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按分类查找All FlashMX/Flex源码(81) 

[FlashMX/Flex源码] tttxg

Interface and 517tg.com music network exactly the same, more than 7,000 songs, more than 3000 flash, lyrics synchronization, station all ads can modify their own, add online MTV, song maintenance-free, automatic synchronization with the master station, very stable, Fast, can create their own music network !!!! (2016-12-18, PHP, 704KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] zhibotaobaoke_v1.1

基于网络FLASH开发的网络播放器,功能强大,打开网页既可实时在线播放 ,各个地方省电视台集合于一身,高速,高清线路,集成淘宝网,聚合搜索。 电视直播带淘宝客聚合搜索版 v1.1更新 1.修复酷6列表显示错误。 2.修复天翼直播无法播放的问题,替换为看看新闻网直播
Network FLASH based on the development of network player, powerful, open the web can be real-time online broadcast, the various local provincial television sets in one, high-speed, high-definition lines, integrated Taobao network, aggregate search. TV live with Taobao search version of the aggregation search v1.1 update 1 fix Cool 6 list display error. 2 repair the issue of the day wing broadcast can not be broadcast, to see the news broadcast live (2016-04-12, PHP, 245KB, 下载2次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] scrolltop

Top Taobao imitation buffer function, that is, not all of a sudden after a mouse click on the back, but as slowly as Flash make the page scroll back, where the main use of the jQuery operates smoothing effect is quite good, to learn this function, we can picture the lingua franca of the other process. (2015-02-01, Java, 45KB, 下载0次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] FLASH-3D-BANNER

一款Flash 3D 横屏大幅广告图循环代码,这里的3D主要是针对大图片中的缩略图来说的,当用鼠标点击任意一个缩略图的时候,三个小图旋转至对应图片,具有空间纵深感,所以称之为3D,设计类、图片类、娱乐类网站适合使用
Flash 3D landscape a substantial advertising Figure loop code, where the 3D is mainly aimed at the big picture thumbnail for when using the mouse to click on any of the thumbnails when rotated to the corresponding three thumbnail images, with space of depth, so called 3D, design class, pictures, entertainment websites for use (2015-01-28, Java, 121KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Pocket-Mobile-Flash-Business

掌上手机flash商业网站模板 针对掌上手机特点 应用flash软件制作商业网站模板
Pocket Mobile flash website templates for business applications handheld mobile phone Features flash software to make business website templates (2014-09-22, FlashMX, 2766KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] 123

很好用很好用http://down.cenet.org.cn/download.asp?code=Jqgmjohqgnumq&site=www 本文来自: 中国经济学教育科研网论坛(http://bbs.cenet.org.cn) 详细出处参考:http://bbs.cenet.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=12625&ID=77491
very good (2012-10-23, Flex, 20KB, 下载3次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] uyghurfont

Uygur font that contains a variety of dimension text font, UNICODE, UKJ multiple fonts can be used, can be re-FLASH use. (2012-04-29, Others, 10092KB, 下载11次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] pipeiwangyedizhi

这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:关于网 地 址的匹配
This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect is the code: validation and matching on the Web site ~ ~ ~ (2011-11-21, FlashMX, 40KB, 下载3次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] zwdhsrc

此源码为某政府内网应用系统导航 主要特点: 1 界面美观 2 有3d效果 3 可以更换皮肤 4 可以浏览文档,模拟word。 源码全部付上
The source code for a navigation system within the government network applications Main features: 1 2 Interface beautiful 3d effect 3 can be replaced with the skin 4 can browse the document to simulate word. Source all pay (2011-07-13, FlashMX, 7814KB, 下载15次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] MySite

Flex4实现的音乐网站 的例子,里面包含 一个用AS3.0实现的 模仿 windows media player 的音频 频谱效果,实现网站的登陆 拖拽播放列表 搜索功能,后台直接用的ActionScript3.0, 采用 as框架AsSql 直接连接mysql 数据库进行数据库操作..
Flex4 implementation example of music sites, which contains a AS3.0 achieved with windows media player to imitate the effect of the audio spectrum, to achieve drag playlists landing site search, background with AS3.0 for direct connection to mysql open source framework ASSql database .. (2011-07-09, Flex, 6287KB, 下载27次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flashdeveloptheleavewordonline

淘沙网FLASH留言版源码 数据库文件:guest_book.asp。 默认管理员: admin 密码:admin.用flash实现在线留言,同时调用了数据库
Panning network FLASH message source database file: guest_book.asp. Default Administrator: admin Password: admin. Using flash to achieve online message, also called the database (2010-04-26, FlashMX, 194KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] FlashPicViewerV4(1)

是一个Flash界面的相册程序,强大的Skin设定,让您随心所欲的自定义相册的样式,布局,内部效果,大小等等可见的设置,让你个性的展示自己的图片. 基于Flash的强大能力,可读取任何域内的图片(只要有图片地址),附带的<网易相册读取工具>可批量添加网易相册内的图片,让你无需为图片存放空间发愁
(FPV) is a Flash interface album procedures, Skin powerful settings so that you attained the album, since the definition of the format, layout, internal effects, Visibility size, and so on the establishment, let you display their individuality of the pictures (2010-04-24, PHP, 6643KB, 下载5次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flexas

Is a comprehensive book to explain Flex3.0 syntax. flex is now a development of the popular flash site language. For example, happy net, QQ farms, etc. (2009-12-18, CHM, 11542KB, 下载34次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] 2shou

AS3开发了二手交易市场网版本:V2.0 随着万恶的2008冬天逝去,在2009年的春天里,我们——网园资讯新一代推出了面向韶关大学的在线二手商品交易市场,简称二手市场。前台采用全球IT界一直倡导的RIA概念、一直追捧的Flex技术,站在用户的角度结合多方最具用户体验的交互方式;后台采用在开源界一直屹立不倒的PHP技术(AMFPHP)、AMF数据格式(二进制),与前台结合得淋漓尽致。主要负责人:Y.Boy
AS3preloader="cn.sgushop.view.preloader.PreLoader" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:Buttons="cn.sgushop.view.components.Buttons.*" xmlns:Search="cn.sgushop.view.components.Search.*" xmlns:List="cn.sgushop.vie (2009-11-03, FlashMX, 547KB, 下载48次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flash

Design material: xml button calls the effect of the flash picture fla source file. xml call button flash picture effect, the effect is pretty good, including flash source file (2009-07-30, HTML, 3503KB, 下载9次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] video_file_format_spec_v9

ADOBE FLASH VIDEO V9以上的详细规格,介绍的非常细致,供开发类似土豆网的视频结构使用
ADOBE FLASH VIDEO V9 more detailed specifications, described in great detail, for the potatoes to develop a similar network structure of the use of video (2009-05-01, Visual C++, 163KB, 下载17次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Fmslive2_51aspx

网博Fms在线直播系统 本程序基于fms2.0为核心的实时直播系统,可实现局域网,广域网视频的同步直播! web采用sql2000+asp.net2.0(c#)构建 数据库在目录DB_51aspx为数据库文件,附加既可 Flash的版本为cs3.0
Bo FMs network online broadcast system based on the procedures fms2.0 at the core of real-time broadcast system can achieve the LAN, WAN synchronization live video! web using sql2000+ asp.net2.0 (c#) to build the database in the directory for the database file DB_51aspx added both versions of Flash for cs3.0 (2008-08-21, FlashMX, 3622KB, 下载90次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] 50sjlxv30

流行音乐网整站仿OK168模板 2.修正了不能翻页错误,优化搜索,增加了报错和广告管理功能。 3.(支持播放)flash MP3 视频 RM 多种格式音乐文件
Pop music station like the whole network OK168 template 2. Should not flip error fixes and optimize the search, an increase of error and advertising management capabilities. 3. (Support player) flash MP3 video music files in multiple formats RM (2008-05-22, ASP, 4298KB, 下载4次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Flash广告模板

这是一个公司网站首页上用的Flash源码. 可以用做常用广告和一些网站首页的入口程序模板,不要花大量心思来设计Flash的流程,只要将库中的图书重新导入你自己的图书并覆盖就可以使用
This is a website portal on the Flash source code. Can be used as common advertising and some Home imported templates and not spend a lot of efforts in designing Flash processes, as long as the repository of books re-import your own books and coverage can use (2005-10-20, FlashMX, 596KB, 下载78次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flash音乐

本flash音乐特别实用于个人网站的朋友们使用!添加音乐随心所欲! 添加音乐在list.xml文件里面! 添加自己想要的最新流行音乐哟! 本站已经副带了160多首最流行的音乐!呵呵不要多,只要好听就行了! 另外在Flash播放器还副带了源flash码供大家自己编辑!
the flash music especially useful in personal websites use friends! Add music arbitrary! Add music in list.xml documents inside! They want to add the latest pop music yo! Deputy site has brought more than 160 first most popular music! Oh not, as long as nicely on the line ! Moreover, the Flash player is also a deputy with the source code for all flash their editors! (2005-09-21, FlashMX, 1179KB, 下载33次)
