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[collect] scrappey

Scrappey.js:Scrappey API的通用JavaScript包装器,支持反机器人程序保护网站的无缝web抓取。通过强大的功能和可靠的结果简化数据提取。轻松解锁有价值的见解。Scrappey入门
Scrappey.js: A versatile JavaScript wrapper for Scrappey API, enabling seamless web scraping of anti-bot protected websites. Simplify data extraction with robust functionality and reliable results. Unlock valuable insights effortlessly. Get started with Scrappey (2023-07-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] g6-component-wx-demo

微信放心使用F6的小demo,不用特别在意项目名字,F6就是在G6基础上诞生的,感兴趣可以去给个star [https: github.com antvis g6,当然你也可以给f6赏个star,https: github.com antvis f6](https: github.com antvis g6%EF%BC%8C%E5%BD%93%E7%84%B6%E4%BD%A0%E4%B9%9F%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E7%BB%99f6%E8%B5%8F%E4%B8%AAstar%EF%BC%8Chttps: github.com antvis f6),
WeChat can use the small demo of F6 with confidence, without paying special attention to the project name. F6 was born on the basis of G6. If you are interested, you can go to star [https: github.com antvis g6, of course you can also give f6 a star, https: github.com antvis f6] (https: github.com antvis g6% EF% BC% 8C% E5% BD% 93% E7% 84% B6% E4% BD% A0% E4% B9% 9F% E5% 8F% AF% E4% BB% A5% E7% BB% 99f6% E 8% B5% 8F% E4% B8% AAstar% EF% BC% 8Chttps: github.com antvis f6), (2021-09-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] TeyvatMainland-Travel-Web

提瓦特旅游网平台是一款提供旅游信息查询服务的平台。平台运营者针对各大旅游景点进行信 息 收 集 并上传至平台,提供给用户查看。用户可通过平台了解景点信息和相关的旅游服务。,
Tivat Tourism Network Platform is a platform that provides tourism information query services. The platform operator collects information about major tourist attractions and uploads it to the platform for users to view. Users can learn about scenic spot information and related tourism services through the platform., (2021-07-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] PublicSelective

在学生们为挑选公选焦头烂额之时,本款公选评价小助手应运而生。小助手将对所有公选课进行信息整理,并 收 集 前人的意见。用户可轻松选择不同指标对课程进行排序、筛选,并查看前人对课程的打分、标签与评价,以供参考。本微信小程序将大大减少选课期间学生资料 收 集 的工作量,为学生选中如意公选助力。,
When students are struggling to select public elections, this section of public election evaluation assistant came into being. The assistant will sort out the information of all public elective courses and collect the opinions of predecessors. Users can easily select different indicators to sort and filter courses, and view the scores, tags and evaluations of previous courses for reference. This WeChat applet will greatly reduce the workload of student data collection during course selection, and help students select Ruyi Public Elections., (2019-05-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] DJShowcases

DJChina Showcases是配合数据新闻网 2.0上线推出的一个小平台, 收 集 数据新闻及相关行业的优秀作品 集 ,以跟踪国外新闻编辑室以及独立工作室为主,希望提供给从业人员一个快速索引学习的平台。,
DJChina Showcases is a small platform launched with the online launch of Data News 2.0, which collects excellent collections of data news and related industries, mainly tracking foreign news editing rooms and independent studios, and hopes to provide employees with a platform for rapid indexing and learning., (2016-10-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
