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[WEB开发] Mapty-ActivityTracker

欢迎使用Mapty ActivityTracker!此web应用程序允许您在交互式地图上轻松跟踪您的跑步和自行车活动。无论您是健身爱好者还是娱乐运动员,Mapty ActivityTracker都旨在增强您的跟踪体验。
Welcome to Mapty-ActivityTracker! This web app allows you to effortlessly track your running and cycling activities on an interactive map. Whether you re a fitness enthusiast or a recreational athlete, Mapty-ActivityTracker is designed to enhance your tracking experience. (2023-12-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] wetchat-zhihudaily

A WeChat applet developed based on Zhihu Daily s public API. Its basic functions have been realized, and the test on the mobile phone has passed. It can be used smoothly., (2018-03-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Business_Website

It include HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript and it is a business website design to understand the concept and learn about languages., (2020-05-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] BuyBooks-React-App

An online commercial website, for easy bying and selling of books. Developed with MERN stack, helps users to communicate with the seller inside the web app itself. (2022-06-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] jieyue

Jieyue Jieyue.com is a lightweight single architecture shopping mall website developed based on spring boot, and it is divided into three modules: user, merchant and background. The user module can search and browse commodities, place orders online, pay via WeChat and other functions; The merchant module can view the revenue and order transaction, and can add or delete commodities; The background module can send in groups, (2022-02-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] weapp-gulp

基于 gulp4.0微信小程序工作流实现七牛云自动上传+图片压缩+scss+封装 wx.request+实时编译+多环境配置
Qiniu Cloud automatic upload+image compression+scss+encapsulation wx. request+real-time compilation+multi environment configuration based on gulp4.0 WeChat applet workflow (2019-09-24, JavaScript, 260KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] weapp

为微信小程序提供的网络请求组件,是 wx.request 的扩展,基于 Promise API,添加缓存控制
The network request component provided for WeChat applet is an extension of wx.request, which is based on Promise API and adds cache control (2019-07-17, JavaScript, 14KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] leaflet.latlng-graticule-master

leaflet latitude and longitude grid plug-in code, dotted grid, with latitude and longitude marked (2019-11-27, JavaScript, 154KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] -H5+C3-资料

Zero-based to proficient in HTML5 + CSS3, suitable for people who are just beginning to learn or contact front-end development! (2019-05-15, JavaScript, 13676KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] H5 Effect

Four H5, C3+JS small effects. (2018-08-02, JavaScript, 510KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] neo4jd3

The D3 relation map of the library according to the library (2018-01-14, JavaScript, 9693KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] ssmdemo

A simple implementation of the gourmet website, using the SSM framework (2017-11-15, JavaScript, 23426KB, 下载18次)


[WEB开发] 0625

截取自蜂窝旅游网的 风琴式焦点切换图 结合JS+JQ制作而成 还有文字效果 使用时请自行补充图片
Supplement your own pictures interception organ-travel sites focus cellular switching JS+ JQ FIG combination also made use text effects (2016-06-25, JavaScript, 85KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jiaowuwang

Use html/css/js technology to produce static Academic Network system, students log on, view other functions (2015-11-04, JavaScript, 763KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] [www.java1234.com]jsp

都市信息供求网 的源码里面有你象牙糊一切前台后台 发布
Net supply and demand of the urban information source which has issued you Ivory paste all foreground background (2014-06-18, JavaScript, 4398KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hercity.com_slide

Pour Firm Home perfect slide source, based on jquery, the structure is very clear, very simple. Pour urban network is the world s only Chinese style women media network. Committed to creating a unique style that brings together China, represented by cheongsam-style women fashion elements website. Allure elements at home and abroad like China, the pursuit of high taste of life in urban intellectual woman provided a showcase and exchange platform. (2013-11-13, JavaScript, 318KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] TeaShop

A simple tea shop. The system uses B/S structure mode, data show JSP tea MySQL management database tables, JavaBean business logic and encapsulate data, JDBC technology to access the database, Tomcat as a Web server. (2013-05-05, JavaScript, 1074KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Simple-shop

A simple web publishing- shop template, you need a simple web produced children s shoes can be downloaded look (2012-06-13, JavaScript, 2280KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] itf4

采用asp+access开发, 运行稳定,快速,安全性能优良,功能更强大,是一套通用的,信息网站源码,分类网站源码, 地区分类信息网源码,分类信息网站,分类信息网站程序,北京分类信息网站. 本分类信网程序基于ASP+Access技术开发的分类信息程序,是经过多年的经验积累,完善设计、 精心打造的适用于各种服务器环境的安全、稳定、快速、强大、高效、易用、优秀的
Development using asp+ access, stable, fast, excellent safety performance, more powerful, is a general information source website, classified website source code, area classification information network source, classification of information websites, classifieds site, program, Beijing Category information website. This letter network classification process technology development based on ASP+ Access procedures for the classification of information is a result of many years of experience, sound design, carefully crafted environment for various server security, stability, fast, powerful, efficient, easy to used, excellent (2010-05-27, JavaScript, 1549KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] newsPressRelease

Only for small news websites release system that can carry out general features of news management. For some small site has enough (2007-09-05, JavaScript, 654KB, 下载5次)
