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[通讯编程] book_HuZhongYu

In this book, the application and development of modern HF communication are comprehensively described. The main contents include the introduction of HF communication, the HF channel, etc. It is a very good instruction book of HF communication. (2014-10-21, Visual C++, 12470KB, 下载28次)


[通讯编程] intelligent-house

程序包含数据采集与数据分析部分、电话交换网程控交换信令识别与分析部分、GSM模块TC35 modem接口程序部分、分析控制部分。
Program includes data acquisition and data analysis part of the program-controlled telephone switching network identification and the analysis of signaling exchange, GSM module TC35 modem interface program section of control section. (2014-05-21, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] OshangchuuanF

OFDM is a new type of modulation called orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Elaborated the principle of the OFDM, the composition and good nature of the particle system and its digital television transmission and hybrid fiber cable network (HF and C) in the application. (2012-08-20, Visual C++, 2153KB, 下载3次)


[通讯编程] Host-computer-software-for-WSN

无线传感网信息采集系统上位机 采用VC++6.0设计的上位机界面,界面包括 系统配置模块 实时数据曲线显示 数据库存储功能
Host computer software for the wireless sensor network information collection system (2011-12-01, Visual C++, 5284KB, 下载71次)


[通讯编程] Mocor-PlatformMMI-Developer-Guide-

Mocor平台MMI开发指南(For Customer) 本文档包括三篇内容,分别为: 第一篇:基础篇,讲述了模拟器的使用,以一个小程序为基础描述了窗口的创建,并探讨了 app 模块化原理以及资源的生成和 NV的使用等问题; 第二篇:GUI 会图篇。本篇讲述了文本、图像、图像的绘制,并集中讲述了控件的使用等; 第三篇:提高篇:本篇主要讲述消息机制,并分析了平台的软件结构和 MMI初始化过程。在该篇中,我们还探讨了平台的内存使用,以及如何 Debug等问题. 本文档主要针对展讯6800,不知道有没有网友上传过,但是本次上传的版本我为每章每节都加上了标签,大大方便了阅读和查找。
Mocor platform MMI Developer s Guide (For Customer) This document includes three content, namely: First: The Basics, describes the simulator used to describe a small program based on the creation of the window, and the modular principle of the app, and resource generation and use of NV and other issues Second: GUI will chart papers. Benpian about the text, image, image rendering, and focus on the use of controls Title III: Improving articles: This focuses on message mechanism, and analyzes the structure and MMI software platform initialization process. In this chapter, we explore the use of the platform s memory, and how to Debug and other issues. This document is aimed at Spreadtrum 6800, users do not know if I have uploaded, but the version I uploaded this chapter for each section are added every label, greatly facilitate the reading and find (2011-11-22, Visual C++, 3810KB, 下载26次)


[通讯编程] IEC61850biandianzhan

标准是目前关于变电站通信网络和系统的最新国际标准 ,是变电站无缝通信的最佳解决方案。介绍了数字变电站使用 标准的必要性 ,描述 的起源、体系、目标以及特点,讨论基于 的数字化变电站接口模型 ,最后对这个领域存在的问题和今后技术的发展提出了建议。
Standard is on the Substation Communication networks and systems of the latest international standards, is a substation the best solution for seamless communication. Describes the need to use standard digital substation, described the origin, structure, goals and characteristics, to discuss the digital substation based interfaces are there in this area last problems and future technology development proposed. (2010-07-30, Visual C++, 338KB, 下载7次)


[通讯编程] Simulator_NCWM

无线mesh网的网络编码仿真代码 In this simulator, we evaluate four cooperation strategies between nodes: 1.Blind-forwarding without network coding 2.Blind-forwarding with network coding 3.Selective-forwarding without network coding 4.Selective -forwarding with network coding
The principle of network coding is to encode different packets together. We implement this feature using the Galois field. The main characteristic of the Galois field is that the result of any operation remains within this field. (2010-03-04, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载182次)


[通讯编程] Sipphonedianhuatonghuaguanli

Sipphone视频通话及电话簿管理。本人虽已学习VC++一年半载,仍觉捉襟见肘,好在有VCKBASE的帮忙, 确实学到了不少东西,www.vckbase.com也成了我每次上民网必到之处(阁下有所不知,鄙人接受最为严 格的管理,上民网是要申请的)。近日在做一个通信 方面的程序,实时的语音和视频通信当然是大家所 喜欢的。本文将向您展示局域网环境下实时语音通信的的一个解决方案(视频这一块正在做,估计很快就 能出炉),Winxp环境下测试效果良好,并且具有网络 拥塞处理机制,您不妨一看。
Sipphone video calls and phone book management. Although I am learning VC++ a year or so, came as somewhat stretched, but fortunately there are VCKBASE the help, really learned a lot, www.vckbase.com every time I have become a must on the China network of the Department (you some I do not know, I receive the most stringent management of the network is to apply to China). Recently, doing a communications program, real-time voice and video communications, of course is something we like. This article will show you the LAN environment, real-time voice communications in a solution (video this one is doing, it is estimated will soon be baked), Winxp environment test result is good, and has a network congestion handling mechanism, you may wish to have a look. (2010-02-02, Visual C++, 5474KB, 下载48次)


[通讯编程] SMSViaGateway

利用网通的网关平台收(群)发手机短信,群发手机短信。主要技术:POST HTTP 请求,MD5加密算法,XML文档解析,手机短信发送、接收,短信群发等。源代码已经封装好,并提供详细的测试代码,该程序也可以直接当作手机短信收发的小工具。
Netcom' s gateway platform to use income (group), made a cell phone text messaging, mass text messaging. Main: POST HTTP request, MD5 encryption algorithm, XML document parsing, cell phone text messages to send, receive, SMS group sending. The source code has been packaged well, and provide a detailed test code, the program can also send and receive text messages directly to a mobile phone gadget. (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载14次)


[通讯编程] CDMA

本文主要介绍CDMA 有关的基础知识,诸如:CDMA 发展简史、CDMA 关键 技术、CDMA 系统结构及相关接口、CDMA 的区域定义及编号计划、CDMA 系统功能、以及CDMA 移动网络结构和信令网结构等。
This article describes the basics of CDMA-related, such as: CDMA development history, CDMA key technologies, CDMA system architecture and related interfaces, CDMA regional definition and numbering plan, CDMA system function, as well as the CDMA mobile network architecture and signaling network structures. (2009-11-03, Visual C++, 547KB, 下载4次)


[通讯编程] GPSGSM

G P S和G S M 双定位终端的软硬件设计与实现 :随着移动定位技术的发展, 单纯的签子G P S 的定位终端或者荃于移动网络的定位终端都将无法浦足用户的俩求。前者的G P S定 位信号受地形及建筑物的影晌,会存在定位盲区 后者定位精度和定位能力受到移动网 络的限制。该文提出一种集成了G P S定位和G S M 网络定位技术的定位终端,阐述了它的软硬件的设计和实现。实验结果表明,该定位终端结合了G P S和G S M网络两种定位方式的优点,
D e s i g n a n d I m p l e me n t a t i o n o f t h e T r a c k i n g T e r mi n a l I n t e g r a t i n g GP S wi t h GS M P o s i t i o n i n g T e c h n o l o g y J I A NG X i r u i , C HE N G Z h e n l i n , F AN G J i n y u n , Z HA NG L i v n g ( I n s t i t u t e o f C o m p u t e T e c h n o l o g y , C h i n e s e A c a d e m y o f S c i e n c e s , B e i j i n g 1 0 0 0 8 0 ) b s t r a c t ] Th e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l p l a y s a n i mp o r a n t rl e i n t h e n a v i g a t i o n a n d p o s i t i o n i n g s y s t e m. Ho w t o t h e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l i s a k e y p rb l e m t o t h e d e s i g n e r a n d u s e r . T h i s p a p e r p r e s e n t s a me t h o d wh i c h i mpr v e t i n t e g r a t e s p e r f o r m a n c e a n d p r e c i s i o GP S wi 比GS M p o s i t i o n i n g h n o l o g y i n o n e t e r mi n a l , a n d s p e c i f i e s t h e s o f (2009-08-27, Visual C++, 264KB, 下载22次)


[通讯编程] modbus

OPC和modbus详解odbus 协议是应用于电子控制器上的一种通用语言。通过此协议,控制器相互之间、控制器经由网络(例如以太网)和其它设备之间可以通信。它已经成为一通用工业标准。有了它,不同厂商生产的控制设备可以连成工业网络,进行集中监控。此协议定义了一个控制器能认识使用的消息结构,而不管它们是经过何种网络进行通信的。它描述了一控制器请求访问其它设备的过程,如果回应来自其它设备的请求,以及怎样侦测错误并记录。它制定了消息域格局和内容的公共格式。 当在一Modbus网络上通信时,此协议决定了每个控制器须要知道它们的设备地址,识别按地址发来的消息,决定要产生何种行动。如果需要回应,控制器将生成反馈信息并用Modbus协议发出。在其它网络上,包含了Modbus协议的消息转换为在此网络上使用的帧或包结构。这种转换也扩展了根据具体的网络解决节地址、路由路径及错误检测的方法。
err (2008-11-18, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载37次)


[通讯编程] duanxinwangguan

利用网通的网关平台收(群)发手机短信,群发手机短信。 主要技术:POST HTTP 请求,MD5加密算法,XML文档解析,手机短信发送、接收,短信群发等。源代码已经封装好,并提供详细的测试代码,该程序也可以直接当作手机短信收发的小工具。
Using Netcom s gateway platform collection (group), made phone message, mass phone message. Main Technical: POST HTTP request, MD5 encryption algorithm, XML document analysis, mobile phone message to send, receive, message, such as mass. Source code has been packaged well, and provide detailed test code, the program can also be used as a direct message to send and receive mobile phone gadget. (2008-04-19, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载73次)


[通讯编程] Lab_Exercices_Modeler

opnet学习资料,提供部分网络仿真模型。一:介绍OPNET 环境。二:执行M/M/1队列模型。三:以太网模型(Aloha,CSMA,CSMA-CD).四:TCP.五:OSPF
OPNET learning materials, providing part of the network simulation model. 1: Introduction OPNET environment. Second: The Executive M/M/1 queue model. III: Ethernet model (Aloha, CSMA, CSMA-CD). IV: TCP. 5: OSPF (2008-03-10, Visual C++, 2187KB, 下载865次)


[通讯编程] CMPP_MMS

随着中国移动通信领域的飞速发展, 移动梦网的产业模式创造了中国SP神话。一个轻松实现这一功能的短信发送程序让你梦想成真。
with China Mobile Communications field of rapid development, MONTERNET model of industrial creation myth of the Chinese SP. An easy to realize the function of sending short messages procedures let you dream come true. (2006-08-15, Visual C++, 1071KB, 下载45次)
