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[其他] 33501-f40

5g 安全体系协议描述。 描述从终端到基站以及核心网的安全注意事项,开发5g需要遵循该协议标准。 根据详细描述进行代码的开发。
security architecture and procedure for 5g system (2019-04-08, WORD, 2814KB, 下载7次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcpip

基于TCP/IP通讯的仪器仪表应用层协议架构由于新一代仪器仪表的数据量大,传输距离远,实时性高,传统的基于RS232/RS485的串行数据传送方式已不能满足要求,而基于TCP/IP的以太网数据通讯方式,传输距离大(通过internet,理论上无限远),速度快,是当前新一代仪器仪表数据传输的理想方式。 基于单片机(如MCS51+RTL8019AS)的以太网接入技术已经相当成熟,可以方便的与PC机连接。根据仪器仪表嵌入式应用的要求(如实时性),我们采用TCP协议或UDP协议进行数据传输。TCP是一种可靠的传输协议,但效率相对较低,UDP是一种由用户自己来保证传输可靠性的传输协议,但效率较高。 本协议目前采用TCP,以太网接口模块作为服务器方,任何时候仅提供一个连接。 本文档的适用范围为带有以太网接口模块的仪器仪表。
Instruments based application layer protocol architecture TCP/IP communication since the new generation of instrumentation data capacity, transmission distance, high real-time, based on the traditional serial data transfer mode RS232/RS485 can not meet the requirements, and based on TCP/IP Ethernet data communication mode, the transmission distance is large (via internet, theoretically infinite) speed, is the ideal way to present a new generation of instrumentation data transmission. Microcontroller-based (such as MCS51+ RTL8019AS) Ethernet access technology is already quite mature, it can be easily connected to a PC. According instrumentation embedded applications (such as real-time), we use the TCP protocol or UDP protocol for data transmission. TCP is a reliable transport protocol, but the efficiency is relatively low, UDP is a transmission by the users themselves to ensure the reliability of the transmission protocol, but more efficient. The protocol currently used TCP, Etherne (2016-09-21, WORD, 18KB, 下载10次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] faiuring

Scale amplifi cation of natural debris fl ows caused by cascading landslide (2013-05-25, WORD, 5426KB, 下载40次)


[Windows编程] UMLInternet-cafe-management-system

UML Internet cafe management system, the purpose of the experiment needs analysis (use cases diagram, use case specification), static analysis (class diagram), dynamic analysis (sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, activity diagram, state diagram), design (component diagram, deployment diagram) (2013-01-01, WORD, 191KB, 下载14次)


[系统编程] mima

1. 教你将秘密隐藏图片中[教材] 2. 一招绝技破解所有电脑的开机密码 3.. 不怕网管封 轻松修改网卡MAC地址 4.巧用网页实现万能解锁注册表方法 5.网站加密也没用 我想复制就复制 6.教你30秒钟破解所有密码 7. 无线上网不花钱的四招绝技
Teach you the secrets hidden picture [textbook]. Stunt a move to crack all the computer' s boot password .. the not afraid Webmaster seal easily modify NIC MAC address. Clever use of the Web to achieve universal unlock registry method 5 website encryption the four strokes stunt useless I also want to copy to copy 6. teach you 30 seconds to crack all passwords 7 wireless Internet access at no cost (2012-11-25, WORD, 14KB, 下载8次)


[技术管理] wireless-trunking

ITS technology and application systems shortcomings, the paper-based packet bearer technology with time and space Pervasive Wireless Mesh Networks built on intelligent transportation systems, wireless cluster communication function key technology to carry out specific research (2012-09-24, WORD, 3621KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] ZigBee-routing-algorithm

ZigBee routing algorithm based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard ZigBee network is a powerful networking capabilities of new wireless personal area network, the routing algorithm is the focus of R & D work. This article describes the IEEE802.15.4 standard and the ZigBee specification of the protocol model, focused on the ZigBee protocol network layer routing algorithm, Tree Routing and Z-AODV routing algorithm based on the ZigBee mesh network based on data characteristics of routing mechanism, the mechanism has an obvious advantage in network performance and low power consumption, and can balance the node energy, and finally a brief introduction to the hardware implementation of the ZigBee node. (2012-08-20, WORD, 75KB, 下载40次)


[手机短信编程] CMPP2.0-



[Windows编程] tt

Pulse code division switching technology exchange is currently the main direction of development, formed by the division of the digital pulse code switching can be done two integrated communication network, the integrated switching and transmission, and transfer calls and shown with a variety of other services such as comprehensive . Pulse code division switching unit is a continuation of the basic hours of T-connector, which can be used alone to form non-blocking network connecting the small hours of capacity, can and S-type connector with the composition of large-scale time-division digital switching network. This division is prepared to a T-connector used alone to illustrate the T-connector of the circuit division, and the concrete realization of the exchange follow the principle. (2011-10-08, WORD, 156KB, 下载8次)


[人物传记/成功经验] Li-Chuan

As the founder and commander of the Huai Army, the main advocate of the Westernization Movement, one of the late Qing Sydney, he rose to the rank Zhili Governor and Minister of the Northern trade, grant Wenhua Dian scholar. Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, the Qing Empire in them as the only ability to compete in the world of human powers. (2011-06-08, WORD, 337KB, 下载5次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] About_Network_Routing_Technology

Graduation- on the Network Routing Technology: Based on TCP/IP protocol Internet has gradually developed into the world' s largest, has the most users and resources of a large computer network, TCP/IP protocol has become the de facto industry standard. Modern IP networks are becoming mainstream and even the future of the computer network. IP network is the interconnection of equipment up by routing IP subnet form, these routing device for routing in IP subnets to find, and IP packet forwarding to the next IP subnet. Appears for the present, to improve the performance routers play a key role in several new technologies, analysis of network routing technology. (2010-06-08, WORD, 19KB, 下载10次)


[通讯编程文档] RFC2516

在以太网上传输PPP的方法(PPPoE),本文档描述的PPPoE是RedBack Networks, RouterWare, UUNET 及其它厂商所采用的在以太网上封装PPP的方法。
In the PPP method of transmission over Ethernet (PPPoE), this document describes the PPPoE is RedBack Networks, RouterWare, UUNET, and other manufacturers used in the Ethernet encapsulation PPP approach. (2010-03-16, WORD, 21KB, 下载5次)


[处理器开发] ARM

包含了ARM的几个功能试验 如触摸屏 智能仪表手持设定器 工控自动化模拟量输入输出控制 以及RS232通信 及以太网通信
ARM contains several functional tests, such as hand-held touch-screen smart meter setter Industrial Automation Analog input and output control, and RS232 communications, and Ethernet Communication (2009-10-11, WORD, 3203KB, 下载54次)


[行业发展研究] jiyucontrolNetkongzhirangdezhuangpeiliushuixianjia

On the Rockwell motion console, with 2 ControlLogix controllers connected on ControlNet network, and using Rockwell software to configure network, program ladder diagram and configure HIM, control and monitor of assembly line are realized. (2009-09-11, WORD, 5KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ASP_NET3_5_jiaochen_29

第29章 制作一个ASP.NET校友录系统 在现在的网络应用中,用户是网络应用的中心,如现今最风靡的校内网都是把用户放到了网络应用的第一位。而校内网的成功和风靡在很大程度上是因为它是一个真实的社交网络,校友录系统也是利用了真实的社交网络进行设计和开发的
Chapter 29 alumni were recorded to produce a system in ASP.NET web applications now, the user is the center of network applications, such as today' s most popular network of schools are the user applications on the network first. The success of the school network and the popular in large part because it is a true social network, alumni were recorded using a real system is a social network design and development (2009-05-17, WORD, 1636KB, 下载22次)


[教育系统应用] 1234567

A comprehensive campus network should be teaching in the teacher preparation, student learning, educational management, administration, library management, resource management, foreign exchange and so on to play a supplementary role, support, and through the Internet and wide area network, between the achievement of inter-school information Internet connection sharing. With the associated digital satellite broadband to achieve long-distance education. For the school, management, day-to-day business, all aspects of internal and external communication to provide comprehensive, effective support. (2009-05-17, WORD, 6KB, 下载8次)


[系统设计方案] SchoolNetBuild

I used to do this is a campus network design, there is no practical experience, there may be some mistakes, but have to learn the value of network design. (2008-05-06, WORD, 102KB, 下载64次)


[WEB开发] a_solution_for_web_load_balance

Nanhai City Information Web server load balancing solution, a very good project documentation, including demand note, system architecture descriptions, etc. (2007-05-14, WORD, 262KB, 下载117次)


[Windows编程] VoIQos

VoIP 业务有着严格的实时性要求,时延、抖动和丢包这3 个影响VoIP 服务质量的主要因素与承载网的性能密切相关
VoIP has strict real-time requirements, delay, This jitter and packet loss three impact the quality of VoIP services and the main factors bearing net closely related to the properties (2006-04-24, WORD, 62KB, 下载62次)


[文章/文档] 计算机网络课程设计

junior next semester so the computer network of curriculum design, document format, useful friends can be downloaded (2005-12-27, WORD, 19KB, 下载622次)
