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[嵌入式Linux] BK3633,蓝牙5

BK3633 芯片是高度集成的无线片上系统,支持蓝牙 5.2 双模和专有 2.4 GHz 协议。 它集成了高性能射频收发器、基带、低功耗处理器、功能丰富的外设单元、可编程协议和配置文件,以支持广泛的应用。 闪存程序存储器使其适用于定制应用。 BK3633采用先进的工艺工艺设计,集成开关DCDC稳压器,具有超低功耗和超低漏电功率。 内嵌高阶干扰抑制滤波器和快速自动增益控制逻辑,使其在高干扰环境下也能 (2022-08-23, LINUX, 1283KB, 下载0次)


[其他] IEEE Std 802.3-2018

971/5000 使用通用媒体访问控制(MAC)规范和管理信息库(MIB),为从1 Mb / s到400 Gb / s的选定操作速度指定了以太网局域网操作。 带冲突检测的载波侦听多路访问(CSMA / CD)MAC协议指定了共享介质(半双工)操作以及全双工操作。 速度特定的媒体独立接口(MII)允许使用选定的物理层设备(PHY)通过同轴电缆,双绞线或光缆或电背板进行操作。 多段共享访问网络的系统注意事项描述了中继器的使用,这些中继器的定义是运行速度高达1000 Mb / s。 所有速度均支持局域网(LAN)操作。 其他指定的功能包括:接入网的各种PHY类型,适用于城域网应用的PHY,以及通过选定的双绞线PHY类型提供电源。
Ethernet local area network operation is specified for selected speeds of operation from 1 Mb/s to 400 Gb/s using a common media access control (MAC) specification and management information base (MIB). The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) MAC protocol specifies shared medium (half duplex) operation, as well as full duplex operation. Speed specific Media Independent Interfaces (MIIs) allow use of selected Physical Layer devices (PHY) for operation over coaxial, twisted pair or fiber optic cables, or electrical backplanes. System considerations for multisegment shared access networks describe the use of Repeaters that are defined for operational speeds up to 1000 Mb/s. Local Area Network (LAN) operation is supported at all speeds. Other specified capabilities include: various PHY types for access networks, PHYs suitable for metropolitan area network applications, and the provision of power over selected twisted pair PHY types. (2020-09-11, LINUX, 40253KB, 下载20次)


[其他] Linux系统配置与管理实验报告

1、 无需考虑资金问题 2、 内部所有主机使用RedHat LinuxRedHat主机,网络设备仅能使用普通非可管的交换路由主机仅能使用普通非可网管的交换机,路由主机路由Linux主机配置。 3、 需要两台文件服务器存放。 4、 服务器群和客户端分开管理,客户端划为两个网络分为行政和员工。 5、 需要用 DNS 服务器对内对外提供DNS服务,内部通过 DNS 服务器解析外部网络主机,外部可以通过该服务器解析公司的服务器群相关服务器的地址。 。 6、 公司通过电信 100M 小区网络接入得固定地址10.30.25.10- 等等
Linux system configuration and management experiment report (2019-12-31, LINUX, 2537KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] CentOS最小安装设置静态IP

The minimum installation settings of CentOS are static IP, default gateway, subnet mask method, net tools installation, and ifconfig viewing (2019-11-12, LINUX, 9KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Gsersor SC7A20说明书_0.6_带寄存器描述_

ni ta ma de xiang zen me yang a,cao tishi ye meiy shuo mingbai ,jiu yige invalid ,cao
ni ta ma de xiang zen me yang a,cao tishi ye meiy shuo mingbai ,jiu yige invalid ,cao (2018-10-16, LINUX, 444KB, 下载20次)


[其他] Chinese Pussy - Pornhub.com

free pron hehehe for yoiu
free pron hehehe for yoiu (2018-05-20, LINUX, 1210KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] sips1.1.tar

SIP服务器的作用: ?????? 呼叫控制和处理功能、业务提供/支持功能、用户管理功能、协议处理功能、路由处理、接入认证、计费信息采集、操作维护/网管功能、互通功能、安全功能(可选)、黑白名单功能、拥塞控制功能(可选)。
Call control and processing function, business offer / support function. (2018-04-03, LINUX, 4439KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 抖音短视频解析下载

抖音短视频解析下载工具特点: 支持解析任何抖音视频 解析出来的视频没有水印 使用方法: 打开抖音短视频APP,点开某个视频,点击右下角分享按钮,在分享弹框中点击复制链接或通过分享到微信QQ等获取分享链接 将刚才复制的链接粘贴到下面的输入框
all perfect ,this code is get by the internet (2018-02-25, LINUX, 36KB, 下载6次)


[游戏] 支付宝APP支付H5麻将棋牌平台制作版

A glimmer of light, immersed in the warm heart of the bright. Holding a promise, waiting, will rise in my heart and curl flowers. For you, you are my ink painting beauty, wearing a green surrounded by garlands, long hair like waterfall pouring a soft luster, your hair flying in the breeze, rippling intoxicating aroma. There is a dandy condensed in you thick forehead. Your eyes, such as Du Juan in October, suffused with watery gloss. (2018-02-08, LINUX, 606KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] APP中会有H5麻将棋牌源码合集清除

A glimmer of light, immersed in the warm heart of the bright. Holding a promise, waiting, will rise in my heart and curl flowers. For you, you are my ink painting beauty, wearing a green surrounded by garlands, long hair like waterfall pouring a soft luster, your hair flying in the breeze, rippling intoxicating aroma. There is a dandy condensed in you thick forehead. Your eyes, such as Du Juan in October, suffused with watery gloss. (2018-02-08, LINUX, 643KB, 下载1次)


[其他] C++搜索引擎Clucene源码

C++ search engine Clucene source code, using a variety of algorithms, is a major project to improve development skills (2018-01-02, LINUX, 2768KB, 下载1次)


[其他] HG680-J 电视机顶盒破解

HG680-J 电视机顶盒破解,需要一定的软硬件基础,硬件为通用串口设备,软件就是完成APK安装,本资料合集全面介绍并提供了这些东东!下载后内有说明文件!我为了破解自己的东东,花了不少时间,这些资料是唯一成功的一组,现汇编提供大家。
HG680-J TV set-top box cracking requires some hardware and software foundation, hardware is universal serial device, and software is to complete APK installation. After download, there is a file! I in order to break their own Dongdong, spent a lot of time, these data are only successful group, we provide cash for... (2017-12-05, LINUX, 72676KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Me

特点介绍: 1、用浏览器就能聊天(兼容所有浏览器,不用安装flash等插件)。主要应用在网站、微网站上的客户自助查询; 2、最新免费版机器人客服系包含一个电脑端和一个手机端,二次开发价格另议。 3、客服系统也可部署在内网服务器上,仅供内部员工聊天使用、类似qq微信界面左右分离式聊天更美观; 4、自定义聊天头像、表情功能、消息提示音、客服、客户聊天超时与下线通知、客户黑名单过滤机制与客户排队机制,让您聊天随心所欲~ 5、软件经过长期算法调优用户体验更加,各大软件站已收录。 如何安装: 1、将整个客服系统文件拷贝到网站根目录下,打开default.php文件,将里边的CSS、DIV和JS客服代码拷贝到网站首页; 2、找到 /Me/msdb.sql 文件,导入到数据库并修改数据库名,之后删除msdb.sql文件; 3、找到 /Me/base.php 文件,配置数据库用户名、密码与数据库名; 4、登陆后台为 /Me/000000/index.html,建议将index.html修改为其他文件名。4个客服与1个管理员的用户名分别为:webu1、webu2、webu3、webu4、adminot,密码都是me05090,建议管理员登陆后修改密码。
Features introduction: 1, you can chat with the browser (compatible with all browsers, no need to install plug-ins such as flash). Customer self inquiry mainly used in websites and micro websites; 2, the latest version of the robot free customer service system contains a computer terminal and a mobile phone terminal, two times the development of price negotiable. 3, customer service system can also be deployed on the intranet server, only for internal staff chat use, similar to QQ WeChat interface, separate chat is more beautiful; 4, custom chat avatar, facial expression function, message prompt tone, customer service, customer chat timeout and offline notification, customer blacklist filtering mechanism and customer queuing mechanism, let you chat freely ~! 5, the software after long-term algorithm optimization, user experience more, the major software station has been included. The latest version and documentation, see the official website ban20.net. (2017-10-15, LINUX, 1277KB, 下载5次)


[其他] 彩虹3.2代刷源码+无需授权

dwfjklasdjfiojsdfiojsdkfujklsdjfiaskldkfpoaskdfpoaks (2017-10-08, LINUX, 915KB, 下载4次)


[其他] DuomiCms

多米影视管理系统(DuomiCms,多米CMS)是一套专为不同需求的站长而设计的视频点播系统,灵活,方便,人性化设计简单易用是最大的特色,是快速架设视频网站首选,只需3分钟即可建立一个海量的视频讯息的行业网站。 DuomiCms采用PHP+MYSQL架构,原生PHP代码带来卓越的访问速度和负载能力免去您的后顾之优。众多人性化功能设计,超前定时执行任务,让您处理数据得心应手,您只需要专心做内容运营,其它的交给我们。 为符合SEO要求开发大量功能,比如百度结构化数据生成,搜索引擎地图等。全新设计的专题管理,同时支持主分类,扩展分类,剧情分类三种分类方式,让网站内容与众不同。简单易用丰富的模板标签,方便网站模板设计制作,让网站更显专业。 DuomiCms是基于PHP+MySql技术开发的影视管理系统,强劲功能、卓越性能、安全健壮。简单易用、制作模板方便。构架稳健,平滑升级。 ===DuomiCms安装说明=== --------------------------------------- 程序运行环境:PHP5.2 + MySql5.0以上
Video management system (DuomiCms meters, CMS meters) is a specially designed for the different needs of the owners and the design of VOD system, flexible, convenient, humanized design is simple and easy to use is the biggest characteristic, is the rapid erection of video website industry website first, just 3 minutes to build a massive video message (2017-10-04, LINUX, 1949KB, 下载3次)


[网络] MPLS和VPN体系结构(第1卷)

本书在《MPLS和VPN体系结构》(第1卷)的基础上讨论高级MPLS VPN应用主题和开发体系结构。全书分为4个部分,共9章。第1部分是引言,简要回顾MPLS VPN体系结构;第2部分讲述高级PE-CE连通性,包括MPLS VPN的远程访问、PE-CE路由协议的增强和高级特性、虚拟路由器的连通性;第3部分讨论高级部署场景,包括对MPLS VPN骨干网的保护、大规模路由选择和多服务提供商的连通性、多播VPN、跨MPLS骨干网的IPv6传输;第4部分是故障排除。 本书面向中、高级网络技术人员。对于需要参与高级、大规模MPLS或MPLS VPN网络的设计、维护与应用的人来说,本书是必读书籍。
This book discusses the advanced MPLS VPN application topics and development architecture based on the MPLS and VPN architecture (volume first). The book is divided into 4 parts, a total of 9 chapters. The first part is the introduction, a brief review of the MPLS VPN architecture; the second part is about the senior PE-CE connectivity, including the MPLS VPN remote access, PE-CE routing protocol and advanced features, enhanced virtual router connectivity; the third part discusses the advanced deployment scenarios, including the protection of IPv6 transmission, MPLS VPN routing and large-scale backbone network multi service provider connectivity, VPN multicast, across MPLS backbone network; the fourth part is the troubleshooting. This written to middle and senior network technical personnel. This is a must read book for people who need to be involved in the design, maintenance, and application of advanced, large-scale MPLS or MPLS VPN networks. (2017-09-21, LINUX, 20914KB, 下载19次)


[其他] Foxmail

oxmail邮件客户端软件,是中国最著名的软件产品之一,中文版使用人数超过400万,英文版的用户遍布20多个国家,名列“十大国产软件”,被 太平洋电脑网评为五星级软件。
Oxmail e-mail client software, is one of the most famous software products China, Chinese version number more than 4 million, English version users in over more than 20 countries, ranked among the "top ten domestic software", was named the five star Pacific computer software. (2017-08-25, LINUX, 4670KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] backend

一款通过flask生成的api接口, 详细的表述了如何使用,个人也可通过重构此项目来自定义。登录时直接通过微信扫描登录。 使用了redis加快速度。
A API interface generated by flask, described in detail how to use, individuals can also be defined by refactoring the project. Login directly through WeChat scan login. Use redis to speed up. (2017-08-18, LINUX, 9301KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ping

编写一个简单的 ping 程序。利用 Raw Socket 封装和发送以太网帧的功能,实现 ICMP 包的发送和接收,并输出结果。
Write a simple ping program. Using Raw Socket encapsulation and send Ethernet frame function, to achieve ICMP packet sending and receiving, and output the results. (2017-06-05, LINUX, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] gui44

Unique net-enabled GUI system based state of the art coding solutions with strong XML support.
Unique net-enabled GUI system based state of the art coding solutions with strong XML support. (2004-10-04, LINUX, 1004KB, 下载16次)
