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[前端开发] Webshell-listens-for-hacker-requests

This tool is written in Python 3. It is based on the fact that when a hacker accesses the reserved webshell back door, it will record the IP address requested by the hacker, and then notify the website security engineer or the relevant law enforcement department through email or WeChat for the next step of attack traceability analysis., (2019-05-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] front-end-interview

大厂前端面经,大部分是我本人和身边同学面试的真实试题。涉及HTML CSS JavaScript ES6 Vue React Webpack Algorithm等内容,来自字节跳动 百度 阿里巴巴 腾讯 网易 美团等大厂。
Most of the front end interviews of the large factory are real test questions from me and my classmates. It involves HTML CSS JavaScript ES6 Vue React Webpack Algorithm and other contents, and comes from ByteDance, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Netease, Meituan and other big companies. (2022-03-06, Others, 2KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Campus_secondary_market_small_procedures

校园二手物品交易平台微信小程序的后台管理系统,开发工具:IDEA;后台管理使用SpringBoot+Mybatis+Shiro+Maven+MySQL架构后端;前端使用Layui框架。 没有小程序端的源代码!没有小程序端的源代码!没有小程序
The backend management system for the WeChat mini program of the campus second-hand goods trading platform, development tool: IDEA; The backend management uses SpringBoot+Mybatis+Shiro+Maven+MySQL architecture backend; The front-end uses the Layui framework. There is no source code for the mini program! There is no source code for the mini program! No mini programs (2021-05-26, Others, 17305KB, 下载0次)
