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[Web商城] Marcani-Motorsports-Webshop-Project

A modern webshop that has your favorite cars from the most popular brands of the 00s, bringing you a decent service and fast delivery according to the adress of your account. (Made with Play Framework). (2015-09-29, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] squant

SQuant是使用scala语言编写的量化开发工具箱,提供开箱即用的A股股票数据和外汇数据(docker镜像),以及高效的回测框架与交易模块。方便Java/Scala爱好者进行量化投资研究。 QQ群:281599099,微信公众号:Python量化交易实战。对,我已经转python了。。。 ,
SQant is a quantitative development toolbox written in scala language, providing out of the box A-share stock data and foreign exchange data (Docker image), as well as an efficient backtesting framework and trading module. Convenient for Java Scala enthusiasts to conduct quantitative investment research. QQ group: 281599099, WeChat official account: Python quantitative trading practice. Yes, I have already transferred to Python... (2017-04-29, Scala, 64KB, 下载0次)
