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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(151) 

[教育系统应用] zhishool

智睿学校网站管理系统简介智睿学校网站系统定位教育网行开发的系统,网站首页 学校概况 校园新闻 德育教学 校园风彩 资源下载 求贤纳士 成绩查询 网上报名 联系我们 会员中心 校园信箱,教师档案系统等学校网站常用的栏目,采用当前学校网站的适用性,智睿学校网站管理系统永久使用,终身免费。针增强了对性和易用性适合创建中、小学校,大中院校,技校使用。
Rui Chi Chi school site management system Introduction farsighted school website system targeting education network line development system, Home Campus News School before moral teaching campus wind color Download Jobs query results online registration Contact Us Member Center campus mail, teacher records school systems commonly used website sections, the use of the applicability of the current school site, school site management system Rui Chi permanent use, lifelong free. Needles for enhanced fit and ease of use to create primary and secondary schools, and colleges, technical schools use. (2016-05-16, ASP, 2835KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] zlishool_v6.2.0

智睿院校培训学校系统定位教育网行开发的系统,网站首页 学校概况 校园新闻 德育教学 校园风彩 资源下载 求贤纳士 成绩查询 网上报名 联系我们 会员中心 校园信箱等学校网站常用的栏目,采用当前学校网站的适用性,智睿学校网站管理系统永久使用,终身免费。针增强了对性和易用性,适合创建中、小学校,大中院校,技校使用。
Zhi Rui college training school education positioning system for network development system, home page of website of school moral education situation of Campus News Teaching campus wind color resources download Qiuxian Monash scores query online registration contact us Member Center campus mail school website commonly used columns, the applicability of the current school site, wisdom school web site management system for permanent use, lifelong and free. Strengthens the needle and easy to use, suitable for the creation of middle and primary school, technical schools and colleges, the use of. (2016-04-15, Unix_Linux, 2094KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] zhishool_v8.6.0

智睿学校网站系统定位教育网行开发的系统,网站首页 学校概况 校园新闻 德育教学 校园风彩 资源下载 求贤纳士 成绩查询 网上报名 联系我们 会员中心 校园信箱,教师档案系统等学校网站常用的栏目,采用当前学校网站的适用性,智睿学校网站管理系统永久使用,终身免费。针增强了对性和易用性,适合创建中、小学校,大中院校,技校使用。
The wisdom wisdom school website system localization education network line of development system, website home page school survey campus news moral education teaching campus wind color resources downloading strives for to accept on virtuously the gentleman result inquiry network to register relates our member center campus mailbox, the teacher file system and so on the school website commonly used columns, uses the current school website the serviceability, the wisdom wisdom school website management system management system permanent use, the lifelong free.The needle strengthened to the nature and the usability, suits in the foundation, the elementary school, the major and medium colleges and universities, the professional school uses. (2014-11-19, ASP, 2439KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] aikao_v1.2.1

爱考在线考试系统是全国唯一开源免费在线考试系统 1.支持几乎所有的题型,包括选择题,判断题,填空题,问答题,复合题(选词,完型填空,阅读理解),多空选择题,连线题等; 2.支持智能出卷,让您可以根据题型,章节(知识分类),试题难度,分值等组成一份完整的试卷; 3.支持在线练习或考试,并能设置考试的考生(或员工)范围,时间。让您能轻松组织一场在线考试; 4.支持客观题自动判卷以及主观题手动判卷,并能自动核计总分,并统计排名,生成成绩分析报表; 5.简化录入试题功能,支持智能识别,能极大简化你的录入工作; 6.支持共享题库。让用户可以从爱考网下载试题,试卷,让您分享海量题库。 免除自己录题的烦恼; 7.是免费开源的在线考试系统,您不需要为此支付任何费用,并且可以下载源代码以供学习和研
aikao online examation system (2014-07-08, ASP, 17904KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] ZhiArchive_asp

Teacher Education Network file management system positioning line development system to the applicability of the current school site to enhance the relevance and ease of use of the system, the system supports online print and online spreadsheet export module, multi-account permissions assigned for create primary and secondary schools, and colleges, technical schools use the free version of the system and does not charge any fees, can be used directly. (2014-01-02, ASP, 914KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] xin12

在线考试是校园网[2]开发的一款包含覆盖计算机等级考试、大学英语考试、研究生入学考试、职业类考试、财务类考试、工程类考试、外贸类考试、专升本、公务员考试等在内的各种无纸化考试系统。在考试完成之后可以进行自动评分等操作,还可以获得一张最终的成绩单,可以发送到邮箱保存,也可以在线打印。同时,最终自动评分的分数超过自动评分总分80 ,可以得到50个校园豆[3]。
She left her purse on the table as a test of the child s honesty. (2013-09-10, C#, 955KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] aspjiaoshiguanli

The positioning the education network line development system of the teachers file management system, the applicability of the current school site, and enhance the relevance and ease of use of the system, the system to support online print, and export the online spreadsheet module, multi-account privileges assigned suitable created in primary and secondary schools, schools and universities, technical schools to use as a free version of the system and does not charge any fees, can be used directly. (2013-04-01, SQL, 922KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Student

Student Information Management System---- In order to meet the daily needs of the university teachers and students, I decided to develop a common platform to provide teachers and students can quickly query information to teachers and students for the campus community site for teachers and students acloser to the daily life of quality service. Aims to provide a simple, convenient, fast way to query information for teachers and students. (2013-03-11, Java, 1811KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] bookshop

图书在线管理,如浏览、修改、添加和删除图书等,管理员登录名和密码均为:admin; 向上网顾客提供图书期刊在线电子版(虚拟版),供顾客订购 、下载; (5)提供新书目、新书内容介绍、书评等,供顾客选择图书时参考; 提供书店存货书目,供顾客挑选或补全、补缺; 可以提供网上结算和支付。
Book online management, such as browse, edit, add and delete books, etc., the administrator login name and password are: admin customers to access books and periodicals online version (the virtual version), for customers to order, download (5) New bibliography, book description, book reviews, reference books for customers to choose provide bookstores stock books for customers to choose, or complement, to fill a vacancy to provide online billing and payment. (2011-06-15, Visual Basic, 40KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] biyesheji

In order to adapt to the modern information society, vast information resources that people need quick access to information of all walks of life have been, for increased productivity, improve the working environment and so plays an active role. Today in the rapid development of information, especially with the rapid development and popularization of Internet, the computer has entered people' s life and work. With the reform of our school education system in deepening our school to meet the future trend of the paperless office, improve the educational level, the need to establish a campus network based graduation project management system. (2011-03-04, Visual Basic, 3391KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] courses

/*(2)连接查询实验 1) 在学生选课库中实现其数据连接查询操作。 ① 查询每个学生的情况以及他(她)所选修的课程 ② 求学生的学号、姓名、选修的课程及成绩 ③ 求选修课程10001且成绩在90分以上的学生学号、姓名及成绩 ④ 查询每一门课的间接先行课(即先行课的先行课)
/* (2) join query in Experiment 1) in the student enrollment database query operation to achieve its data connection. ① check each student' s situation and his (her) students seeking elective courses ② school number, name, elective courses and the results ③ seeking elective courses 10001 and results in more than 90 students in student number, name and achievements ④ check first lesson of each class of indirect (ie first course first course) (2010-06-02, SQL, 2KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] EnterpriseSystems

Interaction of people' s lives has not only a way of relaxing entertainment, and more importantly, it has become a learning tool and platform for the exchange. The rapid development of computer science to the people' s traditional way of life brought about major changes and far-reaching impact on our lives to the introduction of a new concept. Now the general middle and high schools, especially colleges and universities have a lot of computer classrooms, open to students. Intelligent has entered every aspect of people' s lives, in order to adapt to social development, open room interaction system came into being. (2009-05-15, Visual C++, 1037KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] mcExamOnLine

铭成在线考试网源码 为了保障整个系统的安全性,在线考试系统实现了分类验证的登录模块,通过此模块,可以对不同身份的登录用户进行验证,确保了不同身份的用户操作系统。 在抽取试题上,系统使用随机抽取试题的方式,体现了考试的客观与公正。 当考生答题完毕之后,提交试卷即可得知本次考试的得分,体现系统的高效性。在后台管理上,分后台管理员管理模块和试题管理模块。 分别适应不同的用户,前者只有系统的高级管理员才能进入,对整个系统进行管理。而后者只允许教师登录,教师可以对自己任教的科目试题进行修改,并且可以查看所有参加过自己任教科目的学生成绩。 首页登录地址:login.aspx 默认管理员帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx 默认教师帐号/密码:t001/111 默认学生帐号/密码:10020071106/111 数据库文件在App_Data下,附加即可
online Test System (2009-05-09, C#, 276KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] NE

Online examination system based on network characteristics of network online exam can be divided into two parts front and back-office design. The main candidates for future registration and registry systems, online examinations, as well as from the registry query results the background of the main candidates for the administrator of the information, test information, school information, test sets of questions and information management courses. (2009-04-25, C#, 1236KB, 下载63次)


[教育系统应用] setup

图书管理系统 为以上软件都属于第三方软件,因为版权问题我们网站不方便提供免费下载,请您根据软件名称到网络上专门的软件下载网站去下载,为此给您带来的不便,请理解。谢谢!感谢关注电子工业出版社出版的图书,欢迎经常登录华信教育资源网。
Library management system software for the above-mentioned are all third-party software, because copyright issues of our site is not convenient to provide a free download, please name your software to the network in accordance with the special software download site to download, for the inconvenience caused to you, please understand . Thanks! Thank you for your attention Publishing House of Electronics Industry of the books, welcome to log on regularly, Watson IEARN. (2008-01-04, PowerBuilder, 605KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] NetStudyofNCRexamination

全国计算机考试网络版,可谓是够全,从02到06年的都有。 基本要求      1、具有计算机软件及应用的基本知识      2、掌握操作系统的基本知识      3、掌握计算机网络的基本概念与基本工作原理      4、掌握Internet的基本应用知识      5、掌握组网,网络管理与网络安全等计算机网络应用的基础知识      6、了解网络技术的发展      7、掌握计算机操作并具有C语言编程(含上机调试)的能力
national computer network version of the examination, it was enough to all, from 02 to 06 years there. A basic requirement, with computer software and application of basic knowledge of two, grasp the basic knowledge of operating systems 3, master computer network the basic concepts and basic working principle 4, Internet grasp the basic knowledge of application 5, master network, and network management and network security, and other computer-based network application knowledge 6. understanding of the development of network technology 7, and mastering computer operating with the C programming language (including the plane debugging) capability (2007-05-23, Others, 346KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] S_rjxu

系科综合管理信息系统是为了适应现代化学校管理的需要,加快推进我校数字化校园建设、充分利用校园网,利用网络、多媒体等计算机应用技术和手段,提高办公效率、改善质量的高效管理信息系统。 学生管理系统是系科综合管理信息系统中很重要的组成部分
No.3 integrated management information system in order to meet modern needs of the school management, I accelerate Digital Campus school building, and make full use of campus networks, the use of networks, multimedia computer applications technology and means to improve office efficiency and improve the quality of efficient management information system. Student Management System is No.3 integrated management information system is an important component of (2007-05-19, WORD, 55KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] j_8284_shop8

学校网站由一个文章发布系统、公告系统、计数系统三个部分组成。 1、自动生成HTM文件,可以大大降降低服务器的负担,提高新闻的浏览速度。 2、采用分级审核制度,输入员和审核员分工操作,允许管理员对新闻审核后发布。 3、采用JS,可以方便在页面的任意位置增加新闻。 4、可以显示本周TOP10热点新闻(可定义)。week.asp 目前为前10条 5、可以自定义推荐新闻。tjnews.asp tjnews1.asp目前为前10条 6、采用UBB系统,可以在文章的任意位置放置图片,数量不限。 7、有新闻阅读数目限显示。 8、可以显示每条新闻的相关新闻。about.asp 目前为5条 9、新闻推荐功能 10、新闻评论功能 11、全新分级用户管理系统 12、全新栏目管理系统,自动建立栏目目录(需要服务器支持FSO) 13、具有新闻搜索功能 14、菜单自动生成功能 15、多模版功能,可以删除,修改和增加,超强的模版管理功能。 后台管理为admin/login.asp 系统测试管理员: 帐号:admin 密码:itboot 演示:http://demo.itboot.net/shop8
school website published an article, Notice system, counting system is composed of three parts. An automatic generation HTM document that could drop significantly reduce the burden on the server, improving the speed of the browser. 2, which use hierarchical verification system, the input and audits of the division of operations, allowing managers to examine after the news release. 3, using JS, to facilitate the location of pages of arbitrary increase in news. 4, show hot news this week TOP10 (defined). Week.asp currently before 10 5, since the definition can recommend news. Tjnews.asp tjnews1.asp currently before 10 June, using UBB system, the article placed arbitrary photographs limit. 7, a limited number of reading news shows. 8, the news shows each related news. About.asp currently five (2005-11-23, ASP, 3387KB, 下载359次)


[教育系统应用] 958

own graduation design, online examination system, including essays and translation (2005-05-15, ASP, 109KB, 下载1102次)


[教育系统应用] pagetest

一个中牙关利息同 随着计算机技术的发展以及计算机网络的逐渐普及,英特网成为人们查找信息的重要场所。二十一世纪是信息的时代,所以信息的交换和信息流通显 的特别重要。因此、图书馆使用计算机来管理成为必然。
a mandibular joint interest with which computer technology with the development of the computer network has become widely accessible, the Internet search for information became an important place. The 21st century is the era of information, information exchange and the significant flow of information is especially important. Therefore, libraries use computers to manage the inevitable. (2005-04-25, Java, 2KB, 下载4次)
