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[.net编程] TeacherInfo

教职工基础信息网上填报源码功能介绍: 采用反射机制 工厂模式 的实验品,采用Access数据库,未添加后台管理。前台个人网上添加信息,后台在Access复制出即可。
Introduction to the function of filling in the source code for the basic information of teachers and staff: The experiment model adopting the reflection mechanism factory mode adopts the Access database, and no background management is added. Add information online at the front desk personally, and copy it in Access at the background. (2020-04-15, C#, 362KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] .net工程造价信息网源码

.net工程造价信息网源码 功能介绍: 系统采用了EasyUI,使用HTML控件,没有使用服务器控件,系统为三层架构采用AJAX技术进行数据交互, 使用ashx一般处理程序,前端布局全部为我自己手写CSS+DIV,只测试了较高版本游览器和谷歌游览器的 兼容性,推荐使用谷歌游览器 实现了工程造价信息网站的信息展示,新闻,通知公告,政策法规,招标信息,造价企业信息,价格信息, 业务功能平台,服务大厅,招标行业导航及合作机构等信息;角色有:管理员,招标方,投标方,造价咨询企业。 后台管理:信息发布管理,信息管理,用户管理,招投标管理,工程管理,系统管理等相关操作,目前仅实现 信息发布及用户管理中的部分功能; 说明:这是一个Html静态网站,有兴趣二次开发做伪静态网站是个很好的实例模板; 开发环境:Visual Studio 2010,SQL2008;
.net project cost information network source code Functional introduction: The system uses EasyUI, HTML control, no server control. The system uses AJAX technology to exchange data for three-tier architecture. Using the ashx general processing program, the front-end layout is all handwritten CSS + DIV for me, testing only the higher version of the viewer and Google viewer Compatibility, recommending the use of Google excursions Development environment: Visual Studio 2010, SQL2008; (2018-08-07, C#, 5315KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] 3

Gogo talent network system NET version is developed by ASP.NET (4) +SQLSERVER/ACCESS dual database engine, intelligent advertising management. A compatible data engine. Dynamic field definition. Secure information filtering. (2018-04-13, C#, 20454KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 刷网工具

Users can choose to refresh the website UV and PV data, so as to achieve the purpose of data inflation (2017-09-30, C#, 14KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] An-online-video-website

An online video website, can play video directly, also can realize the upload and download function (2013-03-08, C#, 209KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] p_medipro-Eshool_school.hicode

ASPX school classes online, you need to be tested through the external address can be modified through the background into any website, a good web site to share with you. (2013-02-01, C#, 3038KB, 下载10次)


[.net编程] n_pw.SmartGov.Professional

Easy network of official version, can be modified to any website of your own, but I did not debugged, the complete data number and foreground, the background seems to link some problems with their own debugging. (2013-02-01, C#, 17348KB, 下载10次)


[.net编程] MVC3WebShop

MVC3网店购物车模板源码 开发工具vs2010+sql2008 基础模版包含购物车订单等必要基础功能。 匈牙利学生做的MVC3,Webshop网上商店, 作者把它翻译了一下,并调试修改成功。
The MVC3 shop cart template source Development tools vs2010+ sql2008 The foundation template contains the necessary basic functions such as shopping cart orders. Hungarian students do MVC3, Webshop online store Author to translate it, and debug successfully modified. (2012-12-04, C#, 9315KB, 下载22次)


[.net编程] United-Nations-News

wp7 的美国新闻网,一套完整的新闻手机应用软件。有新闻浏览,视频播放,图片浏览,网页连接,图片分享等功能
wp7 American News, a complete set of news phone application software. News browsing, video playback, photo viewing, web pages, photo sharing and other functions (2012-12-03, C#, 12640KB, 下载12次)


[.net编程] ChangeHope_B2C_4

YxShop first ASP.NET free open source shopping mall, is easy to think the team of independent research and development based Asp.Net+C#+SQL B2C online shop system with open source, high-speed, stability, security, and other features, can freely add channels, as long as The webmaster knows website common sense can easily take advantage of easy to mall shopping system source code to establish a professional large online bookstore, point card shop, flower shop, mobile phone shop, clothing store, buy a different type of network b2c Mall. Easy to mall to provide you with a complete set of online shop solutions, has one thousand online stores at home and abroad to provide services, by the majority of users praise (2012-11-25, C#, 27603KB, 下载14次)


[.net编程] HiShop_code

Good, I bought several sets of shop code first upload a hishop, and belongs to open source crack version, modify the template to achieve the desired interface core program modification is too much trouble I had to turn over some code, but Overall, more difficult. (2012-06-15, C#, 45893KB, 下载48次)


[.net编程] gongqiuxinxiwang

供求信息网是根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定网站实现功能如下:  灵活快速的填写供求信息,使信息传递更快捷。  系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。  实施强大的后台审核功能。  功能强大的月供求统计分析。  实现各种查询,如定位查询、模糊查询等。  强大的供求信息预警功能,尽可量地减少供求信息未审核现象。  对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。  网站最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。  为充分展现网站的交互性,供求信息网采用动态网页技术实现用户信息在线发布。  充分体现用户对网站信息进行检举的权力。
源码为供求信息网源程序,是在Windows Server 2003下开发的,程序测试环境为Windows Server 2003。 (2012-03-20, C#, 1948KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] threeclass_NewsSample

Is a three-tier structure of the developed source of news sites, a good case, is the source of entry-level cases for ASP.NET web development, easy to start. (2012-02-26, C#, 1147KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] MyITJob_HH

the web of HR (2012-02-13, C#, 10074KB, 下载20次)


[.net编程] SIS

供求信息网(系统文件中有详细的系统和使用说明) 系统介绍 根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定网站实现功能如下: 1.灵活快速的填写供求信息,使信息传递更快捷。 2.系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 3.实施强大的后台审核功能。 4.功能强大的月供求统计分析。 5.实现各种查询,如定位查询、模糊查询等。 6.强大的供求信息预警功能,尽可量地减少供求信息未审核现象。 7.对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。 8.网站最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 9.界面简洁、框架清晰、美观大方。 10.为充分展现网站的交互性,供求信息网采用动态网页技术实现用户信息在线发布。 11.充分体现用户对网站信息进行检举的权力。
Supply and demand information network(System files in the system and detailed instructions) (2011-08-06, C#, 1971KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] lshop_nourlpublish

通用商城系统采用.NET+MSSQL技术开发,后台具有商品管理、用户管理、订单管理、文章管理等基本功能,通用商城系统V3.0分为免费版和正式版。免费版和正式版再各自分为:URL地址优化版、原始版本。 注:从本站下载的通用商城系统均为原始版,URL地址优化版请到官方网站自行下载! 通用商城系统V3.0-通用网店系统系统说明 1.开发技术及数据库技术:.net2.0(c#),mssql,jquery,javascript,ajax,html,xml,div,css 2.[运行环境]:.net2.0+MSSQL2000。(服务器或主机空间必须支持用户自己编写的URL地址重写规则,httpModules) 3.演示地址:http://shop.lantou.net 后台演示地址:http://shop.lantou.net/admin 帐号密码都是:readonly
通用商城系统 v3.0 (2011-07-16, C#, 6192KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] First-buy-Network-Source

The first buy Web application system is based on B/S structure buy website building solutions Station system. It allows users to efficient, fast, low-cost build personalized, professional, powerful features buy website. From a technical perspective, the process of software development using IT industry now more popular ASP.NET and SQLSERVER2000 database development technology infrastructure. From the functional point of view, front page shows a day service or the minimum time limit of the product inserted into the group buy the number of projects, with e-mail subscription, friend request, all net, happy, Sina microblogging, MSN/QQ Share , SMS sending, by buying securities online, print, download and other functions. (2011-04-14, C#, 10668KB, 下载45次)


[.net编程] SpaceBuilderv11Source

SpaceBuilder是一套基于Web2.0思想设计、采用asp.net2.0开发的社区门户产品。它同时也是一套Web2.0全面解决方案,包含:个人门户、博客、相册、网摘、文件、圈子、活动、消息中心、SNS等功能,可以根据客户需求任意 组合、无缝集成。它采用了业内领先的技术体系架构、隐私保护功能、用户评价体系、优异的缓存技术、全文检索技术。可以承载千万级的数据,具备优异的扩展性并提供丰富的API,方便客户进行产品定制或者二次开发。
SpaceBlog (2010-06-26, C#, 9412KB, 下载111次)


[.net编程] cSHARP-synctcpip

c# written SOCKET synchronous and asynchronous network communication program (2010-03-26, C#, 7KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] HouseSearchaspx

Asp.net房产采集系统Ajax版源码 一个集房产信息、新闻信息采集和天气预报读取为一体的Demo网站,该源码充分利用了Ajax技术来体现页面无刷新
Asp.net Real Estate Acquisition System Set Ajax version of a real estate source of information, news and information gathering and read the weather forecast into a Demo site, the source takes advantage of Ajax technology to reflect the page without refresh (2007-11-28, C#, 3035KB, 下载66次)
