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[搜索引擎] search-engine-with-web-scraper-and-pagerank

使用PageRank算法的搜索引擎ASP.NET REST API,以及web scraper控制台应用程序。刮网器...
A search engine ASP.NET REST API using the PageRank algorithm, along with a web scraper console app. The web scraper application can scrape pages from Wikipedia to include as search results. A simple Node.js web application is also included for displaying the results. (2023-04-04, C#, 26358KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] 爬虫

The crawler that Python does crawls the relevant data of books on the Douban reading website, mainly authors, publishers, ratings, titles, and so on. (2019-01-08, Python, 1KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] bt

本程序资源采集于“全球娱乐门户引擎”,完美的将BT下载和BT搜索结合在一起,除主页面部分内容需要 定时更新外(更新内容非常简单,不详细说明,不会的与我联系,联系方法在主页面页底),一切都将自动获 取。
The program resources collected in the global entertainment portal engine , the perfect BT download and BT search together, in addition to the main page part of the content needs to be updated regularly (updated content is very simple, not detailed, will not contact me, Contact method at the bottom of the main page), everything will automatically get. (2016-12-19, HTML, 97KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] yygrbkxt_v2015.5.20

Yang Yu personal blog site is a concern to the Internet and search engine personal blog site, the site template is a small fresh type, has been a lot of people looking for my blog template, Continuously updated! (2016-12-11, PHP, 145KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] tpks

Amoy plate off V2.0 is a professional network disk file search engine, " Jenna" developed network disk currently supported include interest disc, data banks, thousands of brain, rapid network [RayFile], nanodisks [Namipan ], rice dish [Damipan] and so on. (2016-10-20, HTML, 136KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] followtop

Universal super search engine is China s only completely free super search engine commercial version of the system, the program contains all the official search for files, do not call the official search results. By statistics, the country has more than 30,000 sites and more than 5000 cafes are using this program. And some Web sites and Internet cafe owners have more than 1000 yuan one-day income. (2016-05-20, ASP, 908KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] Alexa1.0

Kai studio netizens produced life, entertainment, tools applications. Alexa is a specialized release website ranking sites. In search engine started Alexa was founded in April 1996 (USA), the purpose is to make the Internet users in the virtual world to share resources, more involved in the organization of Internet resources. (2016-05-17, ASP, 33KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] zhizhu

Bar bird netting search engine spiders crawling monitoring system, in fact, this version is also online research income, why want to continue with this, because it is quite simple and clear, there is nothing to say. (2016-05-09, ASP, 9KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] idcc

查查IDC是目前正在开发中的程序,完全参照中文引擎百度模式,目前版本为1.0,在后续的版本中, 我们会加大更多的功能。本程序仅仅为学习娱乐用途。在下一版本中我们会增加如下功能: 1.按满意度分类. 2.随机推广竟价. 3.搜索TOP排行榜 4.连接报错 5. 快照等更多一切功能.
Look IDC is currently under development program, strictly in accordance with Chinese engine Baidu mode, the current version is 1.0, and in subsequent versions, We will increase more. This procedure is only learning and entertainment purposes. In the next version, we will add the following features: 1. Press satisfaction category. 2. Random promote price competition. 3. Search TOP ranking 4. 5. Everything connected being given more snapshots. (2016-04-24, ASP, 69KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] seosite

SeoShop store system-wide Station pure static html generate more consistent search engine optimization, and modifying the previous many js code, cancel the connection address js code to replace the pure div+ css format and all files can be customized url and file name, custom internal connection, custom external connections, such as more in line with SEO search engine optimization settings to make your shop easier for search engines. (2016-04-19, ASP, 896KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] yy2014tiankesousuo

YY2014天客网全能搜源码适合做便民类搜索引擎 具体操作看压缩文件中的说明,将源码上传至空间根目录即可,可以自由修改
YY2014 days of the web search source network universal search engine suitable for the convenience of the search engine See the specific operation of the compressed file, the source code uploaded to the root directory can be free to modify (2015-12-29, ASP, 119KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] ssyx_v1.1

Privilege to network search home page, to repair a large number of invalid search engine interface, to increase the user experience, at the bottom of the page to increase the common query and online tools and other links. The first submission, hoped you can accept. (2015-09-12, ASP, 68KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] followtop_v9.3

搜索天下超级搜索引擎是中国唯一完全免费且也是目前中国最强大的超级搜索引擎商业版系统,程序包含官方全部搜索文件,完全不调用官方搜索结果。 经数据统计,全国已超过30000个网站和超过5000家网吧正在使用本程序。 而且有部分网站和网吧的管理员已经超过1000元1天的收入了。
Search the world super search engine is the only Chinese completely free and is currently China s most powerful super search engine commercial version of the system, the program includes all of the search of official documents and did not call the official search results. By the statistics, the country has more than 30,000 sites and more than 5,000 Internet cafes are using this program. And there are some Web sites and Internet cafes administrator has more than 1000 yuan one day s income. (2014-08-27, ASP, 903KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] movie

Douban web crawler. Grab movie data (2014-05-16, Python, 1KB, 下载33次)


[搜索引擎] NetBoverticalsearchengine

网博垂直搜索引擎完全开源版 1.前台结合Lucene的搜索引擎功能,使得数据搜索更快; 2.新增加采集功能,采集时图片下载,flash下载功能,默认配置的是南海网分类信息的采集规则; 3.该代码简洁,完全开源,可以与网博多款新闻系统无缝整合; 4.最新新闻系统已增加伪静态与全站生成静态功能。 5.后台地址:htt://xxx/admin/login.aspx,后台用户名:webhww 密码:http://s.webabc.com.cn/
Net Bo vertical search engine completely open source version of one. Prospects combined with Lucene search engine, allowing faster data search 2. New collection features, collected when the picture download, flash download function, the default configuration of the classification of information are the Nets in the South China Sea Acquisition rules 3. The code is simple and completely open source, you can with the number of Net Bo seamless integration of information systems 4. the latest information systems has increased the pseudo-static and full-stops to generate a static function. 5. Backgrounds address: htt:// xxx/admin/login.aspx, Backgrounds Username: webhww Password: http://s.webabc.com.cn/ (2009-02-27, Visual C++, 5962KB, 下载66次)


[搜索引擎] MySo

Patted network example to download page as an example, the biggest thread 1024, but relatively good network conditions, the machine configuration will not compare Gao Cai Department issues Oh, on the server to test well. (2008-12-08, Python, 1KB, 下载7次)


[搜索引擎] tips_for_search_technoloyg_paper

自己网上整理的文献搜索技巧,觉得蛮实用的。正所谓授人于鱼,不如授人于渔。 当你不在学校或者科研机构的时候,其实电信网也可以下载文献,free。
Finishing their own online literature search skills, find quite useful. Is the so-called delegate to the fish, it is better to delegate to the fishery. When you are not schools or research institutions when, in fact, the telecommunications network can also download literature, free. (2008-11-24, WORD, 53KB, 下载11次)


[搜索引擎] searchengine

Himself wrote a simple Windows under the dedicated web site search engine (can be used spider web site Add search database), interface has been embellished, is a search engine to reveal the simple principle of the procedure (2008-05-26, C#, 344KB, 下载50次)


[搜索引擎] cn700-so

ReadyGo almighty search engine-- a net in hand, grasp the world-wide integration of the major search engines, Optimization of keywords, the user experience better. Complimentary entire source. Quite (2006-11-27, ASP, 99KB, 下载54次)


[搜索引擎] multiseek

Network searching engine code,which can be used in the searching mission of meta-data sites,now has been provided with basic modules,such as the accomplishment of multi-thread downloading mechanism. (2005-09-03, C/C++, 4600KB, 下载131次)
