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按分类查找All 游戏(37) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(37) 

[游戏] education-royale-gaming

Education Royale Gaming是首屈一指的教育游戏服务,将娱乐和学习融合在一起,以团结所有年龄段的人...,
Education Royale Gaming is the premiere education gaming service, fusing fun and learning together in order to unite people of all ages with one common goal: to transform the way we learn. (2023-09-01, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] koishi-plugin-see-color

Koishi 的小游戏娱乐插件,一款有趣而简单的视觉游戏。 游戏的名字叫做《给我点颜色看看》,也可以称为《找色块》或《猜色块》。,
Koishi s small game entertainment plug-in is an interesting and simple visual game. The name of the game is "Show me some color", which can also be called "Find the color block" or "Guess the color block"., (2023-08-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] wechat-reopen-plugin

Plug in that automatically restarts the WeChat game project after it is built in Windows (2023-02-24, TypeScript, 247KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] websocket-node

借鉴网易游戏框架【pinus】搭建 WebSocketService ,全文采用 TS 编写
Learn from Netease game framework [pinus] to build WebSocketService, and the full text is written in TS (2021-12-08, TypeScript, 52KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] action-wechat-miniprogram-upload

微信项目自动发布(小程序 小游戏 游戏插件 小程序插件)
WeChat project automatic release (applet, game plug-in, applet plug-in) (2022-11-12, TypeScript, 108KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] cocos-creator-gif

Cocos Creator v2.4.x 播放GIF的Demo 支持原生、Web、微信小游戏
Cocos Creator v2.4. x Demo playing GIF supports native, Web and WeChat games (2022-01-23, TypeScript, 1163KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] MiniGames

WeChat games based on egret, each directory under the root directory is a small game (2018-12-01, TypeScript, 198KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] MiniGameAllPlatformSDK-Source

微信、抖音、头条、VIVO、OPPO、QQ、UC、快手、华为等游戏平台 banner video inter 等广告支持
Advertising support such as WeChat, Tipping Tone, Toutiao, VIVO, OPPO, QQ, UC, Fasthand, Huawei and other game platforms such as banner video inter (2021-06-10, TypeScript, 3024KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Wx_Laya_Demo

Main domain sub domain demo based on laya engine WeChat mini game (2019-06-04, TypeScript, 3769KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] juanlegejuan

微信小游戏《卷了个卷》前端源码,基于 Cocos Creater 开发。这是我第一次开发一个完整的游戏,作为练习并完成上线。现在这个游戏已经停止维护,所以我决定将它开源。扫描二维码可以体验。
The front-end source code of WeChat mini game "Rolling a Volume" is developed based on Cocos Creator. This is my first time to develop a complete game, as an exercise and complete the online. Now the maintenance of this game has stopped, so I decided to open source it. Scan QR code to experience. (2023-04-12, TypeScript, 4878KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] kbengine_typescript_plugin

用于在cocos creator平台对接kbe的typescript插件,已经实际用于微信小游戏开发并有上线项目
The typescript plug-in used to interface with kbe on the cocos creator platform has actually been used for WeChat game development and has been launched online (2021-06-17, TypeScript, 34KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] steerRoping

微信小游戏 套牛 <a href="http://longdaofang.com/game/steerRoping/index.html" rel="nofollow">http://longdaofang.com/game/steerRoping/index.html</a> , stars:18, update:2018-01-13 06:38:58
微信小游戏 套牛 <a href="http://longdaofang.com/game/steerRoping/index.html" rel="nofollow">http://longdaofang.com/game/steerRoping/index.html</a> , stars:18, update:2018-01-13 06:38:58 (2023-06-24, TypeScript, 1005KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] WX3DPhysicsTest

针对Cocos Creator3.0、LayaBox以及Threejs在注重物理的3D微信小游戏性能的测试报告
Test report on the performance of Cocos Creator3.0, LayaBox and Threejs in physics focused 3D WeChat games (2022-02-04, TypeScript, 14809KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] HorseRace

龙潭老鼠,微信小游戏,1V1匹配赛马,前端cocos creator,后端netty,数据库Redis
Longtan Mouse, WeChat games, 1V1 matching horse racing, front-end cocos creator, back-end netty, database Redis (2022-09-10, TypeScript, 5217KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] sentry-miniapp

Sentry 小程序 小游戏 SDK:用于小程序 小游戏平台的 Sentry SDK(目前支持微信、字节跳动、支付宝、钉钉、QQ、百度小程序,微信、QQ 小游戏)
Sentry applet games SDK: Sentry SDK for applet games platform (currently supports WeChat, byte skipping, Alipay, nailing, QQ, Baidu applet, WeChat, QQ games) (2023-01-07, TypeScript, 5168KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] gashapon

Skynet Developer Summer Program 2022 Project : an alternative video game distribution platform. Like Steam and itch.io, but web3 flavoured. (2022-08-17, TypeScript, 876KB, 下载0次)
