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[搜索引擎] spiders

软件机器人,是可控的,可以可以从互联网上抓取我们所需的资源。爬虫是搜索引擎后台的第一个子系统,数据入口之一。 搜索引擎的基础应用,抓取大数据的一种手段,网页下载器,网店秒杀
The software robot is controllable and can grab the resources we need from the Internet. Crawler is the first subsystem of the search engine background and one of the data portals. Basic application of search engine, a means of capturing big data, web downloader, online store (2019-04-29, Others, 199997KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] scrapy_proj

Based on the sketch framework, go to Crawl Bole Online, Zhihu and Lagao, review the basic knowledge of sketch framework, python crawler request and parsing, and learn the anti crawler principles related to IP proxy pool and verification code identification. Finally, use Django+Elastic search to build a search engine. (2018-08-17, Python, 7KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] hahajing

web化的eMule ed2k下载链接搜索引擎(电影 电视剧), 用Go开发。从eMule KAD网络搜索下载链接。 用户的搜索输入首先会经过豆瓣或者时光网的验证, 然后才发给eMule KAD网络查找。
Web based eMule ed2k download link search engine (movie and TV series), developed with Go. Download link from eMule KAD web search. The user s search input will first be verified by Douban or Time.com, and then sent to eMule KAD for searching. (2018-03-25, GO, 3231KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] News-Detector

The news search engine automatically crawls all major news portals on a regular basis, and provides search functions to give feedback on the popularity and freshness of search topics (keywords), and return all the news that can be found. (such as Sina News, NetEase News, etc., or an authoritative website in a vertical field, such as Snowball Finance, Oriental Fortune, etc. in the economic field, or Tencent Sports in the sports field (2022-12-12, JavaScript, 106921KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] leyou

The microservice mall selects the full set of components of SpringCloud, the distributed authorization center uses JWT combined with asymmetric keys, uses FDFS as the image server, integrates WeChat payment, ES provides search services, and uses rabbitmq to notify ES to operate the commodity data index and generate a static page (hymeleaf template engine (2022-12-09, JavaScript, 16109KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] zcwxt_v1.0

Car thieves program includes more than 100 cities nationwide car data, including bus, subway transfer data. Comes with intelligent matching keyword functions, destination switching system, Email spontaneous system, Email promotion system, highlighting the system of professional and reliable. Small program, search engine friendly, without frequent updates site, which is the hard demand of all the people, is the preferred station Jianzhan procedures. (2016-12-11, HTML, 633KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] ssyx_v1.1

三生有幸网搜索主页,修复了大量无效的搜索引擎接口,为了增加用户体验,首页底部增加了常用查询和在线工具等链接。第一次投稿,望笑纳。 v1.1更新内容: 1.新增了常用网址 2.优化了网页代码 3.优化了网页字体
Sanshengyouxing search home page, repair a large number of invalid search engine interface, in order to increase the user experience, the bottom of the page to add a common query and online tools and other links. The first contribution, Wang Na satisfied. V1.1 update: 1. Added a common website 2. Optimized page code 3. Optimized the web fonts (2016-11-30, PHP, 70KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] cwsXT

宠物搜索引擎小偷版PHPv1.0是一个用PHP开发的开源搜索引擎系统,可根据关键字获取搜宠网(宠物搜索引擎)的搜索结果。 宠物搜索引擎小偷版PHPv1.0程序仅虽要一个支持PHP空间,就能正常运行。
Pet search engine thief version PHPv1.0 is an open source search engine developed with PHP system, according to the keyword search search network (pet search engine) search results. Pet search engine thief version PHPv1.0 program only to support a PHP space, you can run properly. (2016-11-02, PHP, 255KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Googienews

谷鸽新闻搜索 谷鸽采用谷鸽自己数据库,谷鸽针对网站收录规则: 1、当被收录的站点网页打开速度快 2、当被收录的站点自身内容更新快 注:非采集的内容 3、当被收录的站点内容健康
Pigeon pigeon pigeon news search by their own , Google for the site rules included: 1, when included web site open speed 2, when the site itself to be made content updatingquickly note: non collection content 3, when the site content is included in health (2016-10-31, PHP, 1396KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] abc_tb

采用kindeditor的HTML编辑器发帖,无需登录即可发帖回帖,登录用户也可选择匿名发帖回帖 程序更新与计划 计划于UC用中心整合 计划添加发贴时从外网采集图片功能 已修正可视化编辑器BUG 添加首页贴吧排序功能 添加静态网页模式,搜索引擎更亲和
Kindeditor use HTML editor to post, without logging in post Replies logged-in user can also choose to anonymously post Replies program updates and programs planned for UC with center consolidation plan to add posts when collecting pictures outside the network function has been corrected visual editor BUG Add Home Post bar sorting mode to add static pages, search engines and more pro (2016-09-25, HTML, 1143KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] cnk2008

1.任意添加频道/栏目及下级栏目 2.各种频道/栏目菜单显示风格,可显示多级弹出级联菜单 3.多种产品级别显示风格菜单,产品级别可无限级层分类 4.方便变换风格,更利于搜索引擎的搜索 5.有各行业风格、韩国风格、欧美风格等提供选择(在官方网选择)
1. Add any channel/column and lower sections 2. Various channels/section menu display style, display the pop-up multi-level cascading menu 3. A variety of menu display style product level, product level unlimited level layer classification 4. easy to change styles, more conducive to search engine 5. Have the industry style, Korean style, European style, and provide choice (choice in the official website) (2016-04-25, ASP, 1191KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] xinyicms-(1)

Xin Yi fashion video graphics collection and management system V1.0, is a well-informed network technology and software developed jointly Yan Yi Web site management system, in addition to a sleek, perfect basic functions, the most important is the inclusion of the latest video, graphics capture function and the whole station pseudo-static, DIV+ CSS full production, search engine friendly! (2016-04-21, ASP, 1919KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Black-hat-seo-training

  为什么选择黑帽seo培训   黑帽seo培训是学习黑帽seo最快的方式,因为别人花了几年时间研究出来的黑帽seo优化技术,如果进行黑帽seo系统培训,你可能用几个星期就学会了,黑帽seo培训大大节省了学习黑帽seo所耗费的时间,而且因为有人指导,可以少走很多弯路,加上自己后期的黑帽seo实战经验,可以快速的融入黑帽seo行业。大幅提高自身的黑帽seo技术水平。   【黑帽学习网www.heimaoxuexi.com】黑帽seo技术从入门到实战教程,零基础学习无负担!最新的黑帽SEO代码,黑帽seo技术,黑帽seo培训,零基础学习黑帽seo无负担,解决各行业关键词无排名的问题,迎合搜索引擎算法实现快速排名的目的,黑帽seo技术、泛解析、泛二级站群、泛目录、新闻源劫持、寄生虫繁殖、批量生成百万目录、二级目录劫持、快照劫持、权重劫持等上百种黑帽seo技术代码视频教程;   【黑帽学习网】黑帽seo技术交流论坛工具视频区http://www.heimaoxuexi.com/forum-2-1.html   黑帽学习网是交流和学习黑帽seo的好地方,遇到问题多交流,交流才能进步,多请教其他朋友,当你解决了绝大多数的问题的时候,你会发现你其实早已和我一样是黑帽seo高手了。
Why choose black hat seo training Black hat seo black hat seo training is to learn the fastest way, because people spent years finding out the black hat seo optimization techniques, if the black hat seo training system, you might learn a few weeks, Black Hat seo training saves learning black hat seo time-consuming, but also because it was the guide, you can take a lot less detours, coupled with his black hat seo late practical experience, can quickly integrate into the black hat seo industry. A substantial increase in their level of black hat seo techniques. [Black Hat Learning Network www.heimaoxuexi.com] black hat seo techniques from entry to the combat tutorial, zero-based learning without the burden! The latest black hat SEO code, black hat seo techniques black hat seo training, zero-based learning black hat seo without the burden of solving the industry keywords rank no problem to meet the search engine ranking algorithms aim to achieve rapid, black hat seo techniques Pan reso (2014-08-08, PHP, 295KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] crawler-on-news-topic-with-samples

java do crawl sohu news access to the designated site news content using htmlparser reptiles tools crawl news portal, code implementation Netease, Sohu, Sina online news crawl if you do not modify the configuration is crawl Sina science and technology content and modify the configuration can crawl designated site access to the designated site news content (2013-03-13, Java, 7038KB, 下载88次)


[搜索引擎] Web-Crawlers

Web crawler (also known as web spider, robot, in the middle of the FOAF community, more often referred to as Web Chaser), is one kind of in accordance with certain rules, automatic program or script to crawl the World Wide Web information. Do not use the name there are ants, automatic indexing, the simulation program or worm. (2012-06-08, PHP, 1KB, 下载23次)


[搜索引擎] findftp

ftp搜索引擎,FTP是因特网最主要的服务之一,在FTP服务器上保存有大量的各种各样的共享软件、技术资料和多媒体数据等文件。因为每个FTP服务器都有若干个目录,其目录和文件结构比较复杂,要在FTP服务器上找到自己需要的文件不是一件容易的事情,要在多个FTP服务器上查找文件更是困难。基于WWW的FTP 搜索引擎可以很好的解决上述问题。
ftp search engine for finding free software downloads, free mp3s, images, shareware or freeware files on the internet. (2009-12-02, Delphi, 345KB, 下载24次)



[原创]新版网吧游戏菜单 V2.0 超强版 由于朋友需要所以帮忙写了个游戏菜单,程序接近完美,所以请大家来PP 带有在线管理功能,可在线修改游戏设置。 带有本地歌曲点播功能,程序可播放本地或网络歌曲 带有百度音乐搜索功能,搜索出来的歌曲可在线播放,下载等。。
[Original] The new Internet version of the game menu V2.0 Superacid So as a result of the need to help a friend write a game menu, the program close to perfect, so please everyone come to PP with the online management features, the game settings can be modified online. Demand function with the local music, procedures can be local or network music player with music search function Baidu, search out the songs can be broadcast online, download, etc.. . (2009-05-06, Fortran, 352KB, 下载35次)


[搜索引擎] firtex-1.0.3_RC_src

中文开源搜索引擎firtex-1.0.3_RC版 架构、接口做了重大改进 修正了一些BUG 增加了对gz压缩的TREC格式的支持 增加了对北大天网数据集的支持 增加了同时检索内存中索引数据的支持 支持实时在线索引和检索 实现了在线索引更新的几个策略 ...
Chinese open-source search engine firtex-1.0.3_RC version of the structure, interfaces make a significant improvement in a number of amendments BUG increased gz compressed format TREC support an increase in the North Skynet data sets at the same time support an increase in the memory retrieval index data support real-time online support for indexing and retrieval realize an online index to update several strategy ... (2007-10-18, C/C++, 8451KB, 下载57次)


[搜索引擎] Emailsendmsger

Email发送控件 IT人博客:记录IT人的喜怒哀乐,书写IT人的成长奋斗。 今天,你学习了吗,进步了吗,反思了吗,收获了吗,感悟了吗? 和你一起成长的,是IT人博客!我准备好了,你准备好了吗? 一起来IT人博客学习交流吧! IT人博客:http://www.itrbk.com 建站之家:www.sea20.com 自助建站、企业建站、建站系统!为企业和个人提供建站服务! 爱搜万网: 全力打造完美搜索引擎,适合中国人的搜索引擎! http://www.Aaiso.com IT人博客:http://www.itrbk.com 建站之家:www.sea20.com 自助建站、企业建站、建站系统!为企业和个人提供建站服务! 爱搜万网: 全力打造完美搜索引擎,适合中国人的搜索引擎! http://www.Aaiso.com
Email this blog who controls IT : IT record of human emotions, writing for the development of IT struggle. Today, you learn there? Progress yet, to reflect on the right, harvested yet, comprehension? And you were growing up, who is the IT blog! I am well prepared, are you ready? IT people up a blog to study the exchange! IT people blog : http://www.itrbk.com establishment of the station house : www.sea20.com ebook, enterprise establishment of the station, the establishment of the station system. For enterprises and individuals to provide the establishment of the station! Love seized 10,000 Net : spare no efforts to create a perfect search engine, suited to the Chinese search engine! Http://www.Aaiso.com IT people blog : http :// www.itrbk.com establishment of the station house : www.sea2 (2006-06-13, Visual C++, 190KB, 下载96次)


[搜索引擎] 12spider

网络蜘蛛源码。 Spider是搜索引擎的一个自动程序。它的作用是访问互联网上的html网页 ,建立索引数据库,使用户能在搜索引擎中搜索到贵网站的网页。 搜索引擎 派出“蜘蛛”程序检索现有网站一定IP地址范围内的新网站,而对现有网 站的更新则根据该网站的等级不同有快慢之分。一般来说,网站网页等级 越高,更新的频率就越快。搜索引擎的“蜘蛛”同一天会对某些网站或同 一网页进行多次爬行,知道蜘蛛的运动规律,对于更新网页、了解搜索引 擎收录的收录情况等等有相当重要的作用。
Spider-source network. Spider is a search engine of automatic procedures. Its role is to visit on the Internet homepage html, database indexing, so that users can search search engine to your site's homepage. Search engine sent a "spider" search procedures for certain existing site within the IP address of the new site, and to update the existing site under the site of the different grades vary from case to case. Generally, the higher the rating web site, the frequency of updates sooner. The search engine "spider" on the same day, some web site or the same number of reptiles, spiders know the rules of movement, updated website to find out the search engine included included etc. have a very important role. (2005-05-04, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载391次)
