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[Leetcode/题库] KSXAuto

考试星自动播放未完成的视频 | 宏图网课 | 自动进入考试星登录地址 | 自动填写账号密码 | 自动登录 | 自动进入课程页面, stars:24, update:2024-05-22 05:21:29 (2024-05-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Advent_of_Code_WKK

此存储库包含我针对“代码的到来”挑战的个人解决方案。代码的降临是一个年度系列的编程难题,涵盖各种主题,旨在挑战和娱乐世界各地的程序员。有关活动的更多信息,请访问:https:adventofcode.com 2023关于
This repository contains my personal solutions for the Advent of Code challenges. Advent of Code is an annual series of programming puzzles that cover a variety of topics, intended to challenge and entertain coders around the world. Read more about the event here: https: adventofcode.com 2023 about (2023-12-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] selenium-message_board-text_analysis

对人民网领导留言板2023.5-2023.11的数据进行爬虫和文本分析,数据量为39万条(时间有限,全部爬取的话为200万条左右)。爬虫解决的问题有:1. 网不好时抓取内容为空的程序稳定性处理;2. 访问次数太多后被网站限制访问的处理;2. 只有一页没有下一页的页面的处理;...
Crawling and text analysis were carried out on the data from 2023.5-2023.11 of the leading message boards of People s Daily Online. The number of data was 390000 (about 2 million if all were crawled for limited time). The problems solved by the crawler include: 1. stability processing of programs with empty contents when the network is bad; 2. Treatment of website restriction after too many visits; 2. Processing of pages with only one page and no next page (2023-12-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] 2Lazy2Write

Handwriting software with UI interface developed based on handright library, trying to solve the current situation of college students unwillingness to write in online class environment (2022-07-29, Python, 19031KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] AppAutoTool

This is an automated testing tool used to make apps, WeChat applets, and h5 pages. This tool can quickly write scripts without caring about code implementation, so that testers who cannot automate can quickly get started (2020-05-16, Python, 10342KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Share1024

Li Kou 2022-1024 Markov Chain Activity, Card Sharing Network (2023-04-04, Python, 75KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] scrapy

1,huaproject算福利吧,爬取的中国校花网,并且保存到本地,基础知识点,url,json,文件的读写. 2,Document.doc 是自己总结的常见爬虫面试题以及答案,但是貌似不想做全职爬虫,所以可能以后也不会更新这一块,爬...
1. Huaproject is considered as a welfare project. It crawls to the Chinese school flower website and saves it locally, including basic knowledge points, URLs, JSON, and file reading and writing 2. Document.doc is a common crawler interview question and answer summarized by oneself, but it seems that I don t want to be a full-time crawler, so I may not update this section in the future. Crawling (2018-01-24, Python, 1525KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] python-gongzhonghao

Grab the title and description of the address designated by WeChat official account, download mobile pictures, and update them to the database (2018-12-10, Python, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] python_scrapy_article_auto

Automatically crawl the designated module of People s Daily and select the first image from Baidu Image Library according to the article title for storage (2022-11-11, Python, 15KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] wangyiyun

Using a third-party library (cloudmusic) from a big guy to solve the problem of NetEase cloud crawling (2022-02-09, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Selenium_Learning

Learning and use of selenium (including crawling music from Magic Sound Network, simple recognition of browser screenshots and images, automatic login on Chrome Taobao, automatic login on Firefox Taobao, automated post bar, and GD question bank crawling) (2019-09-11, Python, 25KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] music-kg

Music topic Knowledge graph, knowledge source is OpenKG music library, Netease Cloud Music, Baidu Baike Encyclopedia. (2018-10-22, Python, 2623KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] KnowledgeBot

KnowledgeBot-WeChatGPT 是一个基于知识库的微信机器人,它结合了私有化的知识和 GPT 预训练模型,为用户提供智能的对话和知识交流。 该项目利用私有化的知识库作为机器人的知识基础,其中包含了丰富的领域知识、常见问题和...
KnowledgeBot WeChat GPT is a knowledge-based WeChat robot that combines privatized knowledge and GPT pre training models to provide users with intelligent dialogue and knowledge exchange. This project utilizes a privatized knowledge base as the knowledge foundation for robots, which includes rich domain knowledge, common problems, and (2023-06-05, Python, 2295KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] tisoso

Django+爬虫实现一个在线题库搜索引擎(考试资料网 上学吧)
Django+crawler to implement an online question bank search engine (exam materials can be learned online) (2022-12-08, Python, 3082KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Imooc-Algorithm-PythonEdition

The Full Python Implementation of the Practical Course "Algorithm and Data Structure" on Muke Network (2020-06-21, Python, 678KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CodeForOffer

In order to prepare for the 2020 Autumn Recruitment Written Exam, the system used Niuke.com as the quiz platform and Python as the programming language to complete the "Sword Finger Offer" and facilitate communication and learning (2019-12-09, Python, 812KB, 下载0次)
