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按平台查找All PowerBuilder(33) 

[单片机开发] PB9_读社保卡

Decca T10 card reader is not even the premise of social security center network offline social security card reading chip information (2018-04-04, PowerBuilder, 304KB, 下载62次)


[Windows编程] tt

Pure PB9 achieve access to external network IP, update peanut shells, 3322 domain IP, can be integrated into the PB development project. Exclusion installation peanut shells or 3322 clients. (2015-06-11, PowerBuilder, 12KB, 下载20次)


[matlab编程] Curriculum-design-information

The basic principles of electrical system design, power balance, power grid design, power system component parameter calculation, calculation of trends and surge, short circuit current calculations, stability calculations, etc. (2013-06-24, PowerBuilder, 2932KB, 下载7次)


[界面编程] Kodigo3.3.1.5

PB界面框架之Kodigo_pb10 漂亮的免费界面软件,含源码,也可直接到网管下载最新版http://kodigopower.com/files/。这套框架使用人较多,在百度中随便搜搜。
PB interface landscaping (2012-07-12, PowerBuilder, 2922KB, 下载34次)


[数据库编程] 201181523355249

PB界面框架之Kodigo_pb10 漂亮的免费界面软件,含源码,也可直接到网管下载最新版http://kodigopower.com/files/。这套框架使用人较多,在百度中随便搜搜。
The key note Server-side 1, SocketServer, there are a uo_Socket_Server type of array Connects, multiple connection management. 2, uo_Socket_Server instance is w_1.tab_1.OpenTab () open. 3, SocketNotify custom event pbm_custom01. 4, ue_SocketNotify for custom events. (2011-12-14, PowerBuilder, 3382KB, 下载30次)


[汇编语言] xunzai.com

汇编语言的课程课件 希望大家能够喜欢,也希望大家上传更多的源代码 希望大家继续支持pudn网
Assembly language courseware hope you will like, I hope you upload more code hope you will continue to support pudn Network (2010-12-24, PowerBuilder, 1888KB, 下载2次)


[酒店行业] 071007127

With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant and entertainment industry will become increasingly developed, the introduction of a full range of computer services and computer management increasingly popular. Meanwhile, the hotel and restaurant services, entertainment and management of the introduction of computers has also made good economic and social benefits. To this end, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear that: All-star hotel in the project approval, its design must include computer management systems, or no project. (2010-05-28, PowerBuilder, 9804KB, 下载51次)


[WEB开发] zpchat

zpchat用PB调用WINDOWS的网页控件,传递参数http://www.zpcsoft.com/msg.asp?user_no=admin&user_pwd=admin&logo=true登录和取得信息,实现在因特网上聊天,和传递文件 (2010-04-10, PowerBuilder, 2971KB, 下载12次)


[SQL Server] ke_yan_guan_li

主要功能 基础数据库建设 数据导入导出-建库 数据仓库-数据挖掘(查询、排序、打印、统计、报表、批处理 数据管理--数据新增、修改等审核流程 综合考评 年度统计 门户管理 功能介绍 人员管理子系统 提供了人员、机构的各种信息。能够对人员增加、删除、修改、通用性查找、自定义搜索条件和显示字段生成模板进行智能化查找。能够对人员信息进行如年龄范围,指定职务等条件的文字统计和图形统计和报表,可以将人员信息导出成Excel格式。 机构管理子系统 对机构进行增加、删除、更新、指定上级机构、从人员部分指定机构人员。 项目管理子系统 该子系统主要针对各种来源的项目提供了管理功能。能提供各种项目的信息,对项目实现增加、取消、修改、查找等功能。并能显示各种项目的申报、立项、中检、终结等状态。 对项目各种经费进行增加、取消、修改、查找动作。 项目申报,对校级项目提供项目新增、删除、立项、撤销、中检、终结动作。提供了社科类项目申请模板,并且能和社科网提供接口,实现适时交
Basis for the construction of the main functions of the database Data Import Export- Data Warehouse Database- Data Mining (query, sort, print, statistics, reports, batch data management- data to add, amend the comprehensive evaluation process, such as audited annual statistics portal management capabilities introduced personnel management system has provided staff, all kinds of information agencies. able to staff to add, delete, modify, universal search, custom search criteria and display the fields of intelligent search generated template. able to staff the scope of information such as age to specify the conditions of their duties, such as text and graphical statistics and statistical reports, staff information can be exported into Excel format. agency management system for agencies to add, delete, update, specify the parent body, from the staff members of the designated part. project management sub- system, the subsystems of major projects for a variety of sources to provide the (2009-05-06, PowerBuilder, 1760KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] xiao

网易126专业电子邮局,为您提供卓越电子邮件服务,http://www.126.com/ 全国最大的免费邮箱,260兆空间12兆附件,强力杀毒反垃圾,界面无广告
Netease 126 professional electronic post offices, to provide you with e-mail service excellence, http://www.126.com/ the country' s largest free e-mail, 260 megabytes of space 12 trillion annex, powerful anti-virus, ad-free interface (2009-01-30, PowerBuilder, 15KB, 下载3次)


[其他数据库] hyjf

Internet cafes Member integral procedures used in conjunction with the same joint. Can be automatic based on user consumption points (2008-07-21, PowerBuilder, 330KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] setup

图书管理系统 为以上软件都属于第三方软件,因为版权问题我们网站不方便提供免费下载,请您根据软件名称到网络上专门的软件下载网站去下载,为此给您带来的不便,请理解。谢谢!感谢关注电子工业出版社出版的图书,欢迎经常登录华信教育资源网。
Library management system software for the above-mentioned are all third-party software, because copyright issues of our site is not convenient to provide a free download, please name your software to the network in accordance with the special software download site to download, for the inconvenience caused to you, please understand . Thanks! Thank you for your attention Publishing House of Electronics Industry of the books, welcome to log on regularly, Watson IEARN. (2008-01-04, PowerBuilder, 605KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] trans

Established between the different networks used for transmission of data packets, in and outside the credit Netcom (2007-10-16, PowerBuilder, 461KB, 下载23次)
