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按分类查找All 数据采集/爬虫(96) 
按平台查找All Java(96) 

[数据采集/爬虫] zhilianSpider

XX web java crawler. It implements information capture, blacklist filtering, excel table export and database storage. For the multi-threaded version, see zhilianSpider2 (2017-08-06, Java, 68KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] zhilianSpider2

ZhilianSpider multithreaded version. Information on Zhaopin recruitment website is crawled according to conditions, blacklist filtering, local storage and excel file export (2017-06-11, Java, 25KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] bnade-old

BNADE s project programs, including web front-end and back-end programs, and background crawler programs, obtain data and save it to the database through Battle Web API (2016-04-15, Java, 237KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] bnade_mongo

The bnade project program, including the web front-end program and back-end crawler program, obtains data and saves it to the database through the Battle Web API (2016-05-07, Java, 478KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] foodsSpider

一个简单的JAVA Jsoup爬虫,持久化框架使用了Mybatis, 将薄荷网有关食物热量的信息爬虫到数据库中存储起来
A simple JAVA Jsoup crawler. The persistence framework uses Mybatis to crawl the information about food calories from Mint Web into the database for storage (2017-09-08, Java, 128KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] JX_Jsoup

A crawler software based on the open source JSON crawler framework. The source of crawler information is Jiangxi Tourism Website (2019-06-13, Java, 311KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] Spider

Java 爬虫,爬取天堂图片网[http: www.ivsky.com的所有壁纸](http: www.ivsky.com%E7%9A%84%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E5%A3%81%E7%BA%B8)
Java crawler, crawling all the wallpapers of Paradise Pictures [http: www.ivsky. com% E7% 9A% 84% E6% 89% 80% E6% 9C% 89% E5% A3% 81% E7% BA% B8] (2017-03-29, Java, 555KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] QunarTicketSpider

The distributed crawler based on webmagic crawls the ticket information during the National Day, and displays it in the form of Baidu Map heat map to tell you where the National Day is most blocked (2017-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] jyeoo

The crawler of Jingyou is also a re integration of the basic crawler framework of webmagic, and most of the bugs in webmagic have been modified (2017-06-08, Java, 12464KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] Music_Book_Movie

Based on the development website of springboot, you can access the query of books and the play of movie music. The application technologies include: programming language java, database mysql, cache redis, maven, front-end html, js, css, and some crawler technologies (books come from the reading website, music comes from the web yiyun, and movies are in the (2020-10-11, Java, 120869KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] daydayfund

The daily fund web crawler can be deployed with multiple IP nodes, and the concurrent number can be dynamically adjusted according to the IP nodes. Proxy IP anti crawling and regular crawling can be set, and the fund market statistics can be regularly fed back via email (2022-12-03, Java, 104KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] javaCrawling

"奇伢爬虫"是基于sprint boot 、 WebMagic 实现 微信公众号文章、新闻、csdn、info等网站文章爬取,可以动态设置文章爬取规则、清洗规则,基本实现了爬取大部分网站的文章。
"Qiya Crawler" is based on spring boot and WebMagic to crawl articles on WeChat public accounts, news, csdn, info and other websites. It can dynamically set article crawling rules and cleaning rules, basically realizing crawling articles on most websites. (2017-09-03, Java, 98784KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] WebSlinger

Minecraft mod: Spiders shoot webbing at you - slinging webs from a distance, or when they hit you in melee! (2020-04-11, Java, 2167KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] Web_Search_Engine

Developed a search engine using Web crawler to search for content via World Wide Web, AJava library JSOUP to for HTML to TEXT conversion. Tokenizer for removing non-words occurrences, counting the frequency of words using Ternary Search Trie, web page ranking using Quicksort Algorithm and spellchecking and suggestion using Edit Distance algorithm. (2020-02-15, Java, 1460KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] SchoolKeeper

Data collection (implemented in languages such as Python and Java, including snmp network management data, corba protocol, log interface data, etc.) interface, pluggable management interface (Extjs, echarts, etc.). (2015-10-25, Java, 1360KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] android-amap-track-collect

Recently, due to project requirements, it is necessary to collect user s movement trajectory data from mobile phones. Many of these functions have been seen, such as Gudong and Yuedong Circle, which collect running trajectory data. For example, WeChat Sports and DingTalk Sports, which count your daily steps. If you want to record the trajectory, you cannot do without mobile positioning. If you want to record the number of steps, then (2019-01-13, Java, 6900KB, 下载0次)
