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[大数据] Weather360

Weather360 is a comprehensive weather information website designed to provide users with up-to-date and accurate weather forecasts and data from around the globe. Powered by Express.js , this user-friendly platform offers a seamless experience for visitors seeking reliable weather information. (2023-07-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Company_Intranet

The Company Intranet is a centralised platform for managing and sharing company information. Sync employee data from KEKA and access important documents from Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Streamline space management and track applicant applications easily. (2023-03-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] -shuntengmogua

这是之前拿来参赛的作品 2019 年中国高校计算机大赛(微信小程序应用开发赛(小游戏类别)使用 Cocos creator 、微信 web 开发者工具进行游戏开发; 游戏核心玩法为猜成语,在规定时间内根据所展示的成语部分笔画猜出整...
This is the work that was used to participate in the 2019 China University Computer Contest (WeChat App Development Contest (mini game category) using Cocos creator and WeChat web developer tools for game development; The core of the game is to guess the idioms, and guess the whole number according to the strokes of the displayed idioms within the specified time (2022-06-04, JavaScript, 54011KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Susu-yunyingyue

A cloud music developed based on WeChat applet. Its main functions include daily recommended songs, song playing and searching, search history ranking, video playing, personal information related modules, login and registration modules, involving a large number of data access and the use of applet apis. (2021-02-21, JavaScript, 1694KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] CrabShop

A hairy crab sales e-commerce platform based on WeChat official account, the framework of vue+amazui, and the data is sent to the special background system WebApi interface through asynchronous request (2017-10-12, JavaScript, 471KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] HBDZ

In 2020, the WeChat applet for inquiry of Hebei vocational colleges, major categories and majors. Including all professional data of 72 single enrollment colleges in Hebei in 2020. (2021-03-06, JavaScript, 403KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ShowerInHENU

It is suitable for monitoring the bath status of the dormitory in Longzihu Campus of Henan University. Use Auto to obtain data from the "Dabai Ubang" APP. Self built enterprise WeChat alerts provide notification services. (2021-10-16, JavaScript, 2KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] maizuo-app

MongoDB big job. This project is a project that imitates the blockbuster app. React is used in the front end, Express is used in the back end, and MongoDB is used in the database (2023-06-03, JavaScript, 8461KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ebook

SJTU 2020web大作业 前端(react)+后端(springboot)+移动端(flutter)+微信小程序, 数据库由mysql和MongoDB共同组成
SJTU 2020 web big job front end (react)+back end (spring boot)+mobile end (flutter)+WeChat applet. The database is composed of mysql and MongoDB (2022-06-25, JavaScript, 44065KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] WeChat-body-temperature

微信小程序云开发—— 温情农大 体温上报平台,由班级管理员发起班级体温上报功能,同学在规定时间内上传体温数据,学校老师可查看到所属学生体温情况,并凸显体温异常同学信息。
WeChat applet cloud development - Wenqing Agricultural University temperature reporting platform. The class administrator initiates the class temperature reporting function. Students upload temperature data within the specified time. School teachers can check and see the temperature of their students and highlight the information of students with abnormal temperature. (2021-06-30, JavaScript, 13783KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] StockPage

利用python request库爬取新浪网其中一些大盘的数据,并显示到网页上。利用Flask库作为后台管理库并部署到服务器。
Use the python request library to crawl some data of Sina.com and display them on the webpage. Flask library is used as the background management library and deployed to the server. (2019-07-19, JavaScript, 3806KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ZDZN

ZDZN navigation is the most professional technical navigation network in China, which includes a large number of front-end, back-end, mobile terminal, server, database and other common networks for developers. ZDZN aims to provide professional technical website navigation for developers, facilitating their daily work; It also provides some guidance for developers at different stages to learn and advance (2021-10-10, JavaScript, 3KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] JS-Crack-Records

Reverse demo of major websites. Enterprise business card, Zhenkunxing Industrial Supermarket, Tianyi Cloud Login, value for money, melon seed used car, Mafengwo, Chinese Poetry Library, Macau Lottery, Yaozhi.com, Fujian Provincial Online Bidding Supervision Platform, National Public Resources Trading Platform, Questionnaire Star, the Department of Treaty and Law of the People s Bank of China, the Ministry of Public Security of the People s Republic of China, AqiStudy (2022-02-08, JavaScript, 476KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Big-data-training

Refer to the behavior analysis of telecom users to realize big data training of Lagao (2020-07-02, JavaScript, 31734KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] trace

Electronic PCB Programmig Language: Create an Electronic Netlist and Schematic using JavaScript and limitless automations. (2021-12-06, JavaScript, 520KB, 下载0次)
