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按分类查找All 音频处理(138) 

[音频处理] MusicPro

仿制网易云音乐播放器,能够获取用户创建和收藏歌单,拥有歌曲,歌单,专辑和歌手四种搜索方式,拥有新歌速递,推荐歌单,听歌识曲等功能,其他功能等待更新, stars:1, update:2024-05-17 09:06:04 (2024-05-18, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Find-Music

Find Music 可以搜索和播放来自企鹅音乐网站的歌曲,让你畅听歌曲。 还支持歌单功能,你可以方便的播放自己添加的歌单
Find Music can search and play songs from Penguin Music website to let you listen to songs. It also supports the song list function, so you can easily play the song list you added (2024-03-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] coffee-maker

手势控制咖啡机使用手势,通过这个Python脚本提升您的咖啡体验!功能:具有cvzone的手检测语音引导交互,使用pyttsx3通过手势选择数量具有pywhatkit音乐播放列表的音乐娱乐:Hawayein、Jab Koi Baat、Senorita等。乌萨格语
Gesture-Controlled Coffee Maker Elevate your coffee experience with this Python script using hand gestures! Features: Hand detection with cvzone Voice-guided interaction using pyttsx3 Quantity selection through gestures Music entertainment with pywhatkit Music Playlist: Hawayein, Jab Koi Baat, Senorita, and more. Usag (2024-03-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] OpenWave-3KA

一个简单的python程序,可以通过USB、以太网和GPIB(仅GDS-3000A)端口从数字存储示波器(GDS-3000-MSO-3000 GDS-2000E DCS-2000E IDS-2000E MSO-2000E MDO-2000E MSO-2000/2000A RSMSO-2000E-RSMDO-2000E-MPO-2000系列)获取图像或原始数据。
A simple python program that can get image or raw data from digital storage oscilloscope(GDS-3000A MSO-3000 GDS-2000E DCS-2000E IDS-2000E MSO-2000E MDO-2000E MDO-2000A RSMSO-2000E RSMDO-2000E MPO-2000 series) via USB, Ethernet and GPIB(GDS-3000A only) port. (2024-02-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] music-react18-ts

A NetEase cloud music front-end project built based on ts+react18 is very suitable for new people to study react18+ts projects. The project adopts the latest front-end technologies such as hooks and ts, and adopts front-end engineering paradigms such as eslint and prettier. (2024-02-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] NewsWave

NewsWave是一个Node.js web应用程序,使用news API获取并显示不同类别的头条新闻和新闻。随时了解政治、家庭、技术、科学和娱乐的最新更新。易于设置和无缝探索新闻世界。
NewsWave is a Node.js web app that fetches and displays top headlines and news across different categories using the News API. Stay informed with the latest updates on politics, home, technology, science, and entertainment. Easy to set up and explore the world of news seamlessly. (2024-01-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Musicer

It aims to integrate Netease Cloud, Kugou, QQ, Kuwo and other music platforms (2022-11-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] music

vue 像素级还原mac客户端网易云音乐
Vue pixel level restoration of Netease Cloud music on mac client (2022-11-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Netease-to-Youtube-or-Spotify

迁移你的网易云歌单到 Apple Music, Youtube or Spotify. Easily transfer your Netease music playlist to Apple Music, Youtube or Spotify
Migrate your Netease cloud song list to Apple Music, YouTube or Spotify Easily transfer your Netease music playlist to Apple Music, YouTube or Spotify (2020-07-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] iScript

各种脚本 -- 关于 虾米 xiami.com, 百度网盘 pan.baidu.com, 115网盘 115.com, 网易音乐 music.163.com, 百度音乐 music.baidu.com, 360网盘 云盘 yunpan.cn, 视频解析 flvxz.com, bt torrent magnet, ed2k 搜索, tumblr 图片下载, unzip
Various scripts -- Xiami xiami.com, Baidu online disk pan.baidu.com, 115 online disk 115.com, Netease music music.163.com, Baidu music music.baidu.com, 360 online disk yunpan.cn, video analysis flvxz.com, bt torrent magnet, ed2k search, tumblr image download, unzip (2023-12-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] HTML5-Music-Player

A music playing page, developed using HTML5 audio, is used to practice. The page design refers to Netease Cloud Music and QQ Music., (2017-06-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] music-player

An open source online music player based on Netease Cloud Music API. It has music search, play, download, synchronized display of lyrics, synchronization of personal music playlists and other functions., (2017-12-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Music_Player

Vue based online music player. Some UI references Netease Cloud Music and supports online demonstration. This project is for reference only., (2022-09-15, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] MusicPlayer

An Yini music: a local open source player with gorgeous interface, cool special effects, usage habits, customized for Netease Cloud er, supporting multi format playback, dual format tag interpretation, and course design learning, (2017-08-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] WangyiyunMusicPlayer

This is a music player on desktop by Qt,and I only imitated the interface of WangyiyunMusic simply. 这是一个用Qt写的运行在桌面的音乐播放器,我只是简单的模仿了网易云的界面罢了。,
This is a music player on desktop by Qt, and I only limited the interface of WangyiyunMusic simply This is a music player written in Qt and running on the desktop. I just simply imitate the interface of Netease Cloud., (2020-08-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Netease-Cloud-Player

高颜值网易云音乐,全功能播放器,支持电台、MV、歌单、专辑、单曲播放,仿YouTuBe Music、Spotify界面,
High beauty NetEase Cloud Music, a full function player, supports radio, MV, song list, album, single play, and imitates the interface of YouTube Music and Spotify, (2022-04-21, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] MagicMusicBox

一款高颜值的第三方 网易云、酷狗、QQ、YouTube的播放器魔法音乐盒,支持Web Windows macOS Linux ![:electron:](https: github.githubassets.com images icons emoji electron.png),
A highly attractive third-party Netease Cloud, Kugou, QQ, YouTube player magic music box, which supports Web Windows macOS Linux! [: electricity:] (https: github. githuassets.com images icons emoji electricity. png), (2022-07-16, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] vue-netease-music

基于 Vue2、Vue-CLI3 的高仿网易云 mac 客户端播放器(PC) Online Music Player,
Online Music Player (PC) based on Vue2 and Vue-CLI3, (2023-01-06, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)
