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 在线答题代码

This is a jQuery replica cattle passenger network online answer page code with progress bar and time. Time countdown can be paused, and a set of answer system has been perfected. (2018-12-10, Java, 53KB, 下载1次)


[其他] tuangoucaidan

Page sharing (Collection) button code: share to Sina micro-blog code, share to QQ space code, share to happy net code, share to Renren net code (2018-07-05, Java, 104KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 彩虹4.6破解版

dasdkojsadiowdwdsanzjkxnnbcjwdhaidhsaiudua (2018-06-03, Java, 2815KB, 下载0次)


[其他] bkp

The program of backup server data is backed up by Windows's own mission plan function, and the data on the server is regularly backed up to the Linux server. (2017-12-28, Java, 888KB, 下载1次)


[其他] h+

H+ is a full response, based on the flat version of the latest version of Bootstrap3, she uses the mainstream of the two column layout, the use of Html5+CSS3 and other modern technology (2017-11-20, Java, 7990KB, 下载2次)


[其他] WxBot-master

JAVA开发的微信机器人程序 1,只有一个类,WxBot.java 2,如果有需要回复自定义消息,重写getMsg()方法 3,依赖库只有2个,httpclient-4.5.2和gson
Java WX Robot. In order to sync the doc with the lastest code, we are using jsdoc to describe the API, and use jsdoc-to-markdown to generate markdown format documents to the docs directory. (2017-11-18, Java, 17KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 贵美商城全集

Your U.S. mall page source (2017-09-07, Java, 1584KB, 下载4次)


[其他] webex

网页是组成互联网的基本数据单元,是各种面向互联网的应用系统最原始的数据源。网页内部含有大量噪音信息,如何从网页中有效地提取有价值的内容成为影响数据处理效果的关键。 网页正文提取指的是从原始网页中精确地提取出正文文本,比如提取新闻网页中的报道内容。能否高效地提取出网页的正文
web (2009-04-14, Java, 6KB, 下载69次)
