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[前端开发] FTX-App

移动端框架,基于uniapp+uniui封装的一套基础模版,支持H5、APP、微信小程序、支付宝小程序等,实现了与FTX-Web、FTX- Cloud后台完美对接。,
The mobile end framework, based on a set of basic templates encapsulated by uniapp+uniui, supports H5, APP, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, etc., and achieves perfect docking with the FTX Web and FTX Cloud background., (2023-05-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] neteasecloudmusic

Vue3+Pinia+Vite2+Typescript imitates Netease Cloud Music Mobile WebAPP, you may not find more full music playing functions; Experience address:, (2022-09-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] BlurLyric

A simple, beautiful, and user-friendly third-party player for NetEase Cloud Music. | 高颜值,高性能的网易云音乐第三方音乐播放器,
A simple, beautiful, and user friendly third party player for NetEase Cloud Music| The third-party music player of Netease Cloud Music with high appearance and performance, (2023-07-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] QuestionnaireDemo

微信小程序后端及后台管理页面,请在IDEA中运行,并配合QuestionnaireServer食用。后端基于Spring Boot + MyBatis + Lombok,后台管理页面基于Vue.js + Element-UI + axios
Please run the WeChat applet backend and background management page in IDEA and use it with QuestionnaireServer. The backend is based on Spring Boot+MyBatis+Lombok, and the backend management page is based on Vue.js+Element UI+axios (2020-12-13, Java, 4695KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue_music

项目是基于vue和elementUI开发的一款音乐播放器、接口来源于网易云。技术包括 vue、axiso、vuex、vue-router、vue- aplyer、element-UI等
The project is a music player developed based on vue and elementUI, and the interface comes from Netease Cloud. Technologies include vue, axio, vuex, vue router, vue aplyer, element UI, etc (2023-01-06, Vue, 1629KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] threaten_flask_vue

Crawl the external threat vulnerability intelligence data for display and WeChat push. You can add the threat vulnerability intelligence source yourself, separate the front end from the back end, use the front vue, and use py3 flare in the background (2021-03-03, Python, 2200KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wechat-parent

基于Spring Cloud微服务化开发平台,核心技术采用Spring Boot2以及Spring Cloud 相关核心组件,前端采用Vue的微信公众号管理系统。 主要是用于学习使用
Based on the Spring Cloud microservice development platform, the core technology uses Spring Boot2 and related core components of Spring Cloud, and the front-end uses Vue s WeChat public account management system. Mainly used for learning (2019-04-08, Java, 5963KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] FourthPay

For the payment system based on WeChat Alipay service provider model, the basic template is based on Larravel admin, which realizes API interface, merchant background, proxy background, merchant API, and website foreground. This project is only for learning (2023-01-05, PHP, 1068KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] drylint

代码干燥计划 (drylint.com) 网站源码,基于 vuepress 搭建,分享前端工程化、模块化、组件化开发经验;包括 Webpack, Vue, React, TypeScript, Node, 微信小程序, Taro, U...
The source code of the code drying plan (drylint. com) website is built based on vuePress, sharing front-end engineering, modularization and component-based development experience; Including Webpack, Vue, React, TypeScript, Node, WeChat applet, Taro, U (2023-06-02, HTML, 6124KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] music

electron跨平台音乐播放器;可搜网易云、QQ音乐、虾米音乐;支持QQ、微博、Github登录,云歌单; 支持一键导入音乐平台歌单
Electric cross platform music player; You can search Netease Cloud, QQ Music and Xiami Music; Support QQ, Weibo, Github login and cloud song list; Support one click import of music platform playlists (2022-12-10, Vue, 3078KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] LemonJournal

A WeChat mini program demo based on Wafer2 framework - 微信小程序Demo: 柠檬手帐 - 图片编辑应用,支持图片和文字的移动、旋转、缩放、保存编辑状态并生成预览图
A WeChat mini program demo based on Wafer2 framework - WeChat mini program Demo: Lemon account - Image editing application, supporting the movement, rotation, scaling, saving editing status of images and text, and generating preview images (2021-09-14, JavaScript, 4449KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Django-full-stack-project

基于 django 框架的 python 全栈项目--手机商城。前端:微信小程序以显示数据为主,后端: django 管理后台数据。 Python full-stack project based on django framewor...
A Python full stack project based on the django framework - Mobile Mall. Front end: WeChat mini program mainly displays data, while back end: django manages backend data. Python full stack project based on django framework (2022-08-10, Python, 497KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] sample-uniapp

uni-app 是一个使用 Vue.js 开发所有前端应用的框架,可发布到iOS、Android、H5、以及各种小程序(微信 支付宝 百度 头条 QQ 钉钉)等多个平台。
Uni app is a framework that uses Vue.js to develop all front-end applications. It can be published to multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, H5, and various small programs (WeChat Alipay Baidu Toutiao QQ nail). (2020-10-19, JavaScript, 400KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] English_child_web

Children s Training and Education Network, divided into front-end and back-end, which is used to process front-end data and generate pages. Written in Java language, SSM framework. For personal learning. (2022-12-16, JavaScript, 383291KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] kcat

This is a campus service-oriented website developed by our team at Xingnuo Studio. It is convenient for teachers and students on campus. We provide professional software, entertainment software, homework assistance, helpdesk, and campus phone. The front-end technology used in the project includes HTML+CSS+Javascript+JQuery+layer, and the back-end is within the SSM framework (2018-03-16, JavaScript, 21918KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] admin_node_wx

后台管理系统主要功能:权限管理、OA、token验权、node-rsa加密、微信小程序、Faas=Function as a server、基础框架:后端:koa+mongodb、前端:vue3+Element Plus
The main functions of the backend management system include permission management, OA, token authentication, node rsa encryption, WeChat mini program, Faas=Function as a server, basic framework: backend: koa+mongodb, front-end: vue3+Element Plus (2022-09-28, JavaScript, 1050KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] first_django_blog

first_ django_ Blog, web development section of NetEase Micro Professional s "Python Full Stack Engineer", using Django framework MVC architecture to build CMS system, simple web template (2020-03-28, HTML, 284KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wx_ysw

wx_ YSW, developed separately from the front-end and back-end, uses the native WeChat mini program framework and Vant and iview component libraries on the mini program side, and uses the layui framework for backend management on the web side (2020-11-23, JavaScript, 2144KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] leach协议MATLAB仿真

LEACH是无线传感网早期经典的低功耗自适应分层分簇协议,该协议的主要目标是采用分布式簇群形成技术,通过周期性的轮换簇头,使网络能耗较为均匀的分摊到网络的各个节点。文件中提供了几种代码希望可以给需要的人一些参考。 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 525KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 002

A database visualization large screen display demo, which can be modified for self use and used in the monitoring room (2020-05-03, JavaScript, 12719KB, 下载12次)
