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[微服务] No192WeChatAppletAhoppingMall

基于小程序+分布式购物商城管理系统:前端 html、jquery、小程序,后端 maven、springmvc、spring、dubbo、mybatis;角色分为管理员、用户;集成微信小程序用户浏览商品下单,购物车,在线结算等功能于一体的系统。
Based on applet+distributed shopping mall management system: front-end html, jquery, applet, back-end maven, spring mvc, spring, dubbo, mybatis; Roles include administrator and user; The system integrates WeChat applet users to browse goods, place orders, shopping cart, online settlement and other functions. (2024-01-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载1次)


[微服务] Flavor-Fusion-Server

这是名为Flavor Fusion的在线食品配送服务网站的服务器端
This is the server side of a website of an online food delivery service named Flavor Fusion (2023-12-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)



NEWDCMS.Light 是NEWDCMS微信小程序客户端,NEWDCMS是一套新零售快消ERP CRM解决方案,皆在满足经销商管理业务快速变化需求,系统基于Docker + .Net core + Mysql Inner db cluster 的分布式微服务框架,提供高性能...,
NEWDCMS. Light is a WeChat applet client of NEWDCMS, and NEWDCMS is a set of ERP CRM solutions for new retail FMCG, which are all designed to meet the rapidly changing needs of dealer management business. The system is based on the distributed microservice framework of Docker+. Net core+MySQL Inner db cluster, providing high performance, (2023-08-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] statutory

Microservice for statutory events and votings proposals motions for the new Intranet (aka MyAEGEE, formerly OMS) (2023-07-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] tiny-wechat-jssdk-server

一个微型微信JSSDK API服务器+其用于闪电般快速JSSDK集成的前端脚本,为您的所有H5和网站提供一个微服务
A Tiny Wechat JSSDK API server + its frontend script for a lightning fast JSSDK integration, one microservice for all your H5s and websites (2017-10-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] SpringBoot-yl-ppt-

Design and implementation of WeChat applet of SpringBoot "Internet+" home-based elderly care service platform Source code+third draft of paper+ppt+duplicate check report+installation video (package installation, weight reduced) (2022-06-27, JavaScript, 782KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] SpringBoot-Campus-Shop

基于慕课网实战课程《SSM到Spring Boot -从零开发校园商铺平台》升级的SpringBoot2.0校园商铺平台
SpringBoot2.0 campus shop platform upgraded based on the MOOC practical course SSM to Spring Boot - from zero development campus shop platform (2019-01-23, JavaScript, 4254KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] mall-wx

最新最全的商城小程序(商城,团购)技术团队牛人多,工作经验丰富,来自北上广深的IT人,十年以上工作经验 商城 微服务 Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端
The latest and most comprehensive mall applet (mall, group purchase) technical team has many talents and rich work experience. IT staff from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have more than 10 years of work experience in the mall microservice Spring Boot backend+Vue administrator front-end+WeChat applet user front-end (2019-03-06, JavaScript, 453KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] spring-boot-samples

Spring Boot 教程合集示例代码,配套对应的技术文章(发布在微信公众号【程序员35】),带你体验 Spring Boot 从入门到精通的实战训练
Sample code of Spring Boot tutorial collection, together with corresponding technical articles (published on WeChat official account [Programmer 35]), will take you to experience the practical training of Spring Boot from beginner to proficient (2021-08-04, JavaScript, 3693KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] SpringBoot-Business-Blog

基于慕课网实战课程《基于Spring Boot技术栈 博客系统企业级前后端实战》升级的SpringBoot2.0博客
Upgraded SpringBoot2.0 blog based on Mockoo.com practical course "Enterprise level front and rear end practical combat of blog system based on Spring Boot technology stack" (2018-12-30, JavaScript, 3484KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] hr

Spring Boot 实战项目(人力资源管理系统),前后端分离开发,Spring Boot + Vue,配套对应的技术文章(发布在微信公众号【程序员35】)
Spring Boot practical project (human resource management system), front and rear end separate development, Spring Boot+Vue, supporting corresponding technical articles (published on WeChat official account [Programmer 35]) (2023-01-05, JavaScript, 335KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] xingzhiblog-backend

一款博客微信小程序,包括 Java 服务端,微信小程序端,管理后台。主要功能有博客主体(首页卡片流、文章详细内容阅读、文章评论、文章点赞)、博主信息、分类标签、归档时间轴等几个模块。主要技术栈:Spring Boot + Spring C...
A blog WeChat applet, including Java server, WeChat applet and management background. The main functions include blog main body (homepage card stream, article details reading, article comments, article likes), blogger information, category tags, archive timeline and other modules. Main technology stack: Spring Boot+Spring C (2021-07-04, JavaScript, 1962KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] coolcar

酷车出行微信小程序,实战共享出行- 汽车分时租赁小程序;使用typescript进行小程序前端开发,后端采用go微服务架构api开发,使用k8s+docker在云端进行部署。
Cool car travel WeChat applet, practical shared travel - car time-sharing rental applet; Use typescript for applet front-end development, use go microservice architecture api for back-end development, and use k8s+docker for cloud deployment. (2023-02-24, JavaScript, 602KB, 下载0次)
