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按分类查找All OpenGL(86) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(86) 

[OpenGL] 网格显示

To achieve a simple 3D grid display. In addition to displaying the model of the object, the program also allows users to change the position of light and the color of objects. (2017-09-27, Visual C++, 14389KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] OpenGL

Read the three-dimensional topographical documents, terrain model with a triangular mesh realize, (2016-11-02, Visual C++, 445KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] jtkjModels

OpenGL模型库 三维交通场景仿真,创建道路网和通过外部文件添加车辆
OpenGLmodels library (2016-05-01, Visual C++, 1367KB, 下载25次)


[OpenGL] vcglib

VCGLIB is a library file by the Italian National Institute for the development of three-dimensional graphics, in which some examples can help study for newer. (2015-01-13, Visual C++, 2580KB, 下载11次)


[OpenGL] UDPchat

Either around the sun as he had hoped Amano king intended to make her dizzy 4 4 network a silent (2014-05-25, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载3次)


[OpenGL] openGL-fireworks-

MFC下实现 openGL烟花粒子播放 用FOMD 配音,整个系统有七种爆炸效果,效果依然不是很好,由于个人数学较差,写不出离散的魅力效果
MFC to achieve openGL particles play with fireworks FOMD dubbing, the whole system has seven explosions, the effect is still not very good, because of personal math is poor, write discrete charm effects (2013-05-30, Visual C++, 3492KB, 下载17次)


[OpenGL] 3DSLoader

Based the OpenGL and acceleration sensor simulation boating digital entertainment, the works by MMA7260Q three-axis acceleration sensor to collect data, will collate the collection complete signal transmission to the Bluetooth pass-through module and by SCM STC12C5A60S the control transfer by Bluetooth via a PC serial to the computer, data processing program performance in a three-dimensional picture (2013-03-26, Visual C++, 6104KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] dem

The weights for the DEM grid determined that a total of three methods, three formulas, the first is the most commonly used. (2012-12-27, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[OpenGL] DEM

MFC platform with opengl display DEM roaming operation, read the grid data as the data source. (2012-06-15, Visual C++, 3856KB, 下载77次)


[OpenGL] JMeshLib

JMeshLib provides a framework to work with manifold triangle meshes. It implements an edge-based data structure with all its fundamental functionalities (i.e., file I/O, mesh construction/destruction, traversal). It is written in C++ and includes support for reading and writing the file formats: OFF, PLY STL VER-TRI and IV 2.1, VRML 1.0, VRML 2.0, OBJ. (2012-04-12, Visual C++, 328KB, 下载21次)


[OpenGL] Chapter-1

Focus On 3D Terrain Programming这本书的第一章代码,展示了地形渲染算法中的ROAM算法是如何构网的
The demo shows what a simple tessellation of the ROAM algorithm looks like. (2011-11-09, Visual C++, 586KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] pwrgrid-0.2.0

Draw three-Ludwig network using opgl graphics, can rotate, zoom, pan, etc, were very useful for beginners opgl (2011-01-07, Visual C++, 36KB, 下载20次)


[OpenGL] 44

From the elevation map (digital elevation map) to read the terrain elevation data, terrain data will be organized into a uniform mesh, through the OpenGL rendering terrain and the terrain texture map. Terrain also asked roaming, you can view past and move around to observe after the terrain. (2010-10-10, Visual C++, 2216KB, 下载108次)


[OpenGL] D3Dparticlefire

D3D 粒子系统 火焰效果的讲解(中文),对于想要学会用D3D做出火焰的粒子系统的同学会有帮助
D3D flame particle system effects to explain (in Chinese), who want to learn how to use D3D to make flame particle system will help students (2010-07-27, Visual C++, 586KB, 下载43次)


[OpenGL] MFC_OpenGL

VC achieve Opengl rendering the grid, using MFC as a template, can be used as a procedural framework for MFC+ Opengl. Worth learning. (2009-10-28, Visual C++, 2003KB, 下载373次)


[OpenGL] Mesh_Simplification

Triangle mesh simplification edge collapse algorithm, the grid supports standard input file. Obj format (bin folder with a notepad available to open), after simplification of the result will be displayed through the OpenGL (2008-07-13, Visual C++, 346KB, 下载557次)


[OpenGL] Dynamicdisplayofreal-time3Dterrain

Real-time dynamic display of three-dimensional terrain DEMO800* 600 under the best source code contains three-dimensional terrain to generate the whole process, including data read, data organization, triangulation construction, light, texture, texture applications. (2008-03-04, Visual C++, 1245KB, 下载403次)


[OpenGL] Grid_with_Gravity_and_Damp

This procedure mainly realize the real-time simulation of physical network, which uses opengl, is a scholar of learning a good example of programming. (2007-08-04, Visual C++, 139KB, 下载14次)


[OpenGL] 2004022001

编程语言:VC++] 采用OpenGL API编写的例程,一个多彩的立方体转来转去,立体感很强,欢迎来到天极网源代码下载基地。
programming language : VC] prepared using the OpenGL API routines. a colorful cube to turn, a strong sense of three-dimensional, Inc. Welcome to the network to download the source code base. (2006-05-17, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载22次)


[OpenGL] Delaunay-Trianglation-Mesh-Generation

This is a triangular network nodes procedures, I see the function is the most powerful. Can generate two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and openGl create simulated three-dimensional map. The original procedure required compiler wx/documents, I could not find. But not affect the learning process. Hope useful to you! ! Included in the package. Exe can take a look at! (2006-05-16, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载1049次)
