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按平台查找All Dockerfile(36) 

[其他] codo-agent-server

本系统经过多年实战检验,在多家知名游戏、互联网公司和国企中广泛应用,并以安全、稳定、可靠和可控著称。它作为整个CI/CD流水线的基础,能够支持多种系统和平台: 兼容不同的操作系统和环境,满足各种开发需求。 跨地域和云厂商组网: 实现灵活部署,并能与不同的云服务平台无缝衔接。 覆盖所有服务器: 管理所有构建服务器和线上线下服务器,实现全流程覆盖。 提供基础功能: 包括数据采集、任务执行、文件分发等,为CI/CD流程提供核心支持。 (2024-06-08, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] 5GC-API

3GPP 5G核心网主要网络功能的API可视化
API visualization of main Network Functions in 3GPP 5G Core Network (2024-01-20, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] frp

基于原版frp内网穿透客户端frpc frps的 docker镜像。支持群晖NAS,Linux服务器等多种容器环境部署。
Docker image based on the original frp intranet penetrating the client frpc frps. Support the deployment of multiple container environments such as Qunhui NAS and Linux servers. (2023-12-29, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] music

免费个人歌单,在线免费听歌,使用chromedp调用chrome浏览器,模拟访问音乐网站。使用goquery对获取到的内容分析,解析音乐文件地址,歌词,图片地址。使用aplayer进行播放。 mysql存贮用户的喜欢的音乐信息。
Free personal song list, free online music listening, using chromedp to call chrome browser, simulated access to music websites. Use goquery to analyze the content obtained, and parse the music file address, lyrics, and image address. Play with aplayer. MySQL stores users favorite music information. (2023-12-28, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] docker-zerotier

Dockerized virtual ethernet switch with management UI (2023-11-16, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] FastJsonParty

FastJson全版本Docker漏洞环境(涵盖1.2.47 1.2.68 1.2.80等版本),主要包括JNDI注入及高版本绕过、waf绕过、文件读写、原生反序列化、利用链探测绕过、不出网利用等。从黑盒的角度覆盖FastJson深入利用,
The FastJson full version Docker vulnerability environment (including 1.2.47 1.2.68 1.2.80 and other versions) mainly includes JNDI injection and higher version bypass, waf bypass, file read and write, native deserialization, chain detection bypass, and no network utilization. Covering FastJson from the perspective of black box, (2023-10-04, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] eos-docker

用于主网生产的EOS docker映像,
EOS docker image for mainnet production, (2019-01-21, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] nps-docker

nps([https: github.com cnlh nps )内网穿透的docker镜像](https: github.com cnlh nps %EF%BC%89%E5%86%85%E7%BD%91%E7%A9%BF%E9%80%8F%E7%9A%84docker%E9%95%9C%E5%83%8F),
Nps ([https: github. com cnlh nps) Docker image penetrated by intranet] (https: github. com cnlh nps% EF% BC% 89% E5% 86% 85% E7% BD% 91% E7% A9% BF% E9% 80% 8F% E7% 9A% 84docker% E9% 95% 9C% E5% 83% 8F), (2019-03-30, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] dockerfile

Use x11docker to run the Deepin desktop applications such as WeChat and QQ in the Docker container. (2022-07-13, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Git] ee-flow

项目已移至<;https:gitlab.com ansible学习网>;
Project has moved to <https: gitlab.com ansible-learnfest> (2023-04-19, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] verdaccio

基于verdaccio搭建内网npm私服库(docker + verdaccio + nginx)
Build an intranet private server library based on verdaccio (docker+verdaccio+nginx) (2019-09-05, Dockerfile, 124KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] filecoin-fvm-localnet

一个完整的filecoin lotus和boost docker映像,以启动用于智能合约开发的本地网
A complete filecoin lotus and boost docker image to spin up a localnet for smart contract development (2023-05-11, Dockerfile, 12KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] hazelcast-docker

This repository contains docker image for Hazelcast open-source in-memory data-grid. (2023-06-13, Dockerfile, 438KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] lanproxy-nat

手把手教你,搭建内网穿透服务,基于 lanproxy 穿透服务,为你深度定制了开箱即用的服务端和客户端 Docker 镜像。
We teach you how to build intranet penetration services. Based on the lanproxy penetration services, we have deeply customized the out of the box server and client Docker images for you. (2021-05-25, Dockerfile, 969KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] Deploy

远程连接 内网穿透 Web服务器 持续集成 容器 编排工具 编译工具的部署和使用
Remote connection Intranet penetration Web server Continuous integration Container orchestration tool Compilation tool deployment and use (2022-10-19, Dockerfile, 2985KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] CryptoKylin-Testnet

EOS.io Kylin测试网由cryptockylin.io
EOS.io Kylin Testnet by cryptokylin.io (2019-10-27, Dockerfile, 16KB, 下载0次)
