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[界面编程] duilib

Duilib's Tencent open source version, QQ and wechat interfaces are all implemented with it. It is worthy of reference. (2020-07-21, C/C++, 30752KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] fnupd

An example of how to map an intranet UDP port to a public network is rarely found (2018-11-05, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载0次)


[界面编程] repeanerexecutive

这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址,很好 (2018-04-26, C++, 63KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] requiroments

wangba3网吧广告系统源码易语言公司的 (2017-12-13, Others, 629KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] brequency-operates

截获以太网数据,(NT 控制台程序 )是用vc开发的,可以很方便的截获以太网数据
Intercepted Ethernet data, (NT) console program was developed by using vc, can easily intercept Ethernet data (2017-04-22, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] ideacmswsc

1、精美的界面设计 2、支持三级分销 3、多样的促销方式 4、独立的快递设置,结算时可自动计算运费 5、积分可兑换商品或余额 6、多种支付方式 7、文章系统可发布活动信息及公告等 8、会员支持注册会员,微信会员,QQ会员等多种会员
1, attractive interface design 2, supports three levels of distributors 3, a variety of promotions 4, separate delivery settings, automatically calculate shipping charges at checkout 5, points can be redeemed goods or balance 6, a variety of payment methods 7, article publishing system activity information and reports etc. 8, Member Support registered members, members of micro letter, QQ members and other members (2016-08-08, Java, 3745KB, 下载13次)


[界面编程] WinPcapSend

Winpcap based MFC network port communication interface program to send programming environment for vs2010, send byte can be flexibly set for the network port communications Developer Reference. (2016-07-21, Visual C++, 25912KB, 下载8次)


[界面编程] fly

Air war, the interface to imitate the micro channel of the whole people to fight the plane, there is an exit function and integral ranking, simple and clean interface (2015-11-03, Java, 3457KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] teqc_compact

win7 32/64位 dos界面下生成compact,官网的现在只有生成compact3的啦,compact可以用于绘图,compact3的是不可以的哦!
Teqc is a comprehensive toolkit for solving many problems when preprocessing GNSS data: translation: read GNSS native receiver files and translate the data to other formats editing: metadata extraction, editing, and/or correction of RINEX header metadata or BINEX metadata records as well as cutting/splicing of RINEX files or BINEX files quality checking of GPS and/or GLONASS data (native binary, BINEX, or RINEX observation files, with or without navigation files with ephemerides) (2015-08-02, DOS, 390KB, 下载22次)


[界面编程] epetShop

Electronic pet system, including the adoption of animals, pets and entertainment function. Beautiful interface, the system perfect, can run correctly. (2014-12-02, Java, 1153KB, 下载8次)


[界面编程] myweixin

微信界面布局解析 界面之间的切换 以及Activity之间的跳转
Micro-channel interface layout resolved (2014-03-29, Java, 3470KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] bbs

动网论坛DVBBS做为目前国内的社区论坛软件服务提供商,依靠其强大的功能、非凡的访问速度和负载能 力、友好方便的客户操作界面、优质的客户服务、国内领先的技术和强大而持续的产品研发并保持不断 创新的能力,动网所提供的动网社区论坛产品已经占据了国内社区论坛产品使用比例的70 以上。
动网论坛DVBBS做为目前国内的社区论坛软件服务提供商,依靠其强大的功能、非凡的访问速度和负载能 力、友好方便的客户操作界面、优质的客户服务、国内领先的技术和强大而持续的产品研发并保持不断 创新的能力,动网所提供的动网社区论坛产品已经占据了国内社区论坛产品使用比例的70 以上。 (2010-12-01, Visual C++, 5082KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] ping

针对IP组网时,需要大批量检测对站点进行ping测试。而写的一个程序。利用VB+ping.ocx设计出一个可以同时ping 30个站点。
For the IP network, the need for high-volume ping detection test conducted on the site. A program written. VB+ ping.ocx designed to use a can ping 30 sites at the same time. (2009-06-17, DOS, 28KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] zm

Subtitles rolling program source and a small number of notes to bring you an unexpected surprise! (2008-11-05, Visual C++, 53KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] My_Home_My_House

Using VB to do a recreation window procedures, including some simple player, flash animation (2007-11-25, Visual Basic, 5333KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] Ver7.1.0

动网论坛由海口动网先锋网络科技有限公司(以下简称动网)开发,享有自主知识产权,中国国家版权局著作权登记号2004SR00001。动网论坛是目前国内使用量最多、覆盖面积最广的一款中文论坛软件,国内60%以上的网站论坛系统均采用了动网论坛。   您使用动网论坛则默认为接受 动网论坛软件使用许可协议,非经动网先锋书面授权许可,不得将之用于盈利或非盈利性的商业用途。为适应实际的计算机应用环境或者改进其功能、性能,可以进行必要的修改,但不得去除动网先锋的版权标示,不得将修改后版本进行任何的商业行为。使用该软件必须保留动网先锋的版权声明,将该软件从原有自然语言文字转换成另一自然语言文字的,仍应注明出处。   当您的网站使用本论坛后,您论坛内容中所涉及的一切法律责任均与动网无关。
patrons from Haikou website Pioneer Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Dynamic Network) development, to enjoy independent intellectual property rights, China's National Copyright Administration, 2004SR00001 copyright registration. Patrons domestic use is the largest, most extensive coverage of the new Chinese-language forum software, more than 60% of domestic websites Forum adopted a system patrons. You use patrons will default to accept patrons software license agreements, non-moving network Pioneer written authorization shall not be used for profit or not-for-profit commercial use. To cope with the actual computer application environment or improve its functionality, performance, it can conduct the necessary changes, but not to remove the website Pioneer copyright (2006-07-22, Visual C++, 3811KB, 下载136次)


[界面编程] wbgl_ado

网吧管理系统7.0 编译环境Delphi7+Win2000 用到的控件 ReportMachine2.6 InfoPower4000Pro_vcl7 RxLib2.7 SkinEngine 3.47 DevExpress Bars4.2 DevExpress QuantumGrid Pro3.22 VCLZip2.23 sncCurrency AgentObjects_TLB(自己在Delphi倒入吧)
Internet Management System 7.0 compiler environment Delphi7 Win2000 use the controls Repo rtMachine2.6 InfoPower4000Pro_vcl7 RxLib2. 7 SkinEngine 3.47 DevExpress Bars4.2 DevExpre ss QuantumGrid Pro3.22 VCLZip2.23 sncCurrenc y AgentObjects_TLB (in Delphi poured into it) (2006-05-12, C/C++, 797KB, 下载21次)


[界面编程] 校园网管理

校园网交换机节点管理 摘要 本毕业论文(设计)是在Visual Basic 6.0编程环境下实现的,主要研究如何使用交换机和利用VB程序设计语言来开发一套图形界面的校园网交换机节点管理程序,对交换机各端口进行设置,修改某一子网在指定时间内的连通状态。完成此管理程序能够方便的管理校园网的交换机节点,减少管理员定时开通或关闭子网的工作量。该程序使用VB自带的Winsock控件telnet到交换机的某一端口,然后通过对交换机发送一系列命令,来设置交换机各Vlan和端口的相关状态;将交换机各子网的相关信息、修改子网连通状态的时间信息等存储在文本文件中,使用一个timer控件定时访问这些文本文件来决定是否修改某子网的连通状态,然后使用访问控制列表(Access Control List, ACL)来修改。通过完成这个题目,加深对交换机的理解,并且更好地学习编程思想,掌握VB语言的应用,了解软件开发的过程,为以后进一步的研究打好基础。 关键词 VB,交换机,Winsock控件
Campus Network Management (2005-09-29, Visual Basic, 182KB, 下载219次)


[界面编程] “天网”防火墙

vc prepared with a replica of the Skynet firewall interface, we hope to help (2005-07-17, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载113次)
